Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports

Hard agree. But the community with 20 second attention spans have completely killed the elements of exploration by crying they can’t fly and blizzard caves every single time. We zoom over all development and it becomes boring af. Najatar was a good approach to flying. You get hit eventually. But not right away.

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Money talks, I suspect too many people voted with their wallets. I’m not disagreeing with you but it’s clear to me that we are outnumbered in our belief.

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That’s delusional. Classic does not have fun quest. It’s leveling through the world with the high risk of death people enjoy. At least in hardcore

you can literally just fly low to the ground if you want to keep vigor up and you can follow the roads. It helps keep momentum up better than flying up high

OK then walk…

I do not enjoy not being able to fly anywhere. I’ve already learned it and it makes no sense to stop me from flying in new zones for no reason. Sounds like you’d love Classic…

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10 chars

don’t fly then. yw.

Then they could compromise by giving us 300% ground mount speed. Take flying out give us something in return. A buff to ground mount speed would be nice compromise for its removal.

But then again people who hate flying just don’t fly problem solved. Don’t have your flying mounts on your hot bar and don’t use dragonriding ether. For people who don’t want to use mounts just run on foot everywhere. For people who don’t want to run press the / botton on your number pad for walk mode.

Welcome to modern WoW, classic dk.

There is always classic which you are playing right now.


Agree. They could compensate by adding more airborne mobs that can get threat on you while flying and more elites than can hit you in the air from the ground with ranged spells. That way flight isn’t the instant “Get out of threat free” card it is now.

Parking your toon in the world safely could require some cost, like a consumable (potion, rune, scroll, etc) or an item you earn like the flight whistle. (Unless it’s part of your class, like stealth)

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Delete flying imo

The game probably would be better if flying were removed, but you’d see an exodus from the game because people are too used to the convenience of flying.

Dragon Flying was supposed to remedy issues with flying, I think, but realistically some issues were probably made worse.

Yes, flying does hurt the feel of an area that might want to explore, because you will just fly up, see the world and then everything will be spoiled.

Here’s a question, why bother fogging out the map? Why do we need to explore something that we can fly over in a few seconds? What’s the point of a map in general?

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When I am in a questing phase (during leveling or beginning of new patch) I like to use my ground mounts with the exception of traversing the entire map.

The roads are there as an option. Leaving the marked path is also an option. Normal flying is now an option to compliment dragon riding.

I don’t understand why there is crying involved when your preferred option is still there. Weird that you’d want to just remove it rather than use it!

This is a subscription based game, which means you will end up going through the same content over and over at some point. Always having to walk there is just tedious. It may be fun to walk the first few times through content, but that gets old pretty fast. If this were a single player box game you buy with $50 and just play occasionally, it would be a completely different story. I found leveling in WOD challenging because you had to find your way to quest places, but once I had reached max level and explored zones, I did not want to continue walking everywhere. If flight had not been put back in the game for WOD, I would have quit. In fact, I had trouble getting rep for pathfinder at the time, and I was just about ready to quit when I found I could buy medallion of the legion and finish pathfinder. But I came really close to quitting the game then. I just didn’t find it enjoyable to continue walking everywhere. Once flying was introduced, I had a lot of fun doing OTHER THINGS.

The option to use ground mounts is there if you want that experience. I’ve used ground mounts/travel form and flight paths as much as I have dragonriding this expansion because I don’t care much for dragonriding and I’m never in a hurry to get anywhere.

Make your gaming experience what you want it to be.

Flying? You mean the thing that caused half the player-base to quit when it was taken away for good?

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Some roads do have patrols…there is two or three in TBC…BfA had one that always caught the horde when they were pet battling in that one zone…there are many patrols…we use to have one famous one from Vanilla called Stitches…when Cata happened they moved him too the graveyard and lowered his health…

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I’ve always hated default flying. It’s a permanent dominant strategy that can be used at any time, so not using it becomes a chore. The world is nothing more than a backdrop.

I avoided learning flight throughout MoP when I made my first monk, and it was a wonderful experience. I even got to Mogu’shan Vaults via a goblin glider each week. Unfortunately I was forced to learn it for quest progression at one point, where prior I had just asked guildies for a taxi service when i needed flight. It instantly shifted the cognitive dynamic.

I like where dynamic flight is going though. It decreases the problems a great deal and forces players to contend with the environment. I intend to switch all my mounts to it.

A thread discussing flying in World of Warcraft, hmmm…

Well my two coppers is I would rather flying was gone, more flightpaths were made but limited to an extent as so we don’t just poof almost everywhere without having any fear of the world. As I did like that from Vanilla World of Warcraft.

However, the can of worms was opened and for Retail there is no going back. And so going forward I would rather flying be available once we reach max level upon each new expansion. Both flying and dragon flying mind you. As I mostly prefer normal flying when I got some distance to go, and would then just set myself on “auto run”.

So that I could check or work on things upon my second monitor. At least that is how I tend to do stuff nowadays. Though when I want to get stuff done at a quicker pace so to speak I shall then proceed to use dragon flying and bee line it.

Though this is just how I go about flying now, and rather Pathfinder did not exist. As well as the idea for roads to be gone is not a good one in my opinion. At least for me the world would feel more hollow so to speak should such a thing ever happen.

Again though, just my two coppers. (Or is it 5? :man_shrugging:)

The solution is clearly dynamic riding for your ground mounts and an increase is ground mounted speed.

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