Why ffxiv is getting attention

You think the cutting edge players wanted the systems we have now? You think they like not being able to change specs at whim? Nah that was a random group that pushed for it. Kind of like what I am reading now in the FF forum, same complaint, only certain people are listened to.

You think the cutting edge players wanted to hand normal raid level gear to people for just finishing the story? According to your thought process they want you to have nothing right?

Thing is they listen, they implement ideas that others deem stupid all the time. Same thing happens in FF, doesn’t take more than a casual read of their front page to see it, but hey, do carry on paying to maintain the servers whilst complaining. I am sure Blizzard appreciates you greatly!

For me, the stuff in Quarrymill really caught me. I felt so bad for those guys. (and it only got worse in Stormblood :frowning: ) When they reintroduced him I was like HELL yes! Then…that happened. Then I did M’naago’s crafting quests and was just so mad lmao.

At least Nathanos still berates us in World Quests! 8D

My wording was bad. I didn’t mean that the cutting edge players wanted these systems. The systems are in place because of dev laziness. They only want to add to classes something that can easily be thrown away so they don’t have to “deal with” (aka do their jobs) balancing classes. Why balance classes when you can just try to balance throw away systems.

I came back for one month and I regret it. That’s on me. I’m going to use the remaining time to keep telling the forum how bad current wow is.

I don’t think they are. I was here for that group who pushed to stop the swapping of specs. They introduce conduit energy.

You call it lazy in one sentence then cry out that they don’t listen, when they clearly do, they just aren’t listening to YOU.

Leveling in any game is gonna be a grind regardless, no matter what. Don’t act like one game is worse then another. With the mentioned+MSQ XP, you get a ton of xp as is. And you seem to not understand Japan and its culture when you say:

"Its like FFXIV made the MSQ mandatory because they knew they'd bore players with the dry as dust plot eventually"

So, all your logic falls apart here. In Japan, there’s something known as Jrpgs, or Japanese rpgs, but in general Japanese games put story before anything else first. Its their signature pride of game development. The MSQ is not “dry as dust” because if you did it, you’d know its actually really good. It goes to show you haven’t played much if at all. Its also normal to have a long lasting questline in Jrpgs as a whole and FFXIV is a MMOJRPG in this case, which is why it’s not everyone’s thing. As someone who’s caught up to current content, everything came together so well in the beginning of the end for the Hydaelyn/Zodiark saga.

But the fact that you said you have preorder earrings means you’ve gone to some distance, and MSQ wasn’t your thing - that’s totally fine. I loved it, you didn’t. We don’t all have to love it. Just have a more open mind to how other cultures do things, Japan and USA are opposites as a whole in so many ways…including the way game development is done.


I believe they were referring to the characters being written dry.

I’m not talking about SL specifically. Systems have been in place since Legion. The only difference is in Legion we had TONS of content to go along with the system. The system being a weapon made sense and had lore surrounding it. Then BFA happened and every system in that expansion sucked. Who asked for these systems? I don’t remember ANYONE asking for ANY of these systems.

Who asked for these systems? If the answer is “x forum group” I don’t believe it. The diehard wow fans keep saying “the forums only represent a fraction of the community, it doesn’t matter what the forum says”. Can’t have it both ways.

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Blizzard doesnt even follow those rules.

I see blue posts about MDI or other E-Sport PvP garbage in general. That stuff belongs hidden away in the PvP sub-section.

A few days ago they were talking about TBC Arena matches. Those belong either in Classic section or PvP section, not General.

If Blizzard cant even follow the rules, why should we?

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Lol absolutely not

wow…okay first off, somebody’s trying to fish for more “Friends” for the FF’s Recruit A Friend thing?

  1. Player Housing, though fun, ends up becoming a pain. May I remind you how cutthroat FF14’s player housing market is? Also, if Garrisons failed miserably, what makes you think Player Housing will work? Cuz it’ll end up like Wildstar’s (instanced housing that becomes just another capital city where folks will just stay there and never leave as well as turning their home into a goldmine)

  2. Armor Dyes? really? They’re not going to do that not on a tech aspect but it’s going to be heavily abused when folks try to turn their “LFR” armor into “Mythic”

  3. by “Casuals” you mean the entitled who are mad because they want to do high end content for bare minimal effort? They hear rumors that in FF14, any class is viable (despite that most Ultimates force players into job specs)

  4. RP communities exist in WoW, just that most either are in Classic due to TBC and other things.

But hey, one thing WoW does that FF14 did is this:
At least we don’t lock a race’s opposite gender in another expansion :stuck_out_tongue:

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Abused? Are you serious with that comment…SMH…

I for one am frankly tired of hearing about raidlogger opinions on anything. I think talking about FFXIV has become popular because it makes a particular sort of player, the one highly invested in the niche endgame experience that is catered to–to the detriment of all others, very uncomfortable. To that end, I support it even if I have no interest in FFXIV at all.

  1. Player housing in 14 is terrible, we all know this, but the garrison system was trash.

  2. Irrelevant, it’s a dye, it doesn’t affect stats.

  3. Uhh, no? All classes in 14 can do all content, with ease. They are in fact all viable. Hell i’ve done Ultimates on Dark Knight (before Shadowbringers) which was dubbed the WORST tank…so no…again no. Ultimates are for statics anyway.

  4. Rp communites flip back and forth, just like with a lot of players.

  5. yeah we never really forgave them for this, so you’re not wrong here…

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I have two maxed characters, both max omnicrafters, both max in several classes, and a handful of alts in the 60-70 range that were leveled the old sloggy-fashioned way. No, I know the XIV story way too well.


I found Shadowbringers was a variation on “Sylvanas did nothing wrong”, except times-multiple worlds’ worth of Teldrassils. A huge flaw in FFXIV’s writing is they often care way more about the killers than the victims. They set up horrible atrocities, and then never realistically handle the weight of those crimes. In fact, the EX called that particular killer “heroic”, and honored the killer with rites of a people they were trying to kill. I found that grotesque. I’d “remember” the people murdered.

They literally blamed one of the victims more than the murderer–because apparently, Tempering a child in the womb without even consulting the mother is not skeevy at all, and the madness of Tempering is a valid excuse for villainy only if the fandom has the hotties for the Tempered. That’s bad writing, and the tropes involved with it were lazy and juvenile. It also revelealed a really ugly side of the “great community”.

The other bad guy is GOD I’M BORED I NEED TO KILL THINGS. What depth! What innovation!

Underage girl nearly naked for a raid boss: not weird at all. /s

And, in general: preparing banquets and making friendship bracelets when there is very literally another Primal crisis? Makes total sense. I’ve seen the FFXIV fanbase laugh that WoW always uses the same kind of bad guys, which is hilarious considering everything in FFXIV is up to I’ve-lost-track of Primals. Or the previously mentioned world-killing baddies, but they’re MoRaLlY rElAtIvE!!!11

Those are blizzard owned games? Seems you didnt read all I said. The moment you create threads talking about NON Blizzard owned games it suppose to go under offtopic/other games. Technically GD is for all Blizzard owned games not just wow.

I dont see how you didnt get this. Did you not read everything I said?


I did read what you said, however, you seem to not understand the rules of the forums. Even WoW themed articles get sent to their respective forums if its a player made one.

You dont get to change the rules to just make it Blizzard owned games…

Might wanna put most of that in spoiler tag for people who are just trying out the game, sounds like your not too much into different kinds of narratives as a whole. And yes shiva fight was weird, but you have to admit the ending with


Gaia saving her and us was truly awesome. It was also a huge lore reveal showing what she really was the whole time, hinting at it by the portal she opened.

Please put anything spoiler-ish in spoiler tags for others :slight_smile:

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Seems you only read one of my comments.

Not true. It applied to Blizzard owned games as well. See multiple Classic threads moved to Classic forums. Did you miss all of those?

Because it’s fun for some people to jump on the latest troll horse and beat it into a greasy smear on the ground.