Why ffxiv is getting attention

They are pretty close to joining the ranks of LGBT and Ripcord threads (instant mute) :laughing:


I will agree that I found Stormblood really lack luster in a lot of areasā€¦the singing after retaking Ala Mihgo was one of those things where I was like ā€œIs friggin Mickey gonna jump out of somewhere? DIsney is that you?ā€

wow was originally made, marketed, and sold as the casual MMO compared to everquest and ultima online.

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I donā€™t do mythic raiding, I donā€™t do any high-end raiding, I donā€™t do mythic Keystone dungeons, I just do LFR, storyline content, World quests, regular dungeons, Iā€™d consider myself a pretty casual player in that regard.

FFXIV has been out for years now. Iā€™m not really sure what the craze is and talking about it in the forum so much the past few months. Itā€™s not like the game has gotten dramatically better. I tried it four separate occasions over the years and even as recently as a month ago and itā€™s still one of the most boring experiences Iā€™ve ever had in an MMORPG and Iā€™ve been playing them since the '90s.

It really has one of the worst battling systems of any MMORPG in history. 2.5 second global cooldowns, clunky abilities, the combat is not fluid at all it is nothing more than a big hot mess.

I donā€™t care for the maps or the mini map, everything is so cluttered and just looks awful.

I hate having to go to subsections and having to load into a new part of the world, just takes me out of the immersion right away.

No ability to have add-ons to customize things the way you like it.

Pretty sub-par graphics, horrific animations, just everything about it screams awful to my eyes.

Iā€™m not just hating on it because Iā€™m that person, it literally is probably one of the worst MMORPG experiences of my entire life and I am a huge, huge final Fantasy fan.

World of Warcraft has many flaws, but itā€™s flaws are not so big that Iā€™m not having fun.

Iā€™m not a fan of the throwaway systems that they have every expansion since Legion. Iā€™m not a fan of the lack of outdoor content to do, but this patch gives me a little bit more to sync my teeth into.

FFXIV is going through one of its niche phases where everyone seems to want to talk about it even though itā€™s been out for years and years. Itā€™s the same crappy game, nothing about it has changed.

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yeah but its a product of its time, mmos were still more hardcore, even if it was more casual than its competitors

Itā€™s getting attention because SL flamed out. People will come back, consume the patch in 4 weeks then leave again.

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not really, a hardcore raider used to spend all day farming herbs and fishing, not running high keys, pushing rating or wiping 500 times on a boss. modern raid bosses are more complex than anything in classic.

At least Iā€™ll have a short break from ā€œ9.1 when?ā€ threads until ā€œ9.2 when?ā€ threads :smiley:

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Leveling an alt, or even an another job, still requires far more grind than retail WoW, especially nowadays. As for alts, people touting FFXIV on this forum regularly warn people ā€œit gets better after ARR, honestā€-- is it a surprise slogging through that again is not what some would call enjoyable?

MSQ has all the mandatory dungeons/trials/raids on top of the glacial paceā€“queue times for specific ones are often notoriously long unless your job is a tank or healer. Itā€™s like FFXIV made the MSQ mandatory because they knew theyā€™d bore players with the dry as dust plot eventually.

As for jobs on your existing character, after you hit 80 on one job, you likely also used up most of your quests. New Game + gives no exp or rewards, so thatā€™s out. Palace Of The Dead makes Torghast seem tame, especially if your PotD has impatient players who do not care if you need silver chests to level your gear. Same goes for Heaven-On-High. Daily dungeons? Only reliably good the first time around each day. (Yay being forced to sit through Prae and Meridianumā€™s bloated hour of cutscenes for the millionth time!)

Even with XP buffs, it still boils down to a mindless grind that WoW is condemned forā€“except WoW leveling is ridiculously fast in comparison, and you can truly choose how you want to do it. Chromie Time made it even better.

WoW is hands-down friendlier to level in, while Square makes you keenly aware they want to drive you to the sweet, sweet microtransactions theyā€™ve been criticized for in other titles. WoWā€™s decision to ditch their old customization cash shop service only made them better.

ā€œPre-order earringsā€ā€“I got them, are they still available now? Some of the other cash shop glams have limited exp bonuses, tooā€“for a price ofc.

Unpopular opinion with most FFXIV posters Iā€™ve seen, but Iā€™d rather ā€œrememberā€ the people who were killed, not the one who killed them. And I thought Teldrassil was being handled poorly.

  1. You never made it past ARR, a lot of people donā€™t.
  2. Itā€™s really no worse than WoWā€™s if youā€™d just sit down and mess with it.
  3. Learn the UI and how to mess with it, no different than WoW
  4. Fair point
  5. You can Customize the UIā€¦there are options for it and a lot more so thereā€™s no need for an addon
  6. Itā€™s FF dude, armor detail is still years above WoW
  7. Hasnā€™t gotten through the base game

If youā€™re going to give thoughts, at least know what youā€™re talking about, your opinion is fine but most of this is hard opinion and the little ā€œfactsā€ are also not as there are systems in place for most of these things. I donā€™t even want to defend 14, it doesnā€™t need to be defended imo, but at least get your facts straight.

Same, thereā€™s been a lot of people that died in WoW that I honestly canā€™t remember. But I remember Haurchefant in 14 at least.


I was referring to the fandom darling that makes people ramble on about mOrAl ReLaTiViSm in FFXIV. Iā€™ve been told I would do what that one did IRL if I were in their shoes.

I remember more NPCs in WoW, tbh? I have favorites in FFXIV (like Haurchefant), but a lot of characters in FFXIV are very dryly written imo, with only enough character to push the plot along. The Suramar arc engaged me more than the entirety of Shadowbringers, since one half of that xpac was really lazy tropes (the trailer made me wince), and the other half was ā€œSylvanas did nothing wrong!!!11ā€

You seem just as bitter about FFXIV as I do about wow. Is that a fair assessment?

I wouldnā€™t say so, since Iā€™m not howling repeatedly Iā€™m unsubbing from FFXIV while spamming their forums with WoW.

How are those boost numbers coming along in Party Finder and chat bot spam, btw? Have they reached offensive levels yet?


This is the only part of the OP thatā€™s really correct. No new content makes people try other things.

I suspect that if you made a venn diagram of wow and ff players, there is some overlap but itā€™s not giant percentage. The amount of western MMORPG players who look at a JRPG with catgirls and catboys and think ā€œoh thats for me tooā€ is not incredibly high. Some people facing no new content for months on end will try FF, but most will try things more similar (level an alt, play classic, play a western rpg).

No group of wow players is vocally happy. The happy people play the game, the unhappy people take to posting about the parts that make them unhappy.

FF has a ton of itā€™s own problems besides being a completely different genre. It is succeeding right now because they have a fresh expansion that appeals to the percentage of wow players willing to play a JRPG and because their PR team is specifically targeting (paying) WoW content creators to talk about their game, particularly Bellular who is still butthurt about Blizzard shutting down his for-profit addon.

If any game had a shot at picking up casually bored wow players itā€™s ESO being closer in genre and with more ā€œevergreenā€ playable content, including years of story expansions, active RvR PvP, arguably the best playerhousing in any MMO and a solid transmog system.

But both ESO and FF lack a stickiness, and when WoW gets around to dropping new content, many players will come back.

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If anyone offers you a drink in FFXIV, donā€™t drink it.

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Maybe not but youā€™re howling about your issues while dismissing the negatives of wow. Youā€™re doing the exact same as me except praising wow.

Still not as prevalent as in wow.

Itā€™s not just FFXIV getting attention. Blizz is Fing around so much that just about every single game out there is getting attention. I tried Warzone the other day out of pure boredom, the game was trash but I still gave it a shot and then moved on to literally anything other than WoW.

Hell maybe WoW will become 100% trash and Iā€™ll eventually finish getting my degree.

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Nothing kills the soul more than seeing a Samurai stand in an AOE, the White Mage casting Holy instead of healing, and a Gun Breaker popping Superbolide while at full health.

Seems par for the course in an MMO.