I’d upload a screenshot but idk how to do that on the forums.
Oh I believe you, but it might indeed be a bug, showing the timer until 24h have passed, or until the forge is permanently active.
Ooooor Blizz backpedaling because of said outrage.
yeah it possible they hotfix it after see feedback, time wil tell soon tho
So you can still get the achievement in 2 years?
I’m genuinely flabbergasted.
The important part, the mount, will be in the game forever but the nothing achievement worth 0 nerd points that nobody will know what it is or that fact it exist will be gone.
An achievement, even if it gives 0 points or nothing of “value”, being available for just about 24 hours with very little fanfare it will actually be a limited thing, is just poor game design.
I hope Blizzard rethinks this decision and I mean that. Not being snarky.
The FoS is such a nothing burger that it honestly does not matter if it stays or goes. It only became valuable because it’s being removed
It astounds me how people just ignore the real reason for FoS: you were there. No one who wants a FoS cares about if they get something from the achievement. They just want that as part of their log to say they were there when it happened and they were part of it. That’s what it’s about. Why that’s difficult to comprehend is beyond me.
just becuz something isnt important to u doesnt mean its not important to others, whats flabergasting is u taking such a bad stance, i think the 35k forum posts are geting ot u
I think the last chance for this came and went an hour ago or so.
This has to be the worst insult I’ve ever seen. You wanna call my mom fat and say that I’m glue while you’re at it?
Helps to keep scrolling.
Apparently people are just going to continue to gaslight and claim “It’s nothing.”
yeah ur attitude is terrible, u dont care what happens and u think its funny its being removed, so cool of u
Right… you’re the one that was hurling a personal insult at me but I’m the terrible person.
But whatever. I guess when you’re so mad over nothing you don’t even realize that I said I honestly want the FoS to come back.
And what I think is funny is the fake value placed on this achievement.
if thats what u meant then u did a bad job at saying it, others also read ur message the way i did
and this is why i said what i said, talking out both sides of ur mouth
No, I’m not talking out of both sides of my mouth. This achievement is so worthless and dumb that I honestly want it to come back.
Make it a week long. Make it a month long. It really doesn’t matter. I hope Blizzard does this.
It’s belittling and condescending. But that’s par for the course in here. Apparently it’s not okay to care about something unless you get points or an item from it.
up now on Zul’jin. the forge timer was way off
- you have plenty of time between when you posted this and when it ends to get the feat of strength achievement
- there’s no mount/pet/toy/transmog associated with this feat of strength
Honestly most people won’t care since they can’t get anything by completing it. The only people that I can see getting “fomo” about it are players that go out of their way to complete everything. There’s a few of them in my guild.
So I don’t think that many players are going to care about not getting this feat of strength achievement.