Why ffxiv is getting attention

I just flag it as spam. :no_good_woman:

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FF14 is getting attention because we just had a big content drought while waiting for Shadowlands, then we expected to get more content and instead we had another content drought.

People are doing the logical thing to do: playing other games


after several hours because the moderators are so understaffed or simply do not want to do their job working from home.

Your wrong OP, FFXIV is not just for “casuals”, you’ve clearly never played it to say that. They have raiding, and their raiding is just as hard or harder then ours. Their ultimate raids surpass our mythic raids and make it look like a joke.

Don’t you just love when people state false facts from other’s comments they’ve read but never tried it themself?


Back in my day we are all casuals.

I havent seen this much unity in casual gameplay since the ends of WoD.

Nah, if you took the time to read and understand this post 90% of it talked about WoW the good and the bad, while the last part mentions ffxiv. This isn’t off topic at all your reading comprehension is just low


What raids? There is exactly one, and it’s been out since November.


Are you going to respond to my post on how you completely ignored savage, ultimate, and extreme raiding on FF14? Or are you going to continue saying FF14 has no serious raiding content and its all “casual”? I can promise you savage and extreme trials are not casual content. And ultimate raids is hardcore content.


Housing system still a completely garbage-tier wreck.

Calls for more inventory space are met with “technical” issues–unless you microtransaction.

Only certain cash shop mounts are account-bound despite the playerbase asking for account-bound things.

PvP still a hot steaming dumpster fire.

New races so rushed they can’t equip most headgear, and one needs a $$$$ microtransaction to get a haircut, which players are not warned about–in a game that takes leveling to even unlock haircuts.

Players may “talk” to devs, but devs sure don’t listen if ultimately it would cost them money.

The moment you mention the title of another game and discuss it. Its off topic. Period. Unless its a Blizzard owned Game. You can call a blue sky green all day long. Doesn’t make it actually green.

Im just informing you of the forum rules. Its up to Blizz to enforce them.

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They also require only 8 players don’t they? A far cry from the 20 required to attempt the most difficult raid content WoW can offer. It helps that classes are so homogeneous, particularly healers.

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I think the housing system on ff is great, it avoids the whole “everyone afks in their solo instanced garrison” issue we had, that killed most if not all socializing that was left. You also have apartment/FC housing thats unlimited.

There’s more then enough inventory, if you got that complain, it means your a hoarder and need to start identifying what you need and don’t need.

PVP isn’t their main focus because they know they can’t get it right, no game ever has. But they still offer seasonal mounts and stuff.

The bunny ears created issues for head pieces.

You only ever need 1 character ever, so this whole “acc bound” thing is pointless.

Yes but that makes it all the funner, you can’t carry people through it easily. Everyone has to carry their own weight and meet DPS reqs or you wipe in multiple phases. Healers have to meet tight healing reqs unlike wow where its a joke with the exception of a few bosses who force heals to bad dots.

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I enjoy the game as a casual player. It isn’t my only game though. I play other games on the Nintendo Switch, my Mac, and on my Windows machine.

I’ll never understand why people insist WoW isn’t casual friendly when there are multiple difficulties and all kinds of different content.

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Your FC required a camp to get their house if it’s been anytime recent. Clicking a placard for up to 32 hours with no guarantees is garbage game design. If you are a crafter, only houses can obtain certain crafting materials.

There are literally far more glamour sets than the Dresser OR player inventory can hold, to say nothing of common crafting mats.

So it’s fine to never attempt to make it remotely good.

You completely ignored the two-years running Hrothgar issue that costs Hroth players rl $$$$ while other races pay 2k gil at the Aethestician.

Yet Fantasias are the bloated microtransaction shop’s #1 seller because they punish alts harder than any other MMO I’ve played.


WoW only recently started allowing gender changes at barber shop for free, before that it was like $15 or $25? WoW was x10000 worse. Both still had cosmetic changes for free anytime however at barbers.

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Still on that issue… :man_facepalming:

They were that much, yeah. But it’s also infinitely harder to level an alt in FFXIV unless you–you guessed it–pay for boosts. Which are also available for WoW, but does anyone boost on retail these days?

You’re bitter and hate WoW and yet can’t stop posting on their forums, I know. I know. Oh gosh, how you hate WoW. But here you still are.

Talk to me once FFXIV limits your chosen race–without any warnings–and require your bucks instead of the 2k gil required of every other race. Of course, you may just pay it to stick it to WoW. Until then, you should really go talk to the FFXIV forums, the game you don’t hate.

And still wondering how’d you would react if Blizzard pulled the same trick.

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I am basically a filthy casual, and ff don’t have my interest. It ain’t got no pvp.

I’m in FF now.

It’s fun.

WoW was fun when I was playing in November-January. Then endgame hit and I was like sooooo you want me to do really hard things now? Ya. Not worth my time.

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