Why fomo achiev with secrest?


its not on ilidan

Hmmm might have to log on and see how quickly I can complete it probably like running out of time just as I’m almost done :dracthyr_lulmao:

So the issue is that FOMO is ok. But like.

Its too specifically FOMO?

FOMO is ok to show you were there. But as long as you personally get it.

Sorry. You and the OP are confusing me with varying levels of complaints.


I don’t think you have to have anything done. I wasn’t quick enough to click on those pillars (I’m on a full realm) but since I was standing near the forge, the FoS popped for me.

Nope. Not everyone can magically plan around something that wasn’t scheduled until it immediately happened.

Another person who doesn’t comprehend the fact that this is irrelevant. People enjoy FoS for the fact that it means they were there and participated. Not everyone needs an item or useless points to care about an achievement.

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I’m confused by the fact I want it to come back and that makes me a terrible person.

There really is no pleasing these people.

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Well yeah.

As they have loosely talked about. They want it to remain FOMO so it can be shown off or something. They just want it themselves.

If it just comes back, its no longer FOMO which is bad. But FOMO is bad.

I dont know.


Ohh go it :+1:

“This is stupid and nothing, but bring it back.”

You’re literally belittling others. But you seem to not notice your attitude recently. Disappointed someone is still breathing, wishing they were dead is a “nothing burger” to you. People disappointed they can’t be around for an event is a “nothing burger” to you and it’s okay to call it “worthless and dumb” to them.

I don’t know what’s going on with you recently, but I hope things get better.


Please stop pretending you are some bastion of positivity and uplifting talk.

You belittle people quite often.

Remember when you belittled my reading ability, and instead of ever clarifying what was meant…you replied multiple times belittling it.


It was right, the server is just dead and taking a long time.

Woo this almost makes me want to look at the ignored post but I refuse to do it because then there’s no point in putting someone on ignore :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ll try to see if mine is still up when I get home. I’m on a low pop realm, so I can only hope. But… I still have to get two more parts, too.

Yes, you were there. You might have just been idling there, and never cared about the event at all, but you were present, that’s worth an achievement, no, a feat of strength, because you are clearly better than anyone who’s ignorantly been doing another part of the game at that time. /s

yea i guess dead servers take lots longer lol

im not sure about timer too, same thing happen with treasur goblin i think, it still showed timer after last one spawn

guess we see in couple hours

I am still amazed how this went from a “FOMO is bad” to “Ok FOMO isn’t bad as long as it changes to where it fits my schedule”

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From what I’m told, you have to participate to get the achievement. So how does standing around doing nothing without having participated in any of it get you this?

What are you talking about?

FoS is so I can go back and look and reminisce over the things I got to be around for. Had this been something they gave us a schedule of days ago or when Secrets was announced, people could try to plan. It wasn’t. It was figured out yesterday.

No one is “better than anyone.” It’s just"oh, cool, I remember that, I was there for it!"

Are you just throwing darts at a board to try to be offended that someone is disappointed they couldn’t participate in an event that wasn’t scheduled until last minute? Because I’m not following whatever this post is.

Nope, seen plenty of mentions that you get it just for being in the general area.

Might be as random as an AoE heal hitting you to become eligible.

So temptation got the better of me because we used to be… I don’t know if I would call it “friends” because we only know each other through the forums and Discord… but friendly. I’ll go with “acquaintances”. But this right here is why I put you on ignore and after today will never engage with you again.

No, I’m not belittling others, I’m belittling the achievement. News flash: I’m allowed to think an achievement is dumb. I’m sure there’s achievements in game that you think are dumb. Matter of fact I know you do because I’ve seen you say “this is bad” or “this is dumb” or something to that effect.

This again. I explained to you before I put you on ignore that that was not what I was saying. What I said was I thought that insult was funny and pretty tame. All the person said was:

“Just when I thought you couldn’t disappoint me more, you took a breath” or something to that effect.

Saying I think that’s funny and shouldn’t be taken too seriously does not mean I’m disappointed someone is alive.

What I think is the real issue is you know you were being ridiculous, both back then and now, and you’re going to double down on it because you can’t stand being wrong on these forums.

So I actually don’t know what’s going on with YOU. You’re the one that has attacked me twice now for absolutely no reason. So I hope that whatever is making you irrationally angry gets better.

And you’re still on ignore because I’m not going to do a back and forth on this. Btw,

You don’t have to get any parts to get the FoS. You just have to be standing by the forge and you’ll get it. You’re welcome.


Oh, just FYI, after 24 hours it becomes permanently available. It’s just for the first 24 hours, every 4 hours (so 6 times) it resets and you have to complete a mini event which awards you a Feat of Strength for participating in it. That’s what this thread is about. Completing the item can be done forever.

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