Why ffxiv is getting attention

I know a lot of you must be pissed constantly hearing about another game but I believe this shows some key differences between the WoW community,

If your a raider or someone who enjoys pushing mythic plus then WoW has only gotten better. The raids are fun and interesting you don’t really care about class balance since u already have all the classes u want and at least one of them is good. All the systems are good too. I mean You okay alot and systems are something to do.

Then there’s the casual WoW player who’s not so happy. This gets divided into two groups the rper, and non rper. The rper is prob the most pissed having the promise of continued customization in shadowlands end, no player housing, no armor dyes. Wow literally gave rpers nothing in recent years. The non rpers are sick of the systems and mythic iOS and the terrible grind for gear.

Ohh I forgot the pvpers want solo que.

Ffxiv is only appealing to the second type of WoW player, casuals who love good story, rp, player housing, community, armor dyes. It’s not for everyone but wow really shot themselves in the foot with this long wait. It just gave people who prob wouldn’t have given ffxiv a chance since they normally would be busy with wow.

At the end of the day no matter all the things ffxiv has it was the longest WoW patch that made people leave.


You don’t speak for me. I’m a casual non-rper who is still enjoying the game. FFXIV holds no interest to me - I tried it for a few days and found nothing that kept me there.

And we didn’t need a 151352135th FFXIV thread. If you like it so much go talk about it on their forums.


Mostly because of how long 9.1 is taking to release. I mean I love FF14 but I can promise you that most of the people posting about it right now won’t even get past ARR. The average WoW player doesn’t have that kind of patience.


yeah true dude

a lot of ppl here will never accept it, but a lot of the ppl who say they are quitting are CASUALS

this is a great HARDCORE game, terrible casual game


In FFXIV you can actually work on content and progress your character if you are new. In WoW you just face constant rejection if you don’t overgear everything before experiencing it for the first time.


Then stop.


I like FFXIV because there’s no crappy layered system where you have to grind in order to play what content you want.

There’s a set path. They have justice and valor points (like how they worked in the past not this abomination of 9.0.5 valor which is a joke at best) so you can work toward your gear.

FFXIV is a game that respects your time. Wow is not.


Not entirely true. I don’t care about player hosing, story or RP (armor dyes are pretty awesome not gonna lie) but I still like it more than WoW. So it’s not only appealing to these people


Blizz can’t really help that development was slowed down. I’m sure they’re really trying to catch up. And it’s taking longer, but at least they aren’t rushing 9.1 out the door as a buggy half built mess just to appease impatient players. I doubt FF is that idealistic, it has to have its own great flaws and issues too.

The game isn’t split to RPers and non-RPers though. But RP has always been a player-centric activity. Blizz doesn’t really intervene in it. We got some new custom options which is great. Housing is a mountain of work and unlikely to happen soon, armor dyes are impossible from a tech view, and neither of them are necessary for RP.

There is nothing HARD CORE about wow anymore. Don’t even need to read to play the game just walk to the shiny and click it quest done lol :joy:


Well he sort of speaks for me, as a real casual who enjoys…casual things.

-We need proper player housing,
-we need a revamp on the profession systems and for the love of Pete let us have more than 2 professions at any given time!
-We need more meaningful reasons to play through torghast such as unique cosmetic drops
-We need transmog restrictions GONE
-We need a better way to experience older world content without having to roll an alt OR having to go back to completely outlevel everything and snooze through the content on a main
-We need better story telling to immerse us in it
-We need more permanent systems that we can grind through at our own casual pace and not feel like any half efforts we put today will become obsolete tomorrow because it defeats the point in even trying it to begin with when you don’t have 100x hours to dedicate to the game
-We need more reasons to go out into the world and do activities/things

Instead of the above, we just get more dungeons, more raids, more reasons to avoid mythic. I keep hearing that “well this is just WoW and what it’s always been” and guess what, that model is no longer working. There’s a decline for a reason.

IDK if that’s because there’s a lot more of us casual folks playing, or because the once younger gen is now old like me and we need slower paced content or just new players coming in who don’t care about the HC aspect of the game…but the game demo has changed over time. The game also needs to change with it or become obsolete, in time with just a slither of a community remaining.


Wow developers are raiders only… they cannot see anything else. They have a narrow vision and have stripped away all RPG elements that added texture and depth to the game.

WoW developers are a gardener that has pruned too many branches from a tree… as they are doing it it seems ok, but when they step back they realize they turned a living tree into a stump with just a couple of branches left.

Basically, the devs have ruined this game for huge populations of players. The game is so two-dimensional now.


If it’s a hardcore game then why is the hardcore mode the least cleared content in the game?


probably because it has less of a bot issue than wow , the devs care , they got gms to ban bots unlike on wow that cheaters get punished once every 2 blue moons and then 2 days later they got a fresh account ready to bot again.


This pseudo psycho analysis of this topic is SERIOUSLY a waste of time OP.

Some like FF, some like WoW… nothing here to dissect honestly.


everquest learned the hard way when you only cater to a small percent.

The patch time though i think is the real cause.

FF will actually provide communication on short comings. That is crux for many.


It’s not just the slow patch cycle. Blizzard has deeper design philosophy issues.

This is 100% correct. However, IMO, those flaws and issues are no where NEAR as bad as what wow has going on.


Aye. Here here – soon we will enter another “but you’re not a casual because you like a thing that I don’t like, you elitist bastard!” thread.


Already happened:

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This is against forum rules to post this topic in GD. There is another section to make post about non blizzard owned games. If you dont move your post Blizzard will. GD is for Blizzard games only

You will see multiple FFXIV threads there. They are there because thats where they belong OP