Why has the cost of tokens in the AH climbed so high?

Wait, this can’t be! Have you never been audited?!?! :wink:

Right now there are more people trying to buy a token than there are people selling a token. So that drives the price up. If more people were selling the token than buying, the price would go down.

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I mean, the guy is sorta right, but he has the market forces backwards. It’s almost as if he’s trying to say higher gold prices leads to more token buying. But, it’s really the other way around - less token buying means higher prices or more token buying means lower token prices, or less gold spending equals lower gold prices, or perhaps even an ebb and flow if people don’t think it’s worth buying tokens. But, I’m pretty sure the playerbase knows right now, that if you want to make more gold, you buy a token. NOW. Or, at least a couple weeks ago, because people are spending top dollar…err top gold for it, even if token buying was less several weeks ago…which sorta had some degree of contribution to the market. But, it was probably more of a stabilizing contribution than anything else because when people see the price going back up again (usually due to some sort of release), they start buying them again. The people making gold off of tokens are smart enough to recognize the trends by now and react accordingly.

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TBC happened - people came back and bought tokens off the AH to apply as game time.

Supply and demand.
More buying w. gold. Less buying it with IRL money.

TBCC and new products that raise interest usually are a sign the tokens are gonna go up.

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This is complete and utter nonsense. A surplus supply of WoW tokens would drive the price of tokens DOWN, not up. Clearly you’re just completely and utterly wrong.

Was about to correct you before you edited your post, haha.

Yup, people who want the mount/boost but have gold and don’t want to pay $$$ are buying WoW tokens with gold. The people who want the mount/boost but have money are just buying the mount/boost directly. Therefore, there’s higher demand and lower supply of WoW tokens, which drives the price up.

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lol, yeah I get stuff crossed sometimes, especially when I get to typing quickly, gotta proof read my posts before clicking that reply button next time! :sweat_smile:

The price spiked to ~200k when BC classic launched. Lots of people apparently bought the Dark Portal Pass and the Deluxe edition.

Also, in general, the fewer players in retail, the higher the WoW token prices. The price usually goes up as the it gets closer to the end of the xpac. Fewer buyers of gold, fewer tokens on the AH. Meanwhile, players who have lots of gold keep buying the tokens on the AH for the game time or other items purchaseable using bnet bucks.

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The opposite actually. Fewer people playing meaning fewer people are buying them for gold so there are less to buy on the AH.

Basically if the demand is greater than the supply, the price goes up. If the supply is greater than the demand, it goes down.

People are really sloppy in these discussions because they refer to people “buying tokens” which could increase or decrease the gold price, depending on whether people are buying with dollars or gold.

So let’s be a little more specific. Hopefully this will help everyone:

  • Some people buy tokens with dollars, to get gold. Others buy tokens in-game with gold, to get game time.
  • If there are more people buying tokens with dollars (to get gold) than there are people buying tokens off the AH with gold, the gold price goes DOWN.
  • If there are more people buying tokens off the AH with gold than there are people buying tokens with dollars, the gold price goes UP.

At the start of every expansion, the gold price goes DOWN. Because a lot of returning people with a lot of dollars come back to the game, and realize “Oh, I quite the game after a month last expansion, I missed out on a bunch of cool transmogs / mounts / pets / toys / gear because I didn’t play for 2 years”. So they buy tokens with dollars and spend the gold they get on all the things they missed.

The WoW token fluctuations actually show the opposite, since if more people were spending dollars to buy boosts, the WoW token value would go DOWN, not UP. People aren’t buying carries at the start of an expansion, since the people who do the carries are doing the content themselves. Yet that’s when the token price spikes. The carry economy is so small as to be insignificant when it comes to affecting the token price, as the data shows.


So I’m not the only one not participating in shadowlands legendary crafting system

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supply and demand, and the demand is TBC classic, while the supply is dried up because no one is spending IRL money for in game gold

That gives a mount, right?

Finally a voice of reason in this thread.

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You’re rude. Everyone has input here. I was just trying to under stand how it works.

Sorry I don’t own the proper mobile for that app. I’m not running out to buy an iPhone or android while my Fire tablet works perfectly fine.
Not everyone has or can afford a damn cell with the right platform running on it. So no everybody can’t just do mission table while using the facilities or the bus.

Who, me? :thinking:

Sorry not you. Was replying to Vuttplug. Even his name is suspect.

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ROFL I didn’t notice his name.