Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports

Of course it does. So does the map. And the minimap. And the way quest markers are placed everywhere. Where have you been the last 19 years? This isn’t that game.

Blizzard said what they wanted at Blizzcon a few days ago when they announced that dynamic flying was here to stay. Flying isn’t going away. They tried dragging their feet on it in Warlords and the players practically rioted, so they implemented pathfinder. People still hated that. Now pathfinder is easier, and it’s going to be even easier in War Within.

We’re all glad you figured out how to express your opinion on the internet.

Yes, that experience that everybody absolutely abhors whenever they have to travel long distances, let’s put that in the game. Somebody else here already pointed out in this thread that the roads are there for the ground-based races of Azeroth. Blizzard isn’t going to omit any sort of graphical world building just because we can fly. I know, I know, you thought you were being witty. Sorry, continue.

There wouldn’t be room in the world for teleporters to every single quest in the game.

Oh, you were being witty again, weren’t you? Sorry.

Yeah, actually. I’d like to do it without flying into mountains as well, if I could have my way.

Welcome to retail WoW. Classic WoW is that way. And guess what, I was around on the forums back during vanilla, and people still complained about the supposed lack of exploration because of the map and flight points.

[quote=“Yangziping-ashkandi, post:1, topic:1708126, full:true”]Who cares right? Just fly to the random Dots on the map , kill x mobs, fly back up and do it again. Then log on for raid.

Ya great game Retail has become.[/quote]

You sound like you’re going through some pain.

[quote=“Yangziping-ashkandi, post:1, topic:1708126, full:true”]Update:

If Flying at Mach 10 is here to stay maybe some limitations should be in place and gameplay added surrounding dragonriding to make ground travel meaningful


  • Using War Within as an example (only able to fly when the sky crystal is light, and make the sky deadly when the crystal is Dark)
  • The developers attempted something similar in BFA (serpants flying in the sky) but honestly it probably wasn’t as punishing as it needed to be.
  • Add Bat riders/ Void creatures or whatever, that will chase you on your mount when you’re flying. Add some form of gameplay to the process rather then just Fly to X dot on map and then fly back up. Its boring.
  • With added Dangers you can add abilities to the dragons to defend or attack these creatures
  • Obviously ground mounts wouldn’t have to experience any dangers.[/quote]

Seriously, you felt the need to update your post to add even more of this? And you included bullet points? There already are limitations to fast flying. It’s called stamina. Or vigor. I forget which. There are also quests that mark you for death if you fly over the area.

And why wouldn’t ground mounts experience any dangers? They’re on the ground. With everything else that can kill you.

Get out.

Remember when flying wasn’t a thing during WoD, and Pathfinding pissed everyone off?

Don’t confuse survivor bias with a majority. Tons of people have left the game or migrated to Classic.

You’re in an Echo Chamber right now.

Things get hard to define at times. Reasonable restrictions that speak to the situation we live in often get confused with restrictions that go over the line. It all depends on who is looking at it.

In this case flying is fine. The old PVP issue has been resolved. Anyone who wants to have an immersive experience can simply not mount up.

But knowing Blizzard and their dominance issues they are going to find a way to monkey paw something with flight.

When TBC came out, you could only personal-fly in Outland; there was still no personal flying in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. When Wrath hit, you HAD TO HAVE personal flight or you couldn’t get into Icecrown, but still no personal flying in the “old world.” Cataclysm did more than change the terrain, quests, dungeons, and raids in the old world; it opened up personal flight in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor so we could get to Twilight Highlands and Hyjal. Draenor was where Ian and crew thought they would remove personal flight, but the revolt was so overwhelming they kept it in, but tightened the screws on how you could get it.

and that new marker that leads to your exact spot marked.
I literally didnt know I was looking for a cave except that marker shows me that my destination is under ground or inside a mountain, lol.
Guess thats got to go too.

he clearly hasnt seen ESO, lol.
Portals everywhere in every zone and if you cant find one, no biggie, you can pay gold to hearth anyway lol

You could get the book for your alts though. Maybe that is where the confusion is.

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Ironically , at the end of the day I’d want this game designed by actual gameplay developers then a bunch of whiney forum goers. If they had it there way flying would most definately be limited, thats why they put all those barriers up in the first place. Fundamentally they know Flying ruins alot of the gameplay.

Unfortunately they have over compensated to the fanatical whiners and the game is suffering because of it. At some point we need to just let developers Design the game. Unfortunately I feel most of the developers that left the company are truly responsible for making the game feel as good as it did. It might be to late now.

Not really… Not until classic toons are no longer allowed to post of these forums… You have your own, go troll there. I mean you’re not even a good troll.

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I’m not a good troll because I’m not trolling. Ironic isn’t it?

The thing is, it doesn’t. The first round through is usually always with no flying. The only thing flying ruins is the repetition.

Omg,have you seen the layovers at airports do you really want that with lag?

but you are… and you’ll more than likely get a vacation because of it.

Same example I gave the other “person” that started an argument.

There is a reason when you go to an art exhibit that you walk slower, stop, gaze, stare, contemplate.

You don’t sprint through the building casually glancing and a painting while you pass it by at full speed.

You can argue all you want with that guy “not my immersion”

Or “don’t tell me what my brain can comprehend”

It’s all a stubborn stance on flying. You should admit you can pick up on more detail riding slower and taking it all in. But also stand firm and let everyone know you are pro flying. Nobody is gonna judge you for that. It’s an opinion which is intended to be your own.

But facts about taking in details are facts. Can’t argue that side of things. Sounds silly when you do.

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We had this “why not take flying out” debate years ago and the forums were on fire with many repeat topics on it. Let’s not start that again.

But as I said back then I’ll repeat my view now. If blizzard didn’t want flying they never should had introduced it to game. How did they or anyone expect it would be used? It was never thought “oh well some players will flow over all these nice areas to just get to the quest objective “?

I just thing this topic is hysterical for that reason.

Also … options. Why do I have to be denied how to play a game solely because other players think I should play it their way?

Who’s time am I spending to play a game? Who’s money is paying for my copy of the game , subscription, internet, computer?

You want to walk in roads and explore…who is saying you can’t do that?! Play your way let others play theirs. It’s none of your business.


Roads are often safe from mobs.

What exactly, in detail, would I be missing by flying instead of riding a ground mount? Give me solid examples.

But when the devs tell you how to play it’s ok? Why can’t players share their two cents.

It’s like saying “only my daddy can tell me what to do” to a cop. :joy: but maybe your right this thread is sorta pointless when you introduce a luxury and then take it away people cry so blizzard is just gonna cave to those pro flyers anyway.

The guy gave you multiple examples, you just keep going round and round and round.

What examples? That ridiculous art museum nonsense? I’m talking about solid in game examples.