Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports

Did you think for maybe a few moments that the roads are there for people like you? I sometimes hop on my chopper and ride through azure span. It’s relaxing and grand.

You have a lot of choice here. Yes, some places are only reachable by flight, but that pales in comparison to how much is accessible by both.

If you get irked because it takes 30 minutes to cross a DF zone on ground, that’s a you problem.

Why are roads in the emerald dream anyway? I thought the zone was supposed to be Nature untouched by any sort of civilization? Who the heck was paid to lay those roads down?

Not even a whole expansion since you could fly in outland before level 70 during TBC if you could afford to buy the mount and riding skill at 68.

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1/10 you can do better than this

I 100% stand by what I said. There needs to be some element of ground travel before you reach max level in the next expansion with Flying being unlocked in A) the last zone B) Max level or Just Or go back to what WOD was trying to accomplish.

It was a known problem even stated by the Developers that’s why they instituted or attempted to institute limitation in the first place to flying.

Unfortunately Pandoras box was opened, people were accustomed to there Fast food travel.

Oh, so you’re not trolling just dumb or forgetful. I pray it’s the latter.

I actually spent a lot of time on the ground when I levelled my first character through Dragonflight. I don’t force myself to take the “most efficient” path, I play to have fun. And well, exploring is fun, at least the first time. On alts will I just fly over/skip everything? Sure. But not the first time.

If there are roads then people have been there before already so you’re more of a toerist than an explorer. It’s like finding an ancient tomb in Skyrim just to find out someone conveniently lit all torches and candles before you arrived.

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Cool, don’t want to fly? Well then don’t.
It’s really that simple. leave flying to those that want to and stop whining. If you want to run to a quest on the other side of the zone, go for it. Nobody is stopping you.
This goes for everyone of you complaining about flight. Don’t want to fly? DON’T.

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I understand that, it was more an exaggeration to get across that flying has completely invalided the world beauty when 90% of your game time is spent looking at the clouds.

Its not that simple. Games are defined by there limitation improsed upon EVERYONE to creat a fair and equal playing field. Your logic is like saying if every is cheating in a Card game but someone wants to play fair they can do so…

That genie is not going back in the bottle.

It is that simple. Don’t want to spend the 20 minutes walking? Well then, that’s a you problem. You want this grand exploration? Well THERE IT IS. Don’t like that?
Cool, stop whining about flight.


Yeah you can also walk to work tomorrow if you wanted to as well. You’re missing the whole point cause you have such a defensive take on flight. You obviously support flying judging by your sarcasm but think objectively about it. Don’t you think even just a little bit that all the detail in the design is wasted when you zoom past it all at 100mph? As someone said in a different post; they might as well not make roads anymore. Just make airports around the zone.

Classic --------------->

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its a delicate balance of making the players feel they are going fast while tricking them into leveling once, then leveling their gear, then leveling their factions, then leveling their gear again.

Once again, YOU are the ones missing the point.
Flight is NOT a requirement in any sense of the word. If you want all the detail, if you wan that grand exploration, that walking is perfectly fine. Like, you don’t want flight, but you don’t want to do the thing you say and EXPLORE? What are you even complaining about?
Not wanting flight, but don’t want to actually take the time to explore? Almost as if flight is the convenience of not taking 2 hours to explore new continent.
Like, what is your complaint here?


If you don’t like flying then don’t fly simple stop trying to ruin other people’s fun if I want to fly to the otherside of the continent in 20 seconds that’s MY CHOICE not yours.


I use ground mounts all the time and prefer it that way. When I first started playing I had to run by foot everywhere until level 40.

So, it doesn’t bother me at all to go the slow way.

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I’ll say what i want, i want Blizz to open a non-flying realm and then all of the 14 people that don’t want to fly can go there and enjoy the non-flying.

P.S. Flying is fun… moving at 120% speed on the ground isn’t.