Why ffxiv is getting attention

GD works differently. Period. Lastly Blizzard owns the site and the game its their property they can do what they want. They dont have to follow rules they make for us. They own it.

We follow the rules because we dont have a choice. You are paying for access to the game. Thats it. They can take away your account at any moment without reason. They make a set of rules for players to follow. They dont have to follow those rules themselves. They own the game and this site and the content. They can do what they want. Period.

Why do I feel like I am trying to explain reality to a teenager? You must be a youngen

I didn’t make it out of the vanilla content. Though the Falafel Queen (or whatever that munchkin race is called) was adorbs standing on her bodyguards arm.

“Sylvanas did nothing wrong” is an incredibly lazy narrative for both games. It’s not a “different kind” of narrative. It’s “Hail Hydra” fueled by player thirst for pixels.

You’re worrying about spoiler tags for FFXIV in a WoW forum. Maybe everyone should take these FFXIV threads to the FFXIV forums instead?

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Easy answer: FF14 is a complete game.

And WoW does nothing but focus on only 3 pillars such a WoW retail does.

  1. Mythic Raiding
  2. Mythic +
  3. Burrowed powers.

I know a lot of people will try to find a way to disgree with me.

But those 3 pillars turned out wow into a garbage game. And made it a lot more difficult then what it used to be.

Yes Classic/TBC is there but let’s be honest, a lot of people hate playing with old graphics, what’s the point to invest into modern computers to play a success from more then a decade ago?


Tell that to the OP who created this post. And it really does sound like you have a closed mind to anything that isn’t wow or wow-story related. Compared to FFXIV writing(which is highly praised), wow’s writing as of late is going into the trash bin and being recycled into horrible plots where FFXIV is succeeding, unless you try to find negatives or ways to hate it…then you will hate it no matter what because your being negative about it and close minded, instead of looking at the story from a different view.


Emet-Selch was one of the greatest villains ever written and I loved how the ascians were slowly being revealed and explained since ARR, it made for a nice climatic conflict in SHB. It made me really appreciate and see the ascians not as “evil” but as “victims of uncontrollable circumstances” and gave whole new levels of depths to villains as a whole.

Agreed, they’ve abandoned all but instanced content. Professions are dead. Out world content is a needlessly boring grind forced upon us for cosmetics, story is going poorly to redeem Sylvannas(I’ll be surprised if we really kill her), ect.

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That’s why all the FFXIV spammers have to preface the game with “It gets better after the first expansion, honest”.


They’re meat puppets for a Bigger Bad? Gosh, that’s never been done before.

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This is probably the biggest reason people are leaving if you ask me. That and pointless secondary systems.


Many people preach that but as one of the rare who played 1.0, prior to a realm reborn. I quite enjoyed A Realm Reborn series. The reason why it could be explained as tedious by many is like saying you have to go through Vanilla questing every you start a new character.

However main different is FF14 is extremely alt friendly, so after you done it once, you obtain an “armory bonus” and the rogue towers on top of daily exp bonus to level up other classes without any need to do the story again.

I understand why it feels off putting to some people, as like any game when you start up you’re abilities roster is limited and action feels less engaging. It’s the same with any MMO RPGs as well.

WoW / WoW Classic / WoW TBC / Guild Wars 2 / Tera / Neverwinter are no exceptions to this syndrome. The only underdog here is WoW that let’s you play without needing to give a “F” about anything of the lore or what NPCs have to say and the instant accept and move on button and the fact that 90% the people probably play with auto turn-in addons and auto-accept quests.

But as I end this writing I mean to say one thing, no game is flawless. I don’t think FF14 is perfect, it does have it’s down times as well. I personally always disliked how strict it was there. At the same time I try to give them benefit of the doubt because being strict breed a better community, while on WoW there’s not really anything enforced, people are more toxic in general. Even the Community Manager told people to eat a D during last expansion. Yeah I am fed up. I baited into buying game for freebies but that was the last time.


What a great “world” WORLD of Warcraft is building…

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That’s as in alt job, not actual alt, right? Because leveling an alt character is anything but friendly in FFXIV.

You can see I don’t think FFXIV is flawless. Like FFXIV, I only find nuggets here and there I enjoy among the greater storyline in WoW. For FFXIV I found the MSQ to be charming but a slog, Heavensward scratched a lot of itches just right, Stormblood was a hot mess, and Shadowbringers tiresome, tropey and extremely shallow despite claims of depth. I also still do not care much for how dry the dialogue is.

I’d not be so sure about the better community bit. All this spam coming to these WoW forums from the FFXIV playerbase is obnoxious, considering a quick search of FFXIV reveals that game was barely a blip on the radar of these forums before the “Yoshida’s Witnesses” came preaching “WoW bad FFXIV gud.” Over on Twitter, the level 60 copypasta was spammed in an attempt to get it trending, including on other games’ social media with the same “this game bad FFXIV gud” mantra. Genshin Impact, even. Not even an MMO.

It’s desperate, it’s pathetic, it’s secondhand embarrassing to me as an FFXIV player, and it’s absurd given the fact Yoshi-P calls himself a Blizzard fanboy. The game is good enough to stand on its own merit without these horsechips, and the FFXIV community should really act like they have the better community, because all this only proves talk is cheap.

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Let put it this way.

CE players get catered to because the Devs and the lead Dev are CE players.

They put these systems in to try and make the game more “fun” for the casual player but what winds up happening all the time I’m seeing is that the Devs here don’t know how to do progression without having to go through niche difficult group content. Therefore all the systems they add feel tacked on because a spreadsheet said you Play X hours if Y system is there. However when it comes to making content and releasing content you can really tell where the focus is because the creativity reflects it. I mean lets look at what original Torg was–it was sold as a solo thing. Yet level 8 on release wasn’t “meant” for casual players but for some reason instead of offering a title, or a cosmetic the dev team and their infinite guage of what’s fun said --nah make it tied to crafting the legendaries.

Then the typical response is going to be: Why do you care you can still get the majority of Soul Ash from the easier levels.

Well that’s the point. Why do they do that? Why not make it something like here’s a cool title for you. Here’s a cool piece of armor that doesn’t offer any progression.

Same thing applies to Legion farming. Literally not tied to any power progression for players. Not tied to them at all. Yet–The all wise Dev team thinks that in order to go mog you have to play their content first, then you can mog. Like why? Why are you putting this obstacle infront of me when I don’t care for that content at all. It’s the same response but the difference is at least the CE players always get brand new shiny content designed just for them every patch meanwhile the other players–look guys you get a…small zone. woooooo.

This is why WoW’s dev team is getting thrashed. They deserve it. They’re clearly only concerned with one style of play and honestly it’s laughable when Ion or any Dev sits up there and talks about casual players as if he knows them. Just more of the same 1% looking down and telling us what’s their problem.


Noticed you ignored the first part. Here it is.

I get it, you want to blame one party, thing is it is really not the case. Kind of like the people calling for the lead dev and only his career. It’s a team, they are not omnipotent.

The Guild UI changes everyone loathed? Yeah people asked for that too.

No matter what, they are damned if they do, damned if they don’t. They will never please everyone. Thing is though, they just provide the game. People who keep paying for systems they hate show them absolutely nothing, hey they are still consuming it, win/win.

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No I addressed that. The answer is no they most likely did not. But you ignored the fact that I said

Facts are facts and of course players who are in that circle don’t recognize it why would they? I mean we have this debate all the time when explaining what White Privilege is.

You get a significant XP increase when you level a second class in FFXIV, and you’re not gated by the MSQ when you do it. Additionally, gear is universally shared among jobs that fall into the same role, so you don’t have to grind for gear either.

It’s not the FFXIV playerbase, dude. It’s the WoW playerbase that have recently gone to FFXIV.

It sounds like you’ve never played FFXIV, because FFXIV players genuinely do not care about WoW in the slightest.


My first thought on seeing the subject of this thread? “Because people like you keep posting about it. If you stopped, it wouldn’t get so much attention.”


This is correct, but the most popular subscription option is also for 1 character entry. Since it just allows you to do everything. You can opt for more alt, which is more common on Roleplay friendly servers. But most the time it’s rare you will see alts character with as much progress as a main character.

I agree with you, I like the game but I’m not a cultist, yes Yoshida is a great man, and he is very transparent and voice out forward with his player base. Which is something WoW could definitly benefit from instead of dealing with Ion’s jargon that often alienate most people.

But generally speaking, any discord or reddit of wow you frequent is probably worse when it comes to drama or toxicity. My finger is more pointing at the in-game experience which is generally much more fresh and friendly. Something rare in this day and age of online gaming.

I don’t see what is wrong with being Blizzard fanboys. A lot of the current player base grew up with Blizzard Games, they lived the experience, the hype, did line up to buy Wrath of the Lich king or Starcraft 2 wings of liberty. Blizzard was the best, their CGI are still the best. But like me who come from FF11, yes the game is still online but would I go back to it? probably not. It’s nostalgia and just found memories I got of it.

And sadly that’s is how WoW was born, it was a phenomenon. People would buy computers to not play games, not facebook, but “to wow”. So it’s normal the same people built WoW probably do the same with new phenomenon. I understand that it’s annoying to always have it brought it, or being told it should be played. And to be honest yeah there’s no reason to not try it as it coast $0 to have enough content to form an experience with.

But that’s the day and age of social media we’re in and there’s not much to do about it. Personally the game I play most is Return of Reckoning, a warhammer MMO. And well, it’s not super popular but it’s free and I got fun with it. I rarely let those ads get to me in general.

FF is getting all the attention because people keep bringing it up here.

But it worked. WoW is so spooked that even the streamers are trying FF that they are pushing the patch out real quick now.

And this is where I know what you are and am going to disengage now.

Happy WoWing, or not, guessing not. When you need to devolve a thread with political carp, you tend to not be reliable. What does this have to do with the OP?

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I’ve started FFXIV and so far it’s pretty fun. Starting off was a little rough but once I hit level 30 it picked up and the story is really good so far! I’m excited to progress my character and see where everything leads. I LOVE that you can literally play everything on one character and how the Dev’s treat their players. They have my respect.


But muh Thunderfury.

If I quit an MMO it’s for good and FFXI is looking more enticing all the time too. But the artwork is just so weeby.