Why F R E S H is the way to go for BC

There’s no comparison to everyone playing on the same version, but split between factions and literally splitting the playerbase between games. That’s absurd.

At the rate classic is going a noticeable portion of the playerbase is going to start TBC with enough gold to buy epic flying. That’s my point.

Some people like particular versions of the game. I don’t care for Retail version, and that’s OK. We shouldn’t have to be forced into the version that you want everybody to play in. Now, that’s absurd.

I can go on an even bigger scale, not all gamers play the same games. We like what we like.

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No we didnt? Bliz didnt moderate anything this first go around. All yall complaining about imbalanced queues and stuff better not cry in TBC if the only option is adopting the same exact imbalances as everyone just takes their 60 to Outland…

If it started from 1 they could maybe lock factions at some point to make sure its even. Otherwise I really shouldnt see anyone complaining about their long queues again man… yall don’t know WHAT yall want.

I’d be down for either fresh tbc or 58 character copy. I don’t think 60 tbc does much.

It’s literally been happening since expansions have been released. shrug

You’re not going to please everyone.

And those who were not pleased, quit. Just like I did after WoD. I had enough of the game changing. So, I left. And other players were quitting long before that.

Agreed. I think my idea, would result in less people being angry:

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I don’t personally want fresh start, cause all this effort put into leveling will be deleted.

But in case this would happen i’ll just play blood elf paladin for the sake of “new” experience

Atleast economics would be stable without people stockpiling on stuff that would be valuable in bc

Eh, I mean WoW has been dying since Wrath babies. In hindsight the idea that WoW was dying before WoD is pretty comical if you ask me. But yes, people came and people left

I could live with keeping Vanilla for people who want it and TBC for people who want it, mostly because I believe most people will want something “fresh” and TBC will thrive more than Vanilla will and if server population drops to more realistic numbers for the time period then it’ll be fine.

What person I initially quoted was talking about was kind of putting people on three different islands. Here’s fresh servers, here’s classic servers, and everyone else can just progress to 70 on their main.

For me it’s not necessarily proceeding to TBC, but just keeping everyone on the same page. In a perfect world we’d take a vote and majority would rule, whether that was to stay in classic or proceed to TBC. By the looks of it TBC is pretty much inevitable though.

No. This is a bad post and you should feel bad for making it

I feel like this is one of those times where the answer is, WHY NOT HAVE BOTH?

I agree that the idea is dumb but not because “it’ll split the playerbase”. There’s just no need for two different versions of BC, while having one Classic and one Retail. It just doesn’t make any sense.

Again, I’m pro my idea because it’ll still be “fresh”, people can progress, and those staying behind in Classic, won’t lose their’s.

Those interested in this whole “fresh” concept don’t actually want to consistently play any version of WoW. They just want to show off “being first”.

I would be OK with some type of gold cap. But there were folks in original TBC that probably had enough gold from farming all the vanilla raids and what not to buy the epic flyer at 70.

I basically warned my guild this.

I do not want to play Ally in a PvP server. Think about how awful it is now - and then consider that Horde get Blood Elves AND the only good Paladins.

H/A ratios are going to look like retail.


I disagree. That’s not how things were when TBC was released. Not everyone started at level 1.

I think the best thing for Blizzard to do is to clone entire Classic servers on a specific date, and then those would be the new TBC servers (while still keeping all existing Classic servers intact). They can also add brand new TBC servers where everyone starts at level 1.

TBC was meant to dumb down and over-casualize WoW…

…let them start at 70 I say.

None of it will matter once they are hiding in the sky and flying over all of the land anyways with their anti-community content and raids.

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No, it’s not. It’s dumb as hell, and there’s no indication that it’ll go any better than Classic. Any means Blizzard could use to “encourage” balance will lead to more incessant whining.

We didn’t have to start over back then when TBC launched. There is absolutely no reason why we should now.

You didnt read my post at all, i would appreciate if you retracted your post.

If you had read it, you would see that i explored the 4 most likely candidates on how blizzard would launch TBC in relation to our character creation/transfering with as little bias as possible, trying to explore what the proponents would argue for in each system.

And then if you read a little more, you would see that I personally prefer the Transfer system.

Good day.

Yeah, that’s not how things happened back in the day either.

The natural progression worked just fine back in the day, and there’s no reason to change from it.

I realise thats now how things were back in the day.

Times change old man.

You’re blinded by tradition, #nochanges isnt relevent anymore

Can you post constructive feedback or not post at all please :smiley: