Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports

All those examples he listed can be applied to the game. You’re just being stubborn. Going in Circles.

No they can’t. If you or him can’t give me solid in game examples then you have no argument.

This is subjective so you can counter example this so easily if you wanna “debate” but it’s very easy to see things my way if you wanna step away from your firm opinion.

Imagine suramar in legion. A beautiful city from the sky. The vista, the grandeur of the city, etc.

When you had to navigate it on the ground before you earned flying in that xpac it took some strategy to navigate its streets safely.

You were able to take it the subtleties of how beautiful the moats were that intertwined the city. When you had to go into a building and realized there were architectural details inside the buildings. Even an underground network of leylines. The npcs passing by on boats, the dialog of the npcs that stood outside their domiciles. The greenery, the detail in the shrubs and trees from a ground level.

I could go on an on. Flying over it looks like a pretty city. But being on the ground actually inside it was something way more immersive.

The immersion is lost when I just fly to the dungeon. Or fly to a dot on the map.

The only immersion you have in the emerald dream is when you hit a tree branch for the 10th time :joy:

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Flying has been in the game for far longer than it has not. The dead horse has been beaten into dust. Then the dust was gathered. Water was added. It was made into a plaster. Then molded into a horse. Then the dead horse dust in the shape of a horse was beaten into dust again.

The game and expansions can only be designed with flying in mind at this point. End of story.

Well thats what makes a game world come alive more. I have to strongly disagree that zipping around from quest waypoint to quest waypoint makes for a fun immersive world. If you don’t want an immersive world, fine. Dragons can still fly yes but they also just appear outta thin air in wow too. And yes, i know mounts have always appeared outta thin air in wow. In an mmo, everyone has to be on the same playing field, if one person uses flying then everyone should.

Yes, I know.

So are we talking about being permanently grounded vs permanently in the air? If the zone has worthwhile content, you can’t do that content in the air. You have to land and do the content. Once you’re on the ground dealing with the content you’d be able to take it all in. This doesn’t require the removal or limiting of flying.

It doesn’t mean you can’t gate flying either. Before flying happened in the previous xpacs there was some amazing outdoor wpvp encounters that were peak gaming that doesn’t exist anymore. The game has turned feomnlet me show you the grandeur to take a portal and fly to this airport on the map. Kinda sad.

But if you enjoy flying then I respect that. I enjoy dragon riding but it stripped experiences and content from the game which is kinda useless to debate over since it will never change back.

Nah. Flying is just fine. Sorry you don’t get to wpvp people.

I don’t even PVP.

Uh huh.

You realize you can Opt out of PVP right?

Let’s hope we never go back to gated flying ever again.

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I’d welcome it with open arms

Anti-flyers need to find a game that actually caters to them. Because it has been in the game for all of the game but vanilla, and I hate vanilla.

So you are literally arguing in favor of a version of the game that barely ever existed and didn’t exist at all when the game was at its peak subs.

I started in TBC and flying motivated me to cap a character and level professions so I could make gold to fly. I’ve been here ever since, so something is obviously working there.

If I want to run on the ground I do an instance. Or a quest, you can’t remain flying while you quest. I’ve been doing flight form around emerald dream and it’s an absolute blast, I have no idea what OP is even talking about. FF14 allows flying as well, and it’s second most popular.

I honestly do not think it’s a winning idea to make the game slower and less efficient, we don’t all have the luxury of playing all day every day to “take the time to take things in” or whatever the hell anti-flyers seem to think.


You welcome flying on day 1? Isn’t your entire topic against that?

I think it’s pretty obvious what I meant. That I would rather they gated flying then nothing at all.

Do we have to do the flip book again?

Might be a bit harder to find pictures on google to explain this point to you though. But i’ll try.

Let’s revisit this shall we?

I said, now follow along I know it’s difficult, “Let’s hope we never go back to gated flying ever again.” Meaning, hope you’re still with me at this point, I hope they never gate flying again and we have it from day 1 going forward.

To which you said:

That means you agree with me and do not want Blizzard to ever gate flying again.

Hope that helps.

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They always post bait threads.

There is a reason they post on a classic character. They don’t actually play the game on any level that warrants complaints.

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WoW you really do need a coloring book. With arrows and big letters.