Why ffxiv is getting attention

I thought the same thing until I started adventuring out and then saw two of the cities, it’s so cool. :open_mouth:

If anything, you can give it a shot since it’s free to play until level 60.

Happy Gaming!

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I was referring to an “alt” character, not an “alt” job.

Dude, the timestamps on the “WoW bad FFXIV gud” posts spammed to these forums speak for themselves. Even over on the FFXIV subreddit there has been discussion on how to deal with the fact that some days there was more trash talking of WoW than discussion of FFXIV.

Two characters maxed 80 in multiple jobs, both maxed omnicrafters, a handful of alts in the range of 60-70 leveled the good old sloggy way.

I really enjoy how you completely bypassed the issue of the spammers to still say “WoW bad FFXIV gud”?

As for Yoshi-P being a Blizzard fanboy, I never said it was wrong. I said it was ridiculous the spammers are dunking on a game that he loves well enough he borrows from it.

I don’t think I bypassed it. I just said I understand how it could be annoying to deal with.

FFXI is good because they made their dev team play MoP.

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Yep. 100% for me. WoW use to be my main game and was since 2005. This is the first and only xpax to actually make me make it my “off game”. I now main another game.

Another xpax like this one and for the first time since 2005 I will unsub


I’m thinking the same, but I only like the artwork from WoW in the MMO style. Too bad Wildstar isn’t coming out now.

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I haven’t played since the early days when it launched. Did they ever fix mob leashing, or are trains chasing someone clear to the city still a thing?

Are Judgemasters still active? I loved seeing them.

Every couple months there is a glut of FF14 threads and then you never hear about it again until the cycle repeats.

It’s the weirdest thing really.

Glad to see 9.1 will give plenty of time to close out the tier and then play FF14 xpac for a few months to consume the content.

Irrelevant. You can do everything on one toon. You don’t need a second character.

When people refer to alts in FFXIV, they mean their classes, not another toon.

And I guarantee you most of them are from disgruntled WoW players.

I’ve been playing FFXIV since 2013. The anti-WoW rhetoric was never an issue until people started leaving WoW in droves. Nobody hates WoW more than WoW players.

That’s cool. It doesn’t change the fact that your takes are way off base about the game.


That was in 1.0 only. It’s been gone ever since A realm reborn launch.

Some people like to try new looks and lore without microtransactions.

“Ex-WoW players” are still FFXIV players at that point.

That’s like, your opinion, man.

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Another hysterical and paranoid post, another day.

It’s a shame op only told half truths. Imagine if someone was actually accurate, itd be so refreshing.

And that’s fine.

It still doesn’t mean it’s an anti-alt game. There are systems that have been put in the game that are designed specifically to avoid these issues.

But you’re speaking as if the general FFXIV community is somehow filled with this anti-WoW rhetoric, when it’s literally just WoW players who happen to be playing FFXIV right now. It is a largely skewed way of looking at a much broader picture.

Again, the FFXIV community does not care about WoW. Interestingly enough, I was actually curious about your claim about the FFXIV subreddit being overrun with similar threads. The only things I could find related to WoW were people talking about their thoughts about FFXIV as “WoW refugees”.

Nice outdated meme reference.


The difference between leveling an alt character in WoW vs. one in FFXIV is very noticeable, given there are no choices to level but the mandatory MSQ. Of course, you can make it easier by $$$.

It’s called “Can the mods please control the WoWposting.”, and I’m surprised you couldn’t find it, it’s only five days old.

And appropriate.

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Thing that gets me most about FF is their store. The same people who are shilling FF have complained about a mount being added here every six months. Yet in FF, objectively, the monthly fee tacked in with all the cosmetics that “I just have to have!” is beyond extreme to me.

The store reminded me of the SWTOR store, after the free to play era.

I played the original til WoW came out. And I have to agree with you, the multi class thing got old, I want to be a Taru back then but never wanted to sink all that time levelling jobs in again.


It’s really this simple. All the other stuff about RP and player housing is just background noise. WoW used to support a relaxed casual progression path, and it doesn’t anymore.

Lots of players will chime in with “but you can ignore the timer,” but you really can’t. When you find me five other players who are satisfied with consistently ignoring the timer while running with me on my schedule, then sure. Those players were easy to find in Wrath and even Cataclysm, when the timer was used exclusively to obtain mounts. Now that pre-raid BiS is predicated on a timer, the timer is king. Now that they’re building RIO into the game, that will reign supreme as well.

Players are ditching WoW for FFXIV so that they can play a game again. We’re leaving the rest of you guys behind here to enjoy your deadlines, performance reviews, and merit-based raises. I already enjoy that lifestyle IRL. I don’t want to experience it in a game that’s supposed to serve as my escape from that at the day’s end.

One month and ten days from now, you guys are never hearing from me again. From what I’ve seen, there are plenty who share that opinion. You’re just seeing fewer and fewer of them on these forums because they’ve already left.


Oh man, SWTOR. I enjoyed a lot of that game, was subbed for a bit. Came back after a while and went to see what was up via f2p, and yeah, exactly as you said. I seem to remember you had to microtransaction to sprint or something?

I was a Mithra in XI at launch, and it could have been me, but it was all I could do to figure out where they wanted me to go, lmao. It was my and my husband’s first MMO. We had a grand adventure finding a cave in the field of the starting zone–only to find out the right cave for our quest was on the other side of the map. For that and similar reasons, I hesitated on purchasing FFXIV 1.0–not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Finding those boxy caterpillars in FFXIV HS filled me with nostalgia all the same.

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The Sanctuary of Zitah music was phenomenal. But man I don’t miss camping while some competed for mobs to pull. Or having 90% of my convos in auto translate.

They think I loathe FF here, don’t just tired of the shills. But I won’t lie that the things that pushed me away from the franchise are still there hence my aversion to it all.

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This 100%, That’s my real life. In game I want to login, do something that I’m geared for with others the second I log in. Don’t want to look don’t want to worry about time.


Seems to be a hecka lot more right about now. I guess that’s a testament to the power of streamers to shape the narrative for people. Or perhaps a statement more on how people parrot opinions rather than form their own.

FF, WoW for people who want to play WoW but pretend they hate WoW. :smiley:

Hey, play what you want. You don’t have to play things I like.