Why even name our characters?

I agree this community does need to be better…starting with the “GOGOGOGO PULLPULLPULLPULLPULL” crowd…what if someone who’s new to the game joins there fist dungeon? 9 times out of 10, they won’t know what’s going on. And then the rest of the group kicks them, not willing to say a word or explain boss mechanics.

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Yeah man, that’s where we all step in and help out. A little patience goes a long way… be cool and adapt to what we have.

Stinks but… sometimes it does fall to you in those situations to get it done and lead the way for those new people and that’s what it is all about.

Might not time the keystone/ nerd achievey or whatever people are looking for but that person will remember that you took the time to help out and they will most likely pay it forward and want to stick around.

I would rather push with people who are putting in effort and are struggling than a group who is a bunch of meter goblins who make it unfun to be around.

There is definitely a balance, if people aren’t there then they aren’t there… run it again with a new group of people.

I’ve been roguing a long time, this is all I do. I don’t expect others to do similar stuff “broooOo you gotta interrupt that yadda yadda”.

Just finish the job, you know? Always another keystone/ rated match / whatever.

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Thanks man, I love your attitude :smiley:

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I mean depends on a person I guess. I can read Starbucks baristas name tag too, but I would feel uncomfortable calling them by name. Similar kind of thing.

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I have this one Aunt who always learns the waiters name its so uncomfortable when shes talking to them by name every time. Yells: “Oh Aaron! Be a deary and get a puu puu platter and another round of drinks. Thanks Aaron you’re the best Aaron”.


This wasn’t an issue back in the good ol classic dungeon days. It felt like a table top rpg almost. Some people remembered your name and asked you to tank another day. Don’t care if im in the minority on this one but flying, dungeon tool, and linear expansion zones killed the immersion of the living mmorpg.

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I’ll call you “Z” if we’re in a group one day.

~like from the movie Antz
:dracthyr_yay_animated: :watermelon::ant:


I got hit with the “Monk you coming?”. had to take the time to respond with “Clearing the trash one of you all pulled.”

Go team go.

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I get where you’re coming from. I agree

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Sometimes it easier to see the class color and just say the class then stop and read someone’s weird name. Especially if your never going to see them again. Special character names can also be a pain to type. Someone might spell the name wrong.

But the one that made me realize why people do it. You might not respond if you don’t remember your character name. I have a ton of alts, I even delete characters from time to time, and a few times id be playing and someone tried to talk to me. I just don’t respond to the character name because I forgot what name I gave it. /Shrug

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No sweat dude, if enough people give a flip then things get better. It starts with 1, always does.

Can I add u as a friend?

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I get called by my character’s name plenty. Okay I get called a shortened version of it if the name is longer than 6 letters. Same applies to others in the party unless you are the tank and is messing up.


Sure thing dude, hit me up anytime.

Faster to type ‘Priest’ than ‘Zorloff.’

You could have a super unique name and there will still be thousands of people in the world with not only your unique name, but your same last name as well. Unless your friend is calling you Flint, Michigan Brian Smith age 24, son of Barbara and Steven, I don’t think you’ve got much to worry about. Lol

It’s all that League of Legends player mentality leaking into our game. Been happening for years.

u suk mort
voli top gap
jung ur mom is a bleep

Slowly degenerating our game. Was bound to happen though. WoW’s kind of intense at the higher levels.

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Op,you should be me then I’m called pyro for short and my guild confuses me with being a healer ,that doesn’t stop when I play my tanks they still call me pyro.

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Don’t take it personally. Or do. What ever.

If I run 20 dungeons, I might see a Paul or George or Ringo, but they are all just roles being played in an RPG. Tank or Healer or “Class” or “spec” - until the next dungeon, when the roles are the same but the names change.

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I blame D&D:

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I love when I get in a group and hear the fun ways people mispronounce my names. Currently my main is Rahne “Rain” but oh boy do people seem to have a hard time with that.

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