Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports


You’re right, you’re just the zoomer pretending yous a big man; but you are especially fragile, get offended easily when you don’t understand something, and cope and mask with “lmao” just in case you aren’t convincing enough with your little meltdowns.
You’re not convincing anyone of who you’re trying to project as, you’ve been profiled.
Back on topic- OP has a based take, you don’t get it. You disagree. That’s 100% fine.

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O looky my post was restored after 2 minutes. Maybe the staff also appreciates feedback to improve there game after all .

Huge W to Blizzard. <3

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Oh yea?

Oh, you were responding to someone else’s comment. Before.
But I can switch gears- I appreciate you quoting the whole thing. That’s just the reality, what I said.
There is no way to say it that won’t offend your kind. Especially via text in a forum without tone or pacing.

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the ‘fix’ to flight…and they seem to have figured it out finally, lol…is star wars, not star trek.

Star trek would often have these battles in deep space in odd places while star wars usually had them on location, because of the way space travel worked in both. Jumps in SWs made it pretty hard to just stop halfway and have a battle.

I noticed the world trash isnt quite as obnoxious in DF…but once you get to where the action is…where you got to go for the quest, thats where the ugly happens, lol

THAT is how you handle flight. Make all that combat on location. Stop cheaping out the content with the spaghetti and molasses legs crap trying to slow me down between A and B to waste my time. How ANYONE finds that crap compelling is mind boggling. its the most uninteresting, brainless waste of time any game could throw at us.

But if they wanted me on the ground give me real motivation. If that world trash drops more than just crap nothing grey pond scum drippings…if it does like Mists and prior and drops BoEs left and right, I’ll waste half a day on the ground and not say a word, lol

Ion wants me on the ground fighting tooth and nail for 20 minutes to get to point B and the most he’s gonna give me for all that fighting is a broken hair comb and someones left front tooth, lmao.
sorry but not interested. Which is why I spent 80% of two expansions in OLD content instead of wasting my time in BFA or SL much at all except to get crap I want after the fact.

Make the content FOR flight like they did this time and theres literally no valid excuse for whining about flight being in the game day one…EXCEPT…again…gankers who are whining about their gank fodder.

perma blocked.
troll someone else

all I see is gankers whining that their lowbies can get away if they have flight lmao

Ouch, That got um for sure. Hit him with the ol’ perma block. How will he cope?

But ya try to keep this conversation civil please and stick to the topic :slight_smile:


The insults?

You can say what you mean without being so insulting but you chose to insult and degrade instead.


just report and ignore

ROFL, I just realized that the next expansion is going to be underground. How much do you want to bet half of it labeled “indoors”.

Ohh Blizzard, you’re the ultimate Narc parent.


I hope to god its true.

Please don’t get me to excited I’m used to disappointment. :frowning:

LOL…This is the issue here.
They cant just CHOOSE to play the game like they CLAIM the want to…they have to drag everyone else down with them lol.
Sounds like a lot of the politics crap I read about daily

Are you really quoting yourself now? lol man. I bet you have a picture of yourself on your cellphone as your home screen.

eh…the cavern was pretty easy to fly in. Hopefully something similar.
Though we’re not buying the expansions from now on.
Im going to stay in DF and prior until the expansions are free with the sub from now on. Ion has driven me nuts in current content for 4 expansions now and enough is enough lol

What are you even on about?

You quoted me saying oom and will block me? :rofl::rofl:
I did some WM-on this week for trophies in the Dream; I tried to fly from a gaggle of alliance who dominated a crate drop, then from what appeared to be over 40yrds away, knocked me out of the sky with some sort of netomatic, and proceeded to gang-eviscerate my corpse :rofl::rofl: trust me, flying doesn’t keep one safe after one CHOOSES to be in WM.

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Just like the Caverns are.

This it their new tech. They’re very proud of being able to fly into the Cavern without a load screen. It’s a big deal.

What this has done is rather than making islands, now they can go deep and add levels.

It also sounds like they’re going to get rid of the portal to Ghostlands, and we’ll be able to just fly from Eastern Plaguelands and head north into Ghostlands and Silvermoon. Dunno if they’re planning anything similar for Azuremyst Isle.


that would be cool.
Idont get up there a lot but when I do Id like just flying to the dungeon there myself

Birds for several generations will fly back to a nest on instinct. Humans have herd instincts. We know we don’t have to follow the herd anymore but when we step outside it panic sets in. This is because originally stepping outside the herd ment death. That is why you often see people attempting to move the whole herd rather then stepping away from it.

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