Fresh servers imo are the way to go with no way of bring a classic character over. Players that can copy will copy characters for AH means and the market will be awful, heck, maybe 10x worse then it needs to be with how “easy” it is to get gold from dailies in TBC.
Vanilla AH contents are mostly worthless in TBC
so it would not be the AH stuff that i’d have any worry over.
Um…gather materials for professions? Gear to DE for enchanters? Profession recipes for twinking? Same for Gear for twinking? Did this not come to mind?
the mats needed to progress the profs change though
even the DE mats move forward with the older stuff being of lesser and lesser value and easier and easier to get
twink stuff you might have had a point, except our twink community seems to be a mini micro culture barely able to sustain a BG presence.
I kind of suspect the twink community will remain in classic, i could be wrong though.
Simple solution. Clone all servers at the time of TBC launch and patch them to TBC.
Open a few new servers with no transfer options… all parties are safe, don’t have to worry about name reservations or losing progress/items.
serious question, why does no one seem to be bothered by which patch TBC classic will be set at…patch 2.43 nerfed the raids, dungeons and took away the attunements…
You say that like it is a bad thing. When the attunement flow-chart looks like a fractal pattern on shrooms, getting rid of it is a good thing.
the twink community has more rewards to getting Gear in TBC, unless they changed the leg armor attachment to be 65+.
cobra hide is lev 60+ i would have to go hunt down the others
I dont remember the 60 - 69 bracket being heavily popular, but then again, that was then and this is now
100% this, its the easiest way and the only way the classic diehards will end up with servers with viable populations
RIIIGHT,. and you can keep your gold in the OTHER GAME, TBC is not classic. have a good one.
At minimum let players copy a toon from a current vanilla server over to the new one. Even if they wipe the gear/gold from you that would beat starting over (again).
Will probably go the other way around
the present server ABC will remain as classic, and you will be able to choose to progress over to realm ABC-TBC or remain in place.
Copying was not an option they gave.
Don’t think so. People who adamantly won’t progress are a vast minority compared to those who actively want TBC or just don’t care that much. Less complicated and work intensive to simply open 1-2 stasis servers per region, and let zealots transfer there for free, while everyone else continues on.
Absolutely nobody knows who is in the vast majority except maybe blizzard
As far as less complicated etc, no, it really isn’t
It’s the same either way.
stop typing fresh in call caps spaced out. im tired of seeing people try to force this as some kind of buzzword.
TBC with Goblins instead of Blood-elves would be nice. Keep Shaman/Paladin racial.
Give Goblin Shaman and Dranei Paladin.
This would fit well into WoWs current aesthetic. Immersion is everything.
No. Just because you want to look like the ‘guest of honor’ at a barbecue doesn’t mean we can’t have our glorious golden-haired elves.
Nope copy is the way to go