Why ffxiv is getting attention

Sadly doots in Bard

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You haven’t noticed? I’ve been vocal about things I’d like to improve in WoW, I just articulate them instead of OH GOD I HATE WOW SO. MUCH.

But boosts are bad and therefore FFXIV is bad for allowing them the way you said WoW was bad for allowing them. Oh…wait. :upside_down_face:

thats the thing. there are 151352135 ffxiv threads. that game seriously has something going for it if everyones talking about it.

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There has been so many suggestions over the past 3 years to improve wow, great suggestions btw, that have been utterly IGNORED by the devs. They do not care one bit about wow except for the 1% cutting edge players.

You are willfully obtuse when it comes to this. You picked up on what you wanted to pick up on and are trying to twist my words for a “GOTCHA”.

Honestly surprised you’ve not brought up the haircut yet again…

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Leveling in FFXIV wouldn’t be so bad if I could get xp from new game plus and not do Palace of the Dead, Heaven on High, Praetorium, or Castrum. Can only turn into a frog so many times and play gacha games while Gaius talk before thing get old real fast.

Garrosh did nothing wrong personally.
But yeah I get that. I’ve been with this series since Orcs and Humans waaay back in the day, seen a lot of people die. I can’t really remember a majority of them though. I think both have forgettable characters, but I feel WoW has more. Plus Aymeric, Gaius, Regula van Hydrus, Papashan, that one giant derp cat in love with Y’shtola…some of my favorite jams tbh.

In WoW…all I can remember off the top of my head for some reason is T’aapartos.

Yep…and yet Blizz thought it was a good idea to add an even worse version of PoTd and HoH and call it Torghast. I’d rather grind through either of those than do Torghast.

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Wow has never been a hardcore game.

You: “Not talking about levels at all. I’m talking about how wow is literally flooded with nothing but WTS M15 and WTS heroic castle and WTS mythic castle. Both in trade chat and the group finder. But wow’s good and healthy with all that spam right? Wow is in a much better place because of it.”

Me: points out the exact same phenomenon in FFXIV via rampant bot spam and Party Finder

You: “Wait not like that”

I s2g between this and the “crafting is easy because I leveled one prof with free mats!” guy, my FC has mined a lot of comedy gold in Discord. :upside_down_face:

Talk about final fantasy on their forums. This forum is for World of Warcraft.

Please and thank you.
Stretches feet in the air and wiggles toes

We’re discussing difference between them…you monkas.

Yes, but these threads are spammy. The title was bait.

So don’t pay attention. You’re free to leave, unless Ion has a gun to your wang and is threatening to shoot. In which case please continue.

i waited many centuries to get laid. don’t challenge me

It. Is. Not. As. Bad. As. In. Wow. Period.

visuals invade the mind and shutters
Have a good day.
Wiggles toes

I think i’ve only seen this once in 14, and it was for people who literally couldn’t get past the content because they were too bad at the game. That’s not a jab that’s just how it was advertised. BUT it was also for dated content.

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You mentioned some of my favorites too. Meffrid tho :frowning: He deserved better than becoming a stepping stone to a completely unqualified “leader”.

Torghast, I can solo. If they added Torghast as a leveling feature, I’d be over the moon. As it stands, I do love the atmosphere–and not going to lie, I really like the theme of going there to rescue souls. The Teldrassil event, the slow realization you will not be able to save everyone–that still is one of the most impressive moments I’ve had in WoW.

That person is acting like the boosting/carrying spam is just as bad in FFXIV and it’s no where near the amount that is present in wow. Largely thanks to the paid token. Blizzard ain’t gonna stop any of these boost because they’re making bank on tokens.

DUDE, yeah his death was just like “Well %&@” but it wasn’t as impfactful for me as Haurchefant.

WoW wise though, I didn’t even get to take part in War of Thorns…it got phased out. Didn’t get to be part of Lordaeron either. >.> but watching Nathanos die…that was both a “Yes kill him!” and a “Well damn, there goes one of the most interesting characters in a long while.”

You can stand in a major city and see more bot spam than real chat, and you definitely see more boost spam in Party Finder than actual parties.

"But FFXIV’s good and healthy with all that spam, right? FFXIV is in a much better place because of it. " :upside_down_face: