Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports

Sounds like you just don’t like this game. Try another cause here’s a pro tip - flying aint goin away.


I keep tellin them brother but people don’t care about making the world feel better. They just wanna get in, get loot, get out. It’s a dead horse but we know the truth.

You should use the roads and stop wining over nothing. Flying is great! roads go places. Roads and flying are not a problem.

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Because sometimes i like to fly really low and follow the paths as i dragonride and pretend i’m pod racing.

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Why bother having airports?

Just teleport and open portals wherever you want to go.

I think you have it backwards, you mean the 14 people playing retail? lol.

Obviously I’m not serious but currently classic is generating more hype and players then retail and you have to ask yourself why.I fully believe people would totally log in to a non flying realm since everyone would be on equal footing the rules of the game are fair. Hell even world PvP would be happening like crazy.

Sign me up.

Remember games are designed around a rule set and limitations. Without limitations you basically have a total mess where people can do what they want and the integrity of the game suffers. You’re basically saying " If I was to cheat thats my business, you dont have to if you dont want to." Yet you would be existing in the same game world benefiting from travailing at Mach 10.

……remove all your flying mounts from your Favorites? Why should other people be punished because you don’t like it.

Its not a punishment. Its restoring some form of exploration into the game. Something is truely lost when you can traverse a zone in 20 seconds. You’re playing a game built from an RPG but it has turned into a frankanstien mismash of systems. One such system is flying without limits. It fundamentally hurts the game. Blizzard understood this but they gave in to people like you. But now look… Classic is more popular and there’s no flying whatsoever. They need to stop catering to people like you who want to get to the end point without experiencing the journey, when the journey is a huge part of an RPG.

You mean your delusion.

Ever heard of this thing called a ground mount or walking?
Does wonders for that exploration you crave so much.
If you don’t like that, then I genuinely don’t know what you are complaining about, because it ain’t “flying is bad for exploration” as exploration isn’t your goal at all.
Name me one way that flying has LEGIT “hurt” the game. I don’t mean “wah wah detail I can’t explore” as if ground mount wasn’t a blatant in your face option. I mean a legit way it is actively hurting the game.
Ya’ll really just love to whine just to whine and pretend you have an argument I swear.


Wrath you could get flight at level 75-76? Because Storm Peaks and Icecrown were very flight centric. Cataclysm you could get flight right off the bat to explore Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimodr and because the high level zones were so spread out. Pandaria you had to wait till max level to purchase flight. Then WoD is when they decided to make flight no existent. Had a huge backlash and thats when the subscription numbers dropped below five million then they stopped mentioning the sub numbers after that.

The new flight system is way better and more interactive. Games should always keep you interacting with them.

RIP WoW, 2006-2008

Classic is designed around having no flying though.
Having no flying in the Nazjatar zone for example made the zone annoying af to navigate.
Current zones are big enough that it’s a drag to go on a ground mount, you’d spend more time traveling than actually fighting.

The game is designed around flying existing.

That being said:

Make your thread regarding wanting a server without flying then.
You’ll have far less resistance, if any, from the rest of us that like and want flying to continue existing.

Then we’d have the following outcomes:
a) If Blizz makes 1 server and enough people are attracted to the “playstyle”, then they’ll make more.
b) If 1 server has enough people playing on it, then Blizz will keep it.
c) If 1 server doesn’t have enough people then Blizz may close it.

So go ahead and make a request to have 1 non-flying server, there’s nothing to lose from your perspective.

This reminds me of the quest where whats his face and his brother ride on the carriage transporting the eggs because they don’t want to fly as dragons and give away their “element of surprise” lmao.

One thing I can’t get over in this game is how they can have wind rider masters every 3 miles, just chillin in the middle of no where, but then you still have land caravans that move via a giant animal pulling them very slowly across the entire zone.

Because we aren’t the only ones in the game, and some of the others use them?

Can’t wait for your next insightful hot take:

“There’s no player housing, so why are there houses?”

Flying didn’t kill exploring. Crap loot did.

What’s in that cave? Crap. Crap is in that cave.

Crap protected by lots of mobs.

Put nice things in places to explore, they’d be explored.

Know that path leads to 15 silver and maybe 50 silver in vendor trash…that path won’t be followed.

Some who have this explore mindset are in the wrong game. Go play borderlands. One can wander there. Get that bad butt spawn…that loot tables dropped a really nice item from them.

Wow…if it’s not in an instance it’s automatically trash.

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Pretty much this. The loot is so stingy in retail it’s not even funny. I’m not talking about the frequency of it, more like the sources. They purposely restrict the sources of it.

wow , you seem very offended almost disproportionally so… are you ok?

I’ve offered many examples.

huh? Theres literally loot everywhere in this game, almost to a fault. Its so plentiful you can be fully geared to do most content in about 2 days.

They also give you gear that totally invalidates the last 3 months people put into it to obtain it. But it doesn’t matter since the gear is so meaningless and forgettable anyway.

You have no reading comprehension, sorry about that.