Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports

What can I say? Some people don’t care about exploration. Not one bit. I would say if you liked exploration so much, then why don’t you go ahead and use your ground mount? I don’t see how my love for dynamic flight affects your desire for exploration.


Yeah, there is plenty more to the game than exploration. And exploration is only fun the first few times in a new zone. But this game is designed on zones where you keep going back for months and months, and going on ground every time just gets boring. But I don’t see a problem with making a no-flight server or two, and if there is enough demand, make more. I really don’t get much enjoyment from basic exploring these days in the sense of walking your way through a terrain maze. On the other hand, I may fly somewhere and kill stuff to see what kind of drops I get. That’s also exploring.

When most players say they enjoy exploring in an MMO, I tend to interpret it as they like discovering new things and then being able to share that in a brag, of sorts, with their social group. The thrill for them is discovering something and then being the first to tell your guild about it so they hold you in high regard. I think that’s why it’s not enough that they can’t fly - they need to cancel every one else’s ability to fly too.

You know, I forgot all about that.

pft, whatever. Flying makes things faster and the details of the world less important. This isn’t an opinion, its a fact.

Yep, flying was available for all of TBC end game, in fact a good chunk of the late leveling content and and daily level 70 content required flying (Throne of Kil’Jaeden dailies, Ogrila, Sha’tari Skyguard stuff, Consortium dailies, just running any of the dungeons/raid in Tempest Keep, etc). Pretty much everything after level 68 was made more accessible or outright required flying in TBC.

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100% agree. Flying harms immersion. Its to late for retail though. They will never be able to unopen Pandora’s box on it. Once you give certain quality of life that ruins immersion you cant take it back.

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How exactly is that a fact?

Maybe YOUR immersion. Not everyone’s immersion.


It harms immersion in general. You are not immerse into details of the world when flying and by the fact you don’t understand

That when you speed past something you retain less information of it then if you if you have to go through it at a slower pace shows me I have no reason to continue this conversation with you.

It might harm your immersion. It enhances my immersion.

Again, that’s subjective. Not a fact. Every person is different.

Translation: I’m trying to push my opinion as a fact so I can’t back anything up.



LOL just because I found this hilarious I will respond one more time. Its a fact the faster you are going the less detail you can process. Its not an opinion its a fact. If you show an image for 1 second vs showing a different image for 30 seconds which one will you retain more information on? That is why you aren’t worth talking too. Same with going by something faster. You have less time to process the details.

Also Added to ignore so I don’t have to see your pop ups:)

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So we only get one single chance to see the scenery/artwork in a zone? Just one chance and if we zoom by on a flying mount we’ve missed out forever? Your analogy doesn’t work.

Yet here you are responding to me.

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In real life, too! We already have control of the skies and seas, what do any of us need roads for?

The solution for increasing immersion in a world with flying is more escort quests. You can immerse yourself in the world while following a dumb-as-rocks NPC to your heart’s content!

Flight wasn’t until 78

If they’re goign to keep flying (which they are) , They need to make ground travel meaningful. Flying should at least have inherent Risks. One example could be “as mentioned in the War Within” when the light source turns dark all flying stops and players must use ground mounts.

Either way. Invalidating your content via flying is just bad design.

Game would be better if mounts didnt even have legs and instead had another set of wings. Use your ground mount and piss off. Nobody cares about your terrible idea.

Wow, so much anger for a point of view. Are you ok?

Yours is wrong and you should feel bad. Next time don’t skip the rehab after a stroke.