Why has the cost of tokens in the AH climbed so high?

I’m pretty sure tokens were 10-20k when they came out, back in WoD. Not 200k.
The price just racked up super fast because gold making was very accessible during WoD and Legion.

The price went down in BfA because there was actual stuff to do with it (BfA gold mounts were more expensive than ever, and gold carries became mainstream) and it was harder to make gold.

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It literally makes NO DIFFERENCE for Blizzard because it is an intermediary currency.

They earn $5 on the transaction either way. It doesn’t matter if one person gets 30k gold, or 300k gold… Blizz makes $5 either way.

Also another basic economics concept: Synthetic currency pair.

Yeah. Except in reality, more people are comfortable spending a virtual currency (gold) for a token, than a real currency (money) for virtual gold.

So in reality, demand will almost always be higher.

And that’s exactly why gold prices keep going up.

When it flips, like in BfA (because gold was so important in that expansion, and a lot of people were buying tokens with money), then gold prices will go down.

i dunno man, i just remember being suspicious of’em when they first came out… maybe it was a little bit after, but i did buy both my sky-golem, and grand expedition yak with a single WoW-token so… i dunno what to tell ya.


In the search terms, click “All time” and you’ll be able to see from 4/12/2015 til today.
You’ll also see the lowest and highest ends. It was introduced at 10k, and got to 17k within the hour, but stayed below 100k for over 2 years.

wrong, it’s purely TBC atm.

people are doing transactions where they sell 200 gold or so for 1 token and in return, it’s inflating on retail.

huh… guess that shows i did’nt buy it when it first came-out then (it was a long time ago). still, glad to hear it’s gonna be a good gold-value per dollar!

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Yep and launches, occasionally patch drops, etc.

However, since demand will always outpace supply, the price will naturally trend up.

There are big spikes when Blizzard indirectly affects their value by adding a store item.

Still though back to OP’s point - I don’t expect the number to dip back into the 150k range until around 10.0.

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yeah, I agree. I don’t think it will drop drastically any time soon. There’s almost nothing to do with gold.

And, of course, inflation.


anything that gets me closer to my lightforged warframe/krag’wa frogs, without figuring out some way to play the AH and screw-over other players, the better! :smiley:


they went up when 70$ tbc was put in store

when 9.1 gets rolling and people are buying tokens with $ again to buy gear carries they’ll go down

I have all 3 frogs. They hop!
<3 'em.

I thought of getting the warframe but it’s so shiny… too extra.
They really shouldn’t be mounts that cost over 100k; it’s pretty ridiculous. Not even the bruto should have been that expensive.

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This is incredibly dumb. Not only are you wrong, boosts actually have a deflationary effect on token price since it increases demand for gold.

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all i got’s the regular ol ardenweald one you get from killin a world-boss. still love it, but like… i want the frogs!

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You just can’t let it go. At what price do you think players will be more induced to sell tokens, 200k or 100k?

You don’t seem to realize that without being given info on how many buyers and sellers there are, we have no idea what the supply and demand is. Why doesn’t blizz let players put their tokens on the AH for whatever price they want like every other commodity?

The answer should be obvious. There doesn’t need to be any real buyers whatsoever in order for blizz to make their profits. All blizz cares about is as many tokens as possible being sold.

I’d wager it’s more to do with TBC then anything.

This is not about me letting go. it’s about YOU not letting go.

Players were selling off gold for blizzard balance for TBC. I’m sure there is still some of that, I’m surprised after the announcement of 9.1 now 8 days away the gold buy out price continues to slowly climb in the americas region.