Why even name our characters?

Hello Mawwalker #8675309, we need 10 painted lizard toes to save Azeroth. Can you help?

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Thank you for taking the time to do that, it warms my heart to know that you’re one of the many handful that still believe in immersion

This is weird.

Pretty much the only one I ever call by role is “tank”.

Everyone else gets called by class. “Where is this rogue going?” “Fat mage lagging behind again.” “Fort please priest” etc.

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In mythic plus it’s definitely just a time saver. Some people’s names are hard and if you need a hunter to do a certain thing and there doesnt make any sense at a glance

As for raiding it is definitely lazy af.

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better to have no name, than be named zorloff

Gen Orloff

Can you imagine in 2023 and whenever you want to make a name, “Sorry, this name is taken.”… While other games you can have the same name as others doesn’t matter…

“Sorry, Xanthilanirax, I was going to tell you to move out of the fire, but I couldn’t type your name in time.”

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Im literally cackling :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Its just so on point and the punctuality too lmaooo.

Move (class name) is just so much easier.


So easy lol

On this note, I’m totally reserving “Xanthilanirax” as a name for my draenei warlock.

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i mean to be fair, if im calling for something. That does add a fair bit of time to look at who is playing the healer/tank. Then try to spell it out quickly. Then you might be used to being called something shorter or a different name in guild. Then you dont even think its referring to you. Tank/healer for pugs is just easier. If im playing with guildies i know their character names so ill use that, but we tend to be in discord anyways.

I don’t understand this priest’s problem…

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I kind of consider it impertinent for someone to call my character by it’s actual name. Like, I don’t know you, just call me priest or whatever.

Someone actually referred to me by my character’s name today. I was shocked.

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