Why ffxiv is getting attention


Man this whole thread was just suppose to be ā€œhey WoW could use real player housing, armor dyes, and more customization while also not going through a long drought as it causes people to driftā€ and now it turned into ā€œIā€™ll never play ffxiv you canā€™t make me! Iā€™ll wait for 2 years for the next patch and Iā€™ll still be happyā€

Itā€™s like a people are so sensitive when implying there game has problems. Is this why developers donā€™t care? Cause everyoneā€™s on board with complaining about WoW until it comes down to ā€œmaybe Iā€™ll play another gameā€. If thatā€™s the case why should WoW improve? I mean as long as your playing it doesnā€™t matter if your complaining the whole time. Thatā€™s player engagement right there.

Comparing WoW to other mmos isnā€™t bad and most people do it just so WoW can improve. New flash everyone in the forums generally care about the game. I love my zandalari and there isnā€™t a race like trolls in any other mmo. I want this game to be better.


This is true. The ARR stuff (lvl 1 - 50) is such a slog to get through, then thereā€™s the post ARR stuff that you need to get through to get to Heavensward. Theyā€™ve tried making it better in 5.3, but even with pruning unneeded quests, itā€™s still a slog.

The good thing is that, things get better in Heavensward. Youā€™re still required to do the MSQs in order to progress to the next expansion content, but itā€™s more engaging because Heavensward, Stormblood and Shadowbringers are all 10x better than ARR content. Still though, I wish theyā€™d do something about the slog that is ARR.

FFXIV is close to wow, youll still be doing over the top dungeon mechanics and raids at the end, and still playing dress up.

Difference is FFXIV knows what it is, can deliver its lore and story in a way only a literate writer could do, something wow has always lacked, and knows well the ā€œim done with the story what nowā€ issue with tons of collectables and a fun crafting/fishing system and housing for another layer of things to craft and collect. Wow doesnt do that.

Wow took a coherent and self aware game, tossed so much levelling content into it that none of it matters, making the story pointlessly complex due to fragmenting the campaign (too much content for the levels available) and then says youll just want to farm cosmetics in one of three ways.

Trust me in the end you are going to be either stressing stupid dungeon mechanics and dealing with bad players, playing RNG collectā€™emā€™all and generally being bored with a community that is nice on the surface but the same as in wow.

FFXIV is a great campaign (past the initial ARR content which can drag more than a mid level wow zone in irrelevant ancient content) and some of the dungeons have cool stuff to see and hear in itā€¦and the classes are fun, mostly. But in the end youll be in the same spot you are hereā€¦just maybe with a developer and company thats moreā€¦friendly and communicative.


https://youtu.be/9Rv1Ev8vMRY and you know why folk hate FF14 fanboys

Because NA FF14 is largely casual. JP is mostly proactive in the harder content. I believe the best estimate on this is LuckyBanchoā€™s census ā€“ which shows that while NA is the largest of the data center regions, it has some of the lowest completion percentages for current Savage content among level 80s.

I think according to their numbers from April ā€“ no NA/EU server has more than 20% for the Eden mount (completion of Savage tier reward) meanwhile JPā€™s best server sits as 44%

Edit: I mistakenly read Gilgamesh as a JP server ā€“ its an NA server that has it at 22% (the only Western server to be above 20%)

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ARR annoying part was the pointless cut scene, which slow down the game a lot.
But for me i still enjoy almost everything in ARR, i guess maybe the story is just way too interesting to skip, especially Lord Haurchefant quest, before meeting him again in Heavensward.

So I looked up one of the raid bosses on mythic the broker boi. Showed him to my buddy who used to play EQ and he looked at the guide and said

ā€œWho has time to want to do that? Thatā€™s insane and thatā€™s not even the last boss?ā€

If you go outside of GD into other MMORPG spaces WoW now has an identity of a competitive hardcore driven content. Itā€™s not just a big fun mmorpg. Itā€™s basically League of Legends MMORPG.

the real reason people are going to it is because the lack of content on wow they will come back as they always do, this is how they always have been like. also back in wrath when they had a long wait for cata to come out blizzard even said play other games while you wait. frankly yall are sad.

Which depending on one perspective, is very sad. Upon launch and for a long time after, WoW was billed as a casual friendly alternative to the other games in the genre at the time, and was largely succesful because of that casual nature.

WoW still does top of the top content very well, but unfortunately leaves nearly everyone and everything else of the game well in the dust.


FFXIV gives me a lot of things I wish WoW would.

It gives me meaningful professions. It gives me the chance at a house. It gives me a lot of avenues to the same goals. If I donā€™t want to Savage Raid I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m missing out on anything important. I mean, sure, thereā€™s stuff there, but itā€™s not all thatā€™s important.

The biggest feature is the Golden Saucer. Itā€™s like someone took Darkmoon Faire and turned it into its own actual game. Thatā€™s a huge bit of side content, especially for the collector. Thereā€™s a TCG minigame to play. There are just so many collections and customization systems in this game.

Then we have Blizzard, who thinks customization is a last priority and that anything outside of competitive content should exist to either get you into that content quickly or not have any other real purpose.

But I love so much about how this game (Wow) plays, and I wish theyā€™d go back to focusing more on class identity and not on expansion identity.


Thatā€™s not hardcore, thatā€™s console kiddie gameplay in an MMORPG.

Your EQ friend should have asked you:

  • If you had to wait for the random spawn in the world (probably middle of the night in the middle of the work week)
  • If your guild had to fight other guilds to do the most dps to get the boss win for the cycle (prob 3-7 days and 1 per server)
  • If you had to deal with PvP from the other guilds at the same time you were fighting the boss.
  • If you lose experience on every wipe? Enough so you might not be able to get back into the raid until you go back out in the world and earn more exp?
  • If you have to fight your way back to you body in order to get your gear back before it despawns and is gone forever?

WoW raiding is just dance dance revolution pretending to ba an MMORPG. Sure its a complex dance dance revolution, but thats all it is.

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Thatā€™s what weā€™re aware of he said so do you have to talk to other guilds ever? I said nope why would you? But the mechanics of single boss fights is dance dance Revolution.

I mean ā€“ FF14 customization is no gods gift either between the issues of Viera/Hrothgar to how limited facial options/facial customization is. FF14 is in desperate need of customization updates and additions.

On top of this: I wouldnt want to copy FF14ā€™s housing system or instance design to a T either.

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No certainly not. I like WoWā€™s aesthetics way better.

What I mean is, like, there is a lot of customization to unlock. Itā€™s content to go after. Housing exists, itā€™s something to do that I really like in MMOs.

FFXIV scratches those itches in ways that Blizzard doesnā€™t. Iā€™d be ecstatic to see WoW do the same. Thatā€™s kinda what Iā€™m getting at.

Iā€™m not a M+ person. I raid, but raiding is kinda my side thing. Iā€™ll get AOTC and stuff when I have a lot of other things to do outside of a raid. And Iā€™ve never been huge into PVP except Ashran, or the specifically PVP zones like the one in Cata (I think?). The outdoor stuff like the towers was cool.

So, right now, FFXIV is hitting more buttons. Thatā€™s all. I still play WoW, I just donā€™t play it much, because it seems to mostly be dedicating its resources to stuff I donā€™t really do.

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See thats my dichotomy ā€“ Casual time passing will most likely be FF14 for that itch. Raiding or any sort of instance content will be more WoW for me.

Investing in housing is way too much of a time sink for me ā€“ and actively forces me to continue paying sub or else I waste millions of gil.

Iā€™ve been wondering why WOW does not do this in one of the shared hubs. Wow has so many under used assets it could copy paste the art from- like Suramar city. It would make a great ā€˜Golden Saucerā€™ like experience- with Blizzards own flair.

I really liked how housing worked in SWTOR when I played it. I like my Garrison in WoW. Itā€™s just such a shame that I canā€™t do anything more with it.

I never had the pleasure of playing Wildstar, but I hear housing in that is great, too.

Itā€™s definitely a sought-after feature in these sort of games. Even if a lot of us arenā€™t talking in say to each other like weā€™re our characters, we still enjoy the RP aspects of a RPG. Dressing up our characters certain ways, having a character that looks the way we want, like, this stuff matters to a lot more people than I think they realize.

I would just make a different entity than the DMF. DMF is a tradition. Literally put something in Oribos or the Night Market like a Portal to a Broker pocket dimension called the Eternal Bazaar or something. You can put a reference to the DMF in there and vice versa as a nod ā€“ but make it its own entity.

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ā€¦and how many WoW races still canā€™t wear shoes??