Why even name our characters?

Hello there beautiful blood elf Warlock :smiley:

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Oh yeah for sure.

It just seems nice to do.

But people (in PUGs) are getting less chatty with every expansion.

Back when it first started, the instances were kind of difficult, and you basically did need to communicate.

The Only people you should care about calling you by name is your guildmates. Everyone else is too busy to care.

I mean personally, i don’t mind really since i’m here to do a dungeon or fulfill a role. I much rather people don’t get personal with me unless i know them.

In all honesty, I miss the communication…well…not the lazy kind…this is an MMO FFS! Be social…and do it right

You’re just a class to me. You’re lucky if I even get your class right!



MMO doesn’t mean you have to socialize 24/7. Plus why not start socializing if you want socialization?

And personally, i already have friends so… I really don’t care to socialize unless it’s really needed. Or if i want too.

For you maybe.

We’re playing a game and cooperation is a must. Making each other feel less like robots can go a long way.

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Not socializing doesn’t make you a robot.

You think that’s bad, have people completely flub your name with letters that aren’t even in the name.

It’s spelled how it is written: Dee-Dar-Roo or Ded-Ar-Oo

But I’ve had people go “Deandaro” or “Dededanu” and my favorite, Dederu (Said like dee-dee-roo)

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Ya know i’ve saw you said “Yes it does”.

Some people just don’t want to socialize and want to enjoy the game. If i want to socialize, a dungeon is not the best place for it.

Jeez, my condolences

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WOW . I mean … Just WOW.


I mean if people don’t want to socialize but still play a game…play a single player game…that my recommendation atleast

Or they can contiune playing the MMO they like and enjoy, without socializing. I don’t see how the lack of socialization affects you.

I mean, if you want people to be forced to socialize, play classic.

Good idea, Classic isn’t hard anyway :joy:

Well you do you, while we enjoy what we have. I see no harm in not socializing personally.

Blame folks with unpronounceable names or worse-yet, the ones with the weird letters.

Fair, u do u my friend, stay safe out there :smiley: