Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports

WoW look at all the details! So immersive!

WoW look at that new WoW zone over there.

Imagine if they remove flying and we have to do the whole Dragonscale Expedition Climbing to traverse up and down the caverns.

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I’d Dig it.

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Personally Im more apt to attribute self centered malice to it, lol.
They want what they want when they want it,how they want it and theyre gonna demand that everyone else around them bow down to their will and agenda too.

and I will say that in every instance I can remember where the flight haters start trolling the forum, when a few of us have pushed them hard enough they religiously let it out of the bag that they are actually whining about their gank fodder being able to fly away, lol.

They cant use this ‘muh immershun’ crap…because immersion is a personal thing with this game that you either find or you dont based on YOUR way of playing not someone elses.
The ONLY ‘immersion’ they can POSSIBLY lose based on MY being able to fly is world pvp…period.
And THAT is why they are tossing fits about it yet again.

I don’t think anyone mentioned “gank” fodder… What are you even on about? You can’t gank… You either opt into pvp or you dont. Why are you just making up random details ?

Why do people insist on making irrelevant comparisons?

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Ahh yes, that’s dominance. It’s an instinct that also kept us alive in the past. Many of us are forced to repress that while others go overboard with it. A reasonable healthy overall balance has sadly not been achieved by mankind yet.

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THis is very philosophical for a thread focusing on gameplay.

That’s very deep.

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One person’s opinion. Others don’t feel the same way; that’s why the devs haven’t removed it from the game. They announced they were going to do it once, and the response put the Boston Tea Party to shame.

Personal flight aside for a moment, have you ever noticed that the rent-a-flyer at every flightmaster always flies IFR, as in “I Follow Roads” and “I Follow Rivers” … ? Without roads and rivers the flightmasters wouldn’t even be able to use homing pigeons.

The ORIGINAL concept of personal flight was you had to get to max level for that xpac, pay a sum (most often an outrageous sum) for flight training, and a similar sum to purchase your flying mount. And another sum when you trained up to fast flight to purchase your fast flyer. You couldn’t skip exploration, open-world questing, and even some dungeon runs, or you wouldn’t get to max level. Starting with TBC, at least one zone was designed to require personal flight if you wanted to get to certain locations for the max level quests that were up there.

And I was fine with that and wouldn’t complain if it was brought back.


No one is forcing you to fly. Why do you care if I fly?


Again, I was exaggerating to prove a point. It wasn’t meant to be taken literally lol.

its the activist sorts always wanting to take everyone elses stuff that irritate me the most, lol

Cuz he wants to gank you and if you can fly its harder lol

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Then don’t fly… but don’t try to tell me what it does and does not do… I picked a druid BECAUSE of flight.

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I think it should be simple…max level and you have to have found all the flight masters.
After that, not having flight is pointless.

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Bingo. We don’t go through a place just once. It’s often over and over and over and over and over and over . . . thank god for flying! The whole immersion argument is flawed because it assumes you only go through content a few times.


So… flying is the issue now and you want to kill it off or heavily limit it?

How about no.

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ah…didnt you get that memo? Its HIS NARROW point of view that matters. lol.
You will be assimilated.

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that one makes the OPs posts sound pretty oblivious. lol.
Clearly Ion and crew wanted flight gone in WoD.
Had they had a majority of the base who agreed…flight would be gone since then.
CLEARLY the true majority of this game feel flight doesnt ruin squat or theyd have wanted it gone as well.