Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports

calm down lol we know its never gonna happen, even though i think it should

good lord…

the question is actually, “how do you NOT think it is a fact?”. So, flying mounts make things slower?? Flying over mobs is harder??

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I think its a lost cause explaining it to them. Even though the Developers had this mindset as well but catered to the people that wanted “quality of life” and easy toy/mount farming. For them its not about immersion , its about that next quick dopamine fix that quickly fades :frowning:

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They should make ground mounts add a stacking debuff that decreases your movement speed and the only way to remove it is to use dragon riding.

What? I thought we were just saying the dumbest thing that we could think of like the OP did.

Slower =/= better.

Over world mobs are irrelevant.

That’s a failure of the designers if they want to make a game so irrelevant that you want people to fly over it at Mach 10. So at least we agree the content is boring and you want to fly over it. That’s a start.

True, I am definitely beating a dead horse here

Over world mobs have always been irrelevant. Always.

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Meh, the millions that have unsubbed can still read your post. Its basically just survivor bias at this point.

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I think im having the same convo with you in another thread. I just think the game should be more than rushing to the next waypoint over and over. I think the game would feel better if it had a more immersive world. Everyone, especially casuals will enjoy it

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Exactly , when they buy the game they expect an immersive world that they can explore. What they don’t expect is a Flight simulator.

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How would my alts under 30 get around? You want my cute Alpacas to trip on a tree root and break her poor ankle?

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Trolls really aren’t even trying anymore.

Even MMORPGs that don’t have flying usually have some form of fast travel mechanic. Exploring the land is only fun the first, maybe second, time around. No one is trying to spend all their time running miles and miles in game.

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Anytime I read complaints about how flying ruins the game, what I really see is an admission they lack the discipline to play the game the way they are demanding others to play the game.

As so many have said on the topic for a more than a decade, any of us may choose to walk or ground-mount the entire game and only use flying where you choose or where game immersion requires it (flying quests or transport).

What other players choose for transportation, or how they choose to explore the continent, or the pace they move through the terrain has no impact on your own game experience. Don’t want to? Don’t like it? Then don’t.

Like so many things in life, it’s just people choosing for themselves instead of having the choices controlled.


Of course they do, WoW classic had flight paths, warlock summons , hearthstones. I get it. But there’s a point when it stops being in moderation and it becomes hazardous to gameplay. And that goes with most things in life. To much of a good thing end up being bad in the long run.

There’s no trolling here just because I disagree with your opinion.

So if I want to cheat in a Poker Tournament I should be able to do so? Thats how I want to play, right? The other competitors can play fair if they want.

Get real man, its a game and games are based on rule sets. Sure you can play the game how you want but when others are at a fundimental advantage you can’t just say “NAH I want to gimp myself”.

Your argument is rediculas.

But how other people choose to play in WoW does not affect you at all. A poker tournament requires all players to play by the same set of rules. If those rules are broken by one player it ruins the experience for the other players.

Some who prefers to fly over running in WoW literally has zero effect on the other players. Someone else flying does not prevent you from not flying. At no point are you forced to fly because other players are flying.

Everyone has the right AND THE CHOICE to play how they feel the most comfortable and how they get the most enjoyment. We all pay the same fees to have our own experience.

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Then why don’t slow, take your time and use a ground mount?

The world is plenty immersive. What isn’t immersive is when my winged dragon has magically forgotten how to fly and has to hop around on the ground.

You don’t speak for everyone, you don’t speak for casuals, and you don’t speak for me. You speak for yourself and you can absolutely run around on your ground mount until your heart’s content.

Exactly… couldn’t have said it better myself. Remember you’ll be tagging mobs faster then I can on a ground mount, you will also be gathering profession mats faster, getting to Rare spawns faster.

You basically just proved my point.