Why F R E S H is the way to go for BC

What makes you think people would do this the second time around? It’s not like it wasn’t known that everyone and their sisters would roll horde.

There’s a limit to how often I will play the same game from the beginning. I loved Morrowind and Diablo II. I played them through a few times and put them aside. A few years later I was bored and I played through them again. But I haven’t played either for over 10 years. I’ll never play them again

I played vanilla with 4 classes 15 years ago. And I had over a dozen alts from 10 to 40ish. I took those 4 original alts and a couple others though BC and Wrath all the way to BfA before I got bored and quit retail about 6 months before classic came out. I thought I was done with wow. Vanilla was a good enough game that after 15 years I’ll play it again. But I’ve done it so often that I doubt I’ll start over again at level 1 for BC.

We all have different levels of interest in replaying a game. I might get bored quicker than you but there it is.

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Dont split the pop, serve us TB like it was in the past.

What about people who want to retain their PvP titles? You do realize the old ranking system went away in TBC, right? There are people who want to continue into TBC content with said PvP titles.

Alternatively: no.

TBC should be a continuation of our present characters or they shouldn’t do it at all. The end.


fresh is a meme and will flop


Some problems I’d imagine with a fresh launch:

-As far as balancing faction sizes, I’d imagine this would be quite the opposite: things are already unbalanced in classic, and that’s considering the relative importance of faction parity in classic; in TBC, with PvP being in Arena, being the dominant faction doesn’t have the downsides classic has (huge BG queues) so their isn’t much of a reason not to play the dominant faction.
-As far as launch, xpac launches are always fun, but classic launch also had a lot of problems (Blizz couldn’t accurately predict the amount of servers they needed and ended up with a handful of early packed servers and all the last-minute dead servers), and it’s hard to imagine this wouldn’t be the case in TBC.
-Allowing Blood Elves the same start as everyone else is a real problem, everyone will end up rolling Blood Elf, hurting the already mentioned problem of one dominant faction having all the people.

Other problems would be deterring people who want to pre-level a character to take right into Outland when TBC comes; players having to leave their main behind on the classic servers while they go to TBC; and it’s possible Blizz just doesn’t want to have to host 3 iterations of WoW worth of servers at once - there’d be retail/Classic/TBC and eventually LK all separate, which is hard to justify if each group is cutting into the playerbase of the others.

Judging by the survey they sent out, they may be more interested in multiple servers than I imagine, with my preference being that they roll out TBC on all classic servers a year or so after Naxx.

Fresh allows Blizzard to balance faction sizes from the get-go (which otherwise would be carried over). Can also limit server sizes (one of the biggest changes in Classic).

It’s bad for business if Blizzard tries to restrict player options. If I start a week late and can’t be the faction I choose to be, on the server I want to be on, I wouldn’t play. Would you?

Fresh with heirloom items!

This argument is ridiculous. The pop will be split no matter what they do. I do not want to play BC. You cannot force me. If TBC is the only option, I will unsub. I do want to keep playing Classic. Why do you want to stop me from doing it? What do you gain? What does Blizzard gain?

No, if we have 2 different types of servers then yes the player pop will indeed be split.

If there is only 1 type of server to choose from the player pop will not be split.

Ridiculous. The CURRENT playerbase will be split between those who keep playing and those who quit (or switch back to pservers). How can you not understand this?

It is a ridiculous argument. Blizzard wasn’t just trying to be nice when they finally decided to create Classic servers. They created them to protect their IP and shut down private Vanilla servers. So they are fully intending to keep supporting Classic servers indefinitely.

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No most people will keep playing WoW and their characters regardless. They will press forward with w/e new content blizz offers them.

What do you think will happen if they do both?
Players will leave to go play BC and some will stay and play classic. They will both be on different servers and they will be split. Sever populations will suffer.

Sure. That’s why everyone is playing retail and classic never launched.

Hilarious. I suggest you make a “Big wall of no” post on the forums too. It went quite well the last time.

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Blizzard already said their full intention was to move through all the expansions.
Your best hope is that blizzard creates a “PTRish” version of classic where you can copy your main and live happy ever after.

I’m fine with 1-70 grind session on a fresh server. Since everyone on my server is level 60 and finding groups to do anything relevant between 1-49.

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Having fresh servers and transfer servers would not create two different versions of BC. As the player base was growing from Classic to Wotlk, there were fresh servers that you couldn’t transfer onto initially created over time. They were not “different versions.” They did not “split the player base.”

So, you think we should level our characters here to 60, gear them up, raid after raid, then completely abandon them if we want to progress to TBC, even though that is the very nature of expansion releases…to further progress the character you are playing.

and this makes sense to you?


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Are ya’ll new to Blizzard? This is what is going to happen. “New TBC is here! With the purchase of TBC Remastered you will get one boost to use on any character to bring them to level 58! Come play with your friends!” When BC relaunches they will 100% have a level 58 boost included in the TBC purchase. They 100% will not delete people’s progress and make everyone start at lvl 58 on fresh toons. Are you all new here?