Why ffxiv is getting attention

It’s like a good game that’s dev team doesn’t repeatedly piss on it’s customers and tell them it’s raining will have a good reputation, or something.


LFM normal CN. Must have AoTC, 215ilvl and 3k io. Checking logs for orange parses. Kicked if less than 8k dps.

^no ilvl cut off in LFG because lead doesn’t have 215ilvl yet. :crazy_face:


I’m happy :slight_smile:


I think this is the biggest issue for me.

Gearing needs to go back to how it used to be.


Casual, and having a blast. All the FFXIV gud WoW bad spam just made me appreciate all the things WoW does right, and remember all the things FFXIV does wrong. :upside_down_face:

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Vs what WoW has… nothing? (communication wise) Besides things upcoming that people knew of months before. Why even bother having a Cm team if they don’t bother/won’t communicate.

I think though the point is you can play FF14, and not feel like raiding is the only thing to do, I mean it could take a long time for me to level every single job and profession on one character.

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To me FF14 died along with Lord Haurchefant Greystone.


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PERSONALLY , I’m a big fan of WoD gearing

Honestly, any gearing model pre-legion would be an improvement.

WoD had really good PVP gearing, Classic-MoP had good gearing in general.


Leveling on FFXIV isn’t that bad. There’s multiple XP boosts.

  1. FC XP buff
  2. After having a lvl 80, you get 10% more xp permanently for jobs being leveled.
  3. food buffs - 3%
  4. A ring for jobs below lvl 30 easily accessible after some easy tutorial missions
  5. Pre order earrings that boost your jobs xp to current max level.

Yeah you can and it feels amazing.

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As a casual WoW player and someone who has reached max level in FFXIV and has a majority of Eden Gear, don’t speak for me.

FFXIV’s story is good, but rather cliché, with moustache twirling villains in the first three expansions. The Ascians don’t become interesting until Shadowbringer.
Also, the FFXIV community is just as bad WoW’s, albeit less vocal.

Also, I don’t get the appeal of player housing. Only shared a house with a friend to color my chocobo.


Glad you added the communication thing, I was confused, lmao.

It entirely depends on the situation, with the FFXIV devs. It took a long time for them to respond about Viera hair–every time a new hairstyle was released, it wasn’t compatible with Viera. Lot of players were upset, and radio silence from the devs. iirc correctly the response was something along the lines of “nvm Viera only get “traditional” Viera hairstyles”–and no new “traditional” hairstyles have been released since. Hrothgar, on the other hand, still have to pay rl money for haircuts, because in their rush job, Hroth faces are welded to the hair. We still have no word when they will fix that, but they like the Fantasia sales in the meantime.

These two races were major selling points of Shadowbringers. It’s a bad look for ANY company to do something like this.

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Because WoW villains, especially the jailer, have been so well written lately, right?


Listen, if you’re going to point out FFXIV “great” writing, I’m going to point out its flaws. I am very aware of WoW’s current crappy writing. Many people are aware. Not many people in the WoW forums know FFXIV crappy writing.


I don’t care for a lot of the FFXIV plot points either, saying it’s higher quality than WoW is a really, really low bar.

But it’s got plenty of good moments even for someone like me, who went in kinda hoping to hate it. Imagine someone who’s into that type of game would like it a lot more than I did.

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This might be a wall of text and I apologize for that beforehand.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SO, having played for 2 weeks into MoP, leaving and coming back for Shadowlands FROM FFXIV…WoW is missing a lot of stuff that in general just make the experience better. I mean hell Squenix made their team play WoW back in the day to see what it did wrong and then reinvented their game. It’s literally Cata/Pre Cata with more things done right than wrong, there are some things I hate about it but there’s far less I hate about 14 than WoW currently.

They have RP in the game, if you’re NA go to the Crystal Data Center if you want that. Server Wise Mataeus, Balmung, every other one on that DC more than likely has it.

For pushing content, Raids, Trials, Savage, Ultimates, you can go to Primal or Aether…but Aether goes harder content wise Primal is a bit more normal.
The good thing about the above stuff is the world visit system which let’s you go to other servers in your DC with some restrictions and they are minor.

Player housing though is doo doo but that’s because it’s still running with PS3 code shoved into the game which needs removed.

PVP is a meme though, but it exists. Apparently Feast is ok but I don’t have a static so I don’t bother.

Gearing is simple, crafting actually matters at end game.

WoW…you’ve got a bunch of systems that over pollute the game.

Gearing is annoying and beyond tedious because of these systems.
Command table needs trashed it’s just a sit and wait mechanic.

Raids seem to be where everyone wants to think the content is…and if that’s the only content then there’s a problem

WoW Does have better PVP but that’s the only thing it does better imo…and even then it’s in a bad spot right now.

There are too many time gates in WoW, I get why they are there but there are so many that I don’t want to do anything half the time because of them.

When we look at servers, they’re all smooshed on top of each other and you see people you don’t really give a crap about all the time. Layering and Phasing has ruined that aspect of the game, and it’s part of the community aspect.


Par 2
World Quests also need to be removed completely. I don’t know anyone that likes doing them.
Torghast also needs removed, I know only 1 person who likes it and everyone else hates how repetitive it is amongst other things. 14 has something like Torghast, but it’s only really used for leveling from 1-60, and then 62-70…you’ve got some weirdos that do it for the hoards that are there but imho they aren’t worth the hassle or redundancy of deep dungeons.

IDK, personally I have despised BFA and Shadowlands has, from the beginning, just felt like the remaining patches for BFA that never got implemented. I never felt like this with 14 as every expansion feels like it’s something new and that could be attributed to the story content or many other things. I’m more invested in 14 than WoW currently…Ion being deaf and inept isn’t helping this game, just like Yoshi P acting like a rockstar isn’t helping 14 in a lot of areas…but at least Yoshi is trying.

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As a FF 14 player, stop making these threads. It’s really annoying.


They’re some really good high points in FFXIV story, but some really dull and mind numbing ones too.

Like the Dragonsong War was fun. The fight for Ala Mihgo was not. Every where you go, people want to liberate that place and will kill themselves, or summon a primal while killing themselves, to do it.

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