Why has the cost of tokens in the AH climbed so high?


Key Stone Master

Its an achievement you can get for doing all the mythic +15’s I believe.


I know, that’s why the reasoning doesn’t make any sense to me. I always thought it was a supply/demand thing. But, people here are saying it’s to encourage people to buy tokens. I honestly had never heard that before. I don’t know which is right or wrong. But, I do know that the higher token price means less people will buy them which means, less money for Blizzard in the long run. Or, at least I would think so. But, what do I know? I’m just an accountant IRL.

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People on my quad server were buying up the cloth legendaries for a while. Until some clown showed up and started posting them for dirt cheap and crashed the market. Some people just want to watch the world burn.

This morning there was an individual who placed a few legendary cloth pieces, tier 4, for 2k gold. Makes no sense. The vendor mats alone cost more. Some people are making tier 4 items and selling them at a loss. I dont get it.

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Someone keeps undercutting me so sometimes I crash the market to spite them.

It’s not about the money.

It’s about sending a message.


Apparently tinfoil hats also block basic understanding of supply and demand. Who knew?


Supply is decreasing while the demand remains constant, given a lot of players have stopped playing retail for TBC, happens all the time before a new content drop. Could also be demand is increasing where there isn’t enough supply for players to play TBC.

Same thing I did with my feast of gluttonous hedonism. I put them on the market when the price was 1300+. For two weeks, TWO week, someone kept undercutting them. I got tired of it, knew I was leaving, and dropped my price to 600. Got bought up right away. I lost money, but at this point, who cares.

It’s encouraging people to spend $20 on the tokens, not the other way around.

People actually spend their own money to put these tokens on the market. You buy the token and they get your gold. Blizzard gets $20 regardless of if anyone actually buys the token for gold.

So the supply/demand thing is just the market value of the token. Fewer people are spending $20 to buy gold, so there are fewer tokens on the market, thus their worth in gold increases.

I don’t mean to be rude, but this is very simple economics. When was the last time you were audited?


I understand that. But, at some point the “encouragement” for people to buy the tokens diminishes since people aren’t going to buy them.

And, I’m sure you don’t mean to be rude. Every heard of the law of diminishing returns, ya dimwit?

Lowering the worth of the token will only make fewer people spend $20 to put one on the market.

The other side of supply/demand is that if people weren’t buying these tokens, they would collect on the market and their gold value will also go down as supply increases.

Obviously people are buying them with gold faster than they are being provided, otherwise the gold value wouldn’t be going up.

Again, this is very basic economics, man. And you’re an accountant?


Learning to play the game at that level is also an option, you know.

Who do you think provides the boosts? Its entirely player driven.

There’s no big conspiracy here, its purely based on supply and demand.

Don’t even pretend as if you know this better than me. :slight_smile: You just do you and keep trolling. :slight_smile:

I don’t have to pretend. It’s apparent.

It always spikes when something new is released. People converted gold for Bnet balance.

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Correct answer :slight_smile:

And you can tell this because of the way the trend was, and how it started to shoot up before the release of TBC.

Simple economics.

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Yeah, which goes back to supply and demand.

People have a lot of gold in Shadowlands and very little to spend it on due to the game’s design. If I were a gambling man, I’d wager that a lot of people converted their stores of gold into bnet balance, which removed many tokens from circulation. Free boost in TBC (yay!).

We also have fewer tokens being put into circulation because we’re in a content drought and there are no modern gold sinks.

Lower token supply, higher token demand.

Only the initial starting price when they were first introduced was set by Blizzard. It is based solely off of supply and demand, according to the FAQ.


Thanks for all the replies. I think I learned a little bit. :grinning:

So, the FAQ even says it’s supply and demand, and not the result of Blizzard pushing up the numbers to increase more token buying by whales? Shocking, I tell you!

People here are so stupid. People stockpile gold and use it for tokens, as more buy tokens, its demand call for a price increase. When the need for gold increases and the token demand with-gold goes down, so does the price to compensate.

When a new content patch comes, gold stars running for BoE, reagents, legendaries, etc so less gold is available and the equivalent price goes down. Simple inflation, you “print more money” aka, farm more gold, it devalues itself and the token goes up.

Still with 5 alts and mission table, you can sustain a token purchase even at high prices.
190k per 29 days (1 day of purchase and spare time). that’s 6552 gold daily. Which is about 13 augment runes (500 each which is the lowest it goes) or 20 gold missions from table. With 5 alts, you get 3 gold quests minimum daily, so that’s 1752 gold left to get, or 2 callings with extra earnings (a calling is worth around 1400 gold in grey sells)

Mission table through the phone app, can be done while in the bathroom or taking a bus.