Why even bother having Roads anymore in zones? Just make Airports

^ there’s one now, omitting the full statement in a quote as to lampoon the intended sentiment.

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Using the full quote would make you look even worse. I did you a favor.

40 painful levels before getting a 60% speed increase mount

and we liked it


This made me lol. Classic…fun questing??

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Often times I’ll take the road instead of flying. I have horse mounts and it’s fun galloping down a road.

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At least you admitted you censored it to twist the original statement. CNN —> is that way. I heard they’re hiring people like you.

The intent definitely wasn’t twisted in any way.

Having a plenty reasonable opinion about how the game played in the golden age of WoW, before you subbed- that is not trolling. You’ve been offended because you don’t understand something outside your narrow vision.

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I read about WoW when it first was coming out back then.
Ive gamed long enough to know if Im going to like a game by the description.
Digging a bit, I knew Id hate it. So I never played.
In 2017 my brother in law told me to check WoW out. I wasnt interested, but he said the game wasnt the same as classic.
THIS version of WoW I enjoy for the most part.

I did try classic. Ran 9 characters of various classes thru a bitof the content.
I was right not to try it back then. HATED it.
The only redeeming quality was I found wands to be more interesting than the nothing mog wands we have now.
other than that, Classic sucks as far as Im concerned.

Reasonable opinion… :rofl:

Insulting people because they enjoy flying isn’t what I’d call a reasonable opinion.

the abject, hysterical irony of this garbage makes me giggle out loud.
EVERY WORD you all have chirped in here reeks of your own narrow minded views, lol
I aint the one trying to LIMIT everyone elses game, son…

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It was fun for it’s era, but it’s not a thing I’d willingly go back to.

Wrath was my favorite expansion, still is, but I haven’t made a toon on Wrath servers and don’t intend to.


This is what Cata was.

Take Hyjal for example, for a newly minted, post-Wrath green geared fresh toon, it was a dangerous place on the ground.

Take a look at Twilight Highlands, there are no through roads, and just few roads at all. There were no roads for the reasons you mention. Flight was ubiquitous, who needs roads?

Vash’jr? It’s all water, no roads. Deepholm? No roads. I assume you could get from tier to tier on the ground, but I’ve never tried. Uldum is a trackless wasteland. Tol Borad had roads! Of course, you can’t fly in Tol Borad.

Pathfinder never really bothered me. Hard to imagine a zone like High Mountain with just flight. Those narrow trails were a character of the zone.

Legitimately haven’t seen anyone slinging insults at anything except the integrity and character of the game by literally flying over/ignoring content…
Maybe you’re just feeling attacked? I assure you, nobody is attacking what you like.

Absolutely agree. I’ll leave my good memories in the past.

Seems you’re the one insulting people.

I would have LOVED Wrath if it had happened later on when we had more quality of life improvements and maybe better modeling.
The old character models in classic are just vomitous to my eyes by comparison to todays art.


Why bother having npc that dont give quests? Why have water you cant fish in? Why have this post?

They’re all equally pointless

It was clearly an exaggeration to prove a point. If you’re taking it literally I feel sorry for you.