Why Flynn?

The first character I ever made in WoW was a nelf rogue. I thought they were going to be something like Drow from D&D. I learned otherwise very quickly. I swapped to Forsaken and have been pretty much Hordecore ever since. Though, like I said. I have leveled Alliance through BFA when the story lines were separated just to get more world building.

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“Pride in my faction identity” … puh-leaze.

“Pride in Faction Identity” or even Faction Identity itself was always cringe.

It’s a video game. With fictional factions. There’s zero reason to have pride in either one.


What? She’s an NPC we’ve played with just like Flynn and she is Neutral like all named NPC quest givers.

You need to get past this nonsense.

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I’m not understanding. Why is it “tribalism” not to know information that was never provided to you, when a character alludes to some interaction you supposedly had with them in the past that you have no clue about?


He implies it when you ask him why he’s there.

So-called neutral Alleria does. So acting like just Voss, and other minor npc’s are Horde-bias is disingenuous.

equally as cringe back at ya.

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Alliance players already met her multiple times. They didn’t meet Flynn.

Sharp-tongued, tactless, mission-focused, extremely dry humor. She’s about as Forsaken as Forsaken get before jumping off the “blatantly evil why is this character not a villain yet” cliff. I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at, unless you’re trying to imply that Forsaken should always be the bad guys


Sorry I can’t take posts on this seriously if you post on a non OG Horde toon. At least it’s not a Belf.


I have no idea what you’re talking about but the tribalism part is being mad about interacting with “Alliance” or “Horde” characters when the factions are fully at peace and the vast majority of NPCs you interact with are effectively neutral.

Oh, I got confused because your thread is about Flynn.

We’ve been over this. Flynn is insult to injury.

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You’re going to place personal pride, in a fictional faction in a video game, to the point you get personally passionate about it?

Are you so lacking in involvement in stuff in real-life that you feel the need to attach yourself to an identity in a video game?

I could understand a small level of national identity IRL (or at least could until our nation started falling apart and its government turning against us), or joining a real-life community such as a church or something if you’re into that kind of thing, but…

In a video game?

I mean, at least a Guild is a group of players. A faction is just some dev-created thing with some lore written around it.

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LOL and now you did. I played both factions in BFA just to see the story since it was the first time in years (maybe the last) we had separate stories to see.

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Oh I’m just pointing out that Voss does pop up for Alliance, think people are too knee jerk on how much one faction appears etc. Also not sure how people can have a lore discussion and say ‘Gazlowe who?’

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Oh, and he’s also a Paladin too.

You know, that class that used to be ALLIANCE-ONLY?

Shouldn’t that, like, hurt his horde pride?

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And refusing to help someone you have a peace treaty with would defy the terms of that treaty.

So your character did the smart thing. Good on ya!

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Fair enough. I’m guessing in 11.1 we’ll get more horde npc centered questlines so then the script will flip. Can’t please everyone. I just enjoyed seeing all the different characters from both factions throughout the lvling campaign. Fun little easter eggs!


The complaint is that a horde player would be unfamiliar with certain Alliance characters that Alliance players would be very familiar with and have a history with, and vice versa. The fact that “Horde and Alliance are at peace” doesn’t change in the least the fact that when an Alliance npc gave me the quest “The Black Prince Returns” in the Great Seal, I was expected to know who the Black Prince was and what happened before. Of course, any player who didn’t play MoP would have been asking themselves that question, but the expectation that a player knows everything that went before as far as early warcraft games keep popping its ugly head.


Especially the lesser-known characters.

Though hopefully they don’t go doing weird stuff with some of them.

Still dunno WTF is up with Meerah, though.

Wowpedia is a thing.

Blizz probably figures if you are curious, if you care, you’ll take the 30 seconds to look it up.

Not that I condone that style of thinking when designing the game, but eh. It’s what they’ve gone with.