Why has the cost of tokens in the AH climbed so high?

The token sellers are finally quitting. It’s inevitable.

Agreed. Explained in layman’s terms and makes total sense.

I don’t always agree with Brewa, but I’ve never ignored them because they actually speak with logic.

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It’s simple economics, supply and demand. It’s driven up right now by the following facts:

  • TBC classic just launched, lots of people used their retail gold to buy the deluxe edition or the character copy services. This means more demand cutting into the supply.
  • Lots of people no longer think WoW is worth their money, some have saved up gold and are now using it instead of cash, others are basically quitting but want to spend some last months with the game and are using up their gold to do so which will also help them from being tempted to return. This means more demand cutting into the supply.
  • Less people are playing, tons have quit and will stay quit until 9.1 at least. Some of those people were among those who used real money to buy tokens to pay for carries or whatever they used the in-game gold for. This has decreased the supply noticeably which means higher prices.
  • It’s been many months since a content release, the trickle of people buying tokens for carries or other services provided in game by other players for gold as well as the general use for gold in burning it on say leveling a profession or buying legendaries or crafted or BoE armor drops has dried up. Those who use gold to boost alts or get raid achievements or buy gear or whatever have bought their tokens in the months since 9.0 dropped and as there is no new content there’s little need for more gold so that decreases the supply.

What the price does at 9.1 is anyone’s guess. On the one hand you will probably have more people buying tokens to pay for stuff in-game as mentioned above which increases supply and drives down cost. On the other hand you may have a glut of people who unsubbed who after a long drought and a disliked expac may distrust Blizzard to the point they refuse to give them money and instead buy a token with their gold to try the game for 30 days and see if it’s worth returning. If Blizz introduces any new store stuff you’ll also have a glut of people converting tokens to store credit to buy them which will eat at supply. Many factors in play.

Subscription & token sales are down so blizz ups the value to increase sales

I’ve never understood this train of thought.

A few bucks on a sub isn’t worth it(for whatever reason) but investing time fro. your life is okay…?

I mean, time is the only real currency that exists. Your time is certainly more valuable than the sub fee.

Wether you pay w tokens or gold or Pixie Sticks, doesn’t matter.


The price is manipulated to fit what their formulas require. Its supply and demand plus manipulation. Not just a supply and demand as the numbers would spike then go down in a non rigged market.


How do u know ?

Because that’s how it’s always worked. Take off the tinfoil hat.


Eventually the tokens will reach an equilibrium and the cost of token will decline. I would give it a few months IMVHO.

That is true to an extent. Should have seen a drop in prices of token by now but it still will happen. BlizZard maintains a “floor” and a “ceiling” price range for tokens which is obvious.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Aye, I purchased two at around that price and put them onto my bnet account. I used part of that gold to buy one today to put on the ah and it sold for just under 190k. So that was 40k profit right there. Very handy atm as Im doing a little bit of working levelling up a couple of legendary recipes.

Lack of people buying tokens from the wow store, so less are available on the ah. Then from the other side i used to buy game time with them, but as i am going to leave wow once my sub expires, as they will no longer let me buy the 6 month block of resub time for the perks with them either (greedy sods) I am leaving shortly. They really need to take a close look at what they are doing at Blizzard, I think there is a very large exodus going on.

There is barely any reason for people to sell a token. As long the game doesn’t have a gold sink that appeals to the average player the token prices will increase(or gold income is at legion levels). At the start of SL people sold tokens so they could buy the crafted legendaries. Then we had the raids etc… but nothing has been going on for a while now in wow.

Read Mafic

No thanks I’ve never agreed with him on anything and I don’t see that changing. Unless someone can prove otherwise it’s simply supply and demand.

._. are you serious? You can’t buy a cheap a$$ phone or use a simulator for the blizzard app, but you can pay 15$ monthly and/or buy the base game? Oh yeah if you are blind you can’t use it too so I guess I should “check my privileges”.

This is ridiculous

https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YejBlzFytE&ab_channel=AndroidPolice

“a damn cell with the right platform”. Dude my cell is a cheap knock off from a 3rd world country, and I can run it just fine. I think if you can afford to play wow and buy your game, you can easily get the app as well. Or use some brain matter and try an emulator. It is just a click thing, you don’t need to have high gamma to run this thing.

people buying wow tokens from AH > people selling them = price going high

I like my fire tablet and I have a desktop computer. I could care less about a … cellphone that I don’t need. BTW I use ingame gold to buy tokens for gametime not cash.

What a totally unnecessary slam that is. I’m not missing brain matter btw but I do have some other issues at an older age that are totally none of your business.

Blizzard arbitrarily sets the token price.

Unless you knew the person who sets the price or who made an algorithm to set the price then no one can give you the correct answer, only speculation.

It’s not about math, it’s a bisc economics principle: Supply and Demand.

  • The law of demand says that at higher prices, buyers will demand less of an economic good.
  • The law of supply says that at higher prices, sellers will supply more of an economic good.
  • These two laws interact to determine the actual market prices and volume of goods that are traded on a market.
  • Several independent factors can affect the shape of market supply and demand, influencing both the prices and quantities that we observe in markets.

So, the price is so high right now because less people are spending real money to buy gold, than the people spending gold to buy tokens.

Blizzard doesn’t have to regulate it; it’s regulated automatically by the players in the economy.

not how it works… at all. They don’t set the price. Players set the price