Why fomo achiev with secrest?

i feel like anybody who’s enough of a completionist that they just have to have this FoS does keep an eye on forums/reddit/wowhead. maybe not?

When have they had a reason to?

Name one other time this happened, because I’m drawing a blank.

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i don’t know why you need a specific example. i’m saying that in general it seems weird to me that somebody would care enough about the game to try to get every achievement/FoS but like, go a week at a time without checking wowhead or the forums.

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Something taking 15 minutes =/= 15 minutes of online time, the dozens and dozens of people hanging about the forge half an hour before the event itself didn’t log on exactly when the event started and leave the moment it was over.

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A week?

I could have checked wowhead on Saturday night, enjoyed my Sunday with my family and not do anything wow-related, and then miss this FoS.




okay, i’m big enough to admit when i’m wrong. this was handled badly. blizzard should make it up to us by making the FoS available forever.


Guess I missed it… :dracthyr_shrug:

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Perhaps the forge event and achievement could return with future secrets events?

Ok, WoWhead said the last event was an hour ago, but in game it’s saying there’s another one in 2 hours…

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blizz always lookin for a way 2 make a dollar so probably. if people care that much they’d resub, login for this and just not care after 15 mins of the event. blizz dont care, money for the month was recieved. but the way theyre doing this isnt all that bright if they wanna maximize the money they could get, also not sure if ppl care that much over an achievement lol. either way its garbage. nothing else goin on anyway

Hopefully that means you can get the FoS until Thursday when the secrets event ends.

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where, i dont see it on calendar

i love finding out about this now, will be busy all day and unable to do the achieve, they really need to delete it or extend it to a week. and maybe give the playerbase a heads up or something. this is the kind of thing that makes me think we need the government to step in and regulate video game companies from abusing psychology, blizzard should be fined for using FOMO against players, imo one fine per violation multiplied per account.

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afaik its over now :frowning:

Hoping Weltster is not trolling, this might mean the forge event repeats a couple more times, hopefully until the end of the Secrets event.

Not trolling, it says it will be up in Valdrakken in 2 hours. I’m on Zul’jin.

where are u reading this, its not in calendar

the in game event on the minimap in valdrakken

So this is the current over reaction and manufactured outrage?



Hopefully, unless it’s just a visual bug and it is actually over.