Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports

I wish what you said was true, the game would be better designed. Scarcity increases value.

But ya, you got LFR, NORMAL,HEROIC,MYTHIC, MYTHIC +, PVP, World Quests, Rep venders… Ya take your pick.

They Basically force feed purples to people.

That’s not really force feeding considering a fresh 70 cannot engage with any of that content. LFR is gated, also the queue is like 30-60 minutes, it’s also not personal loot.

Normal/Heroic/Mythic raid are gated behind ilvl, logs, achievements, etc. No one runs Mythic 0 so you won’t be doing that at all. M+ is gated behind IO, ilvl, comp, the direction of the wind, the moon phase, etc.
PVP is gated by how much Vers you have. If you have zero you get 1 shot. World quests are boring, bad game play that you have to fly around for and are obsolete. Rep vendors require Renown grinding.

I was thinking more like Classic where you can get a BiS item from random monsters in the world, random trash in raids, random trash in dungeons, random trash, etc. You can also loot gear directly out of chests you find in the world and Rares 100% drop greens and have a high chance at BoE blues, which can be BiS in Classic.

Reading comprehension, knowledge, knowing the facts, not glossing over the nuances and details, etc. That all eludes you, sorry about that!

Ironically I agree with you. Retail loot feels like dogwater.

So basically you want to condense the game and remove all these useless difficulties and seperate activities and let the game just be an MMO where you explore (dungeons/world) and get loot that feels like it matters?

I think we want the same thing buddy.

Oh wow, now putting words in my mouth. Welcome to the ignore list lol. Don’t even care if you agree, but I just don’t like your posting. It’s annoying.
“Hurr durr we want the same thing after I just dismissed your entire post” Yeah okay.

But we do.

Ironic isn’t it? Checkmate.

My complaint is stubborn people like you if you want me to be blunt. You and many others like you are what’s wrong with the decline of wow. You want your insta gratification sooooooo bad you forget to stop and smell the roses cause you are so addicted to those dopamine drips.

I wanna zoom through the new content and 200 mph and I don’t care about anything but min maxxing the fun out of the game.

I hope (sincerely hope) they just ghost the flyboys next xpac and make you use ground mounts. Delete all addons and bake a few stable ones into the game and watch you all cry like little kids that got their popsickle taken away.

Your grasping at straws side of this debate is so elementary it’s not even worth responding to.

“Wanna ride your ground mount nothing is stopping you”

Except you can’t even physically get to dragon isles much less emerald dream on the ground. So quit saying dumb things just to be that edge lord that needs to argue with someone.

I don’t expect my opinion to be a popular one. But keep in mind that’s why you’re still playing when the other literal 70% of players have left for greener pastures. You think this constant flood of dopamine is working? Numbers are saying otherwise but you and may others are addicted cause of the sunken time fallacy.

I play minimally and do play at a sweaty level however this game has literally lost its soul. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

PS yes it’s a flying xpac but the problem persists anyway. With or without a flying themed xpac.

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I’m enjoying myself thanks :slight_smile:

of course you are. The game is made for you. Unfortunately not for the majority of WoW players that left.

Survivor Bias at its finest.

But seriously , I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Its just that its a shell of the game it used to be.

I’ve played on and off since vanilla. While there are some minor things I don’t like, they weren’t deterrent enough for me to be upset with where the game is currently at.

I’m extremely casual though.

Hey my friend, you’re not alone. Dont let the blatent survivor bias fool you. The majority of WoW players have gone to other games or have accepted that they have to go back to a 15 yr old version of the game to remember what good game design was really like.

It’s sad that the game didn’t improve but only got worse. But rest assured you’re not alone, infact you’re most likely part of the majority that has grown apathetic and left.

The game is just a mount/toy sim now with a battlepass model. The new players eat it up and ask for more.

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I kind of feel like the expansion is over when pathfinder comes out. It’s like, “yeah, here is your unrestrcted flying, see you in a year with the next expansion pack”

Yep welcome to predictable formulaic game design!

Where the fun is replaced with metrics and data point following a rubic on how to create a wow season.

Oh no, I’m perfectly fine.
I jut have a hard time dealing with sheer stupidity that rots my brain.
EX: your argument.

Flight is just convenient my guy, has nothing to do with “instant gratification”
Do you seriously expect most people with a life outside of the game to spend an hour to do 5 quests because the travel time alone takes like 40 minutes?
At the end of the day, Warcraft is a quest based game. Exploration is secondary to that.
Want to know a primary exploration game? Genshin Impact is a great example. 90% of the game is exploring and hour long story quests.
Warcraft ain’t that kind of game.
And you easily can access everywhere in this game by land, you just don’t want to spend the half hour doing it.
And flying isn’t what made this game lose its soul, it’s crappy loot, bad story decisions, and all that.

People seem to have such short memories. Flying was the fad back then, if blizzard hadn’t implemented flying wow would have never taken off as it did back then. All the best mmos back then had flying, some even at level 1. Pwi, aion, eq2, lineage 2, gw2 later innovated it after wotlk. :cloud_with_rain:

I’d accept no flying if they took away places that are only accessible by flight, and if they enacted a quick travel system like SWTOR has. But unfortunately this game is designed around people eventually getting flying, and they do not have any quick means of travel anywhere.

This argumant always come up. Remove flying so it forces people to do this and that. Then those hat want flying make things more enjoyable for them. Glad right now the for flying is winning.

Careful using logic and reasoning on the GD forums, you’ll anger the baboons

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All 5 of the people like you got to have your flightless crap for almost 10 years. Half of the expansions WoD-SL were spent on the ground. But no you can’t be happy playing the game your way. You want to make everyone play the game your way.

Go back to classic. Better yet, back under your bridge.

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