Why Earthen?

And you still didn’t read anything past that nor even acknowledge the fact that you clearly know nothing about Vanilla lore.

If you can’t be bothered to stop acting obtuse and comprehend new expansion setting, story and environment, then I don’t know what to tell you.


I should have ignored you bother from the start with this nonsense. But, hey… as the saying goes, play stupid games, win stuoid prizes. Which is a mistake I won’t make again.


So zero facts and proof, great argument :joy:

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It fits the expansion, though, one could argue they can work in other races.

I like dwarves. They are what I think of when I picture ‘Warcraft’ but a third variation is a bit much. Especially when a customization option for standard dwarves could suffice.

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Last time.your troll responses get a reply from me:

Learn to read and comprehend what’s been said to you and stop reading three words before responding. It makes you look ridiculous. I’m not the one with a problem here. But keep acting obtuse like you won something. God our education system failed so hard. :roll_eyes:

I have no argument it fits the expansion, I’m arguing that apparently it’s been set up with lore and storyline for a playable Earthen, all I asked was where was this. But it seems to be a little too much for him to handle.

I’m having a discussion, usually when asked where was this the reply usually follows with the facts, not just insults or trust me it’s there.

Like I said if he could prove what he says I’ll say ok your right, but he clearly has no idea.

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This is a discussion you have with the others.
I simply state the mere fact that your point of view is unorthodox and not practical, because you do not pay attention to the finer details.

This is not the point of discussion. You misread what I have written above.

Then why did you continue to argue with Pepino?
Walking out means to take the blow because you are above this.

I’m asking where in vanilla theirs a lead up to Earthen being Allies ? You said it’s in vanilla, but where? I’m asking you to clearly state where? But you can’t give any respectable answer at all?

This is where I’m at, three is too many. I get having a blood elf variation for Alliance, and a night elf one for horde… but three of anything is just wild. It starts to make allied races feel more and more lazy instead of a cool way to give access to more unique races that don’t fit directly into Horde or Alliance.

It is actually the fourth dwarf race for the Alliance. Bronzebeard, Wildhammer (subrace), Dark Iron and Earthen now.

I wasn’t including customization options because I think those are great and should be added onto regularly. But entire races, that they’re selling to us as new content with constant recycled models? Yeah no, it’s a bit much once they go over 2.

I am aware of this but the Wildhammers are physiologically different from the regular dwarf as well. Taller, thinner, dark-tans and more nature-based in general. Racials would be something about flying, the gryphons and the sun.

I’m talking about races in the character creation screen… “Wildhammer dwarf” isn’t a race we can select, there’s just some Wildhammer styled customization options… so as of now, there will be three playable variations of dwarf races with whatever customization options they have.

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Fast business answer - because it fits the story and it is what it is blizz isn’t going to revert a design change like this because some don’t like it.

My thoughts - well it fits the story for one . But the funny for me with people that complain about the earthen especially because they go “it’s the same model , a third dwarf “

Have some people not played an elf yet? There’s FOUR in the game, they are all the same model.

And btw despite this fact people still want high elves… well what would that entail? Hmm a fifth elf race and another reskinned model based on the previous four.

Thought here - I don’t see how anyone can complain about earthen with a straight face unless they argue against all the elves in game and especially if they want a high elf.

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Come again? Where are the similarities between the Blood Elf and Night Elf model?

Are you pulling my chain?

They are the same model. The similarities are as obvious as daylight. Just different skins. This from someone with disease in both eyes btw that even with contacts vision isn’t corrected to 20/20 (close by not quite).

Not to mention the skin of earthen is equally as different as blood elf to night elf.

Get a better argument.

Because Earthen are on theme. Ogres are not. That’s all there is to it.

At least it’s not another elf.

We have almost as many elves as Elder Scrolls!


Blood Elf and Night Elf models are completely different, technically. They share an Elven theme, but the models are completely separate.

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I do not understand the Ogre thing. Is it an aesthetic preference, or is their lore more interesting than I’m aware?
“Blood Elf and Night Elf models are completely different, technically. They share an Elven theme, but the models are completely separate.”
Ok, but they also gave both an “Allied Race”, on the other faction, that looks and moves exactly the same?

Aesthetic and culture. Some among us couldn’t be less interested in Elven high fantasy. Give us those savage, stupid brutes.

The only reason we didn’t get them is a sexist one: they couldn’t figure out how to make Ogre females sexy. To that, I say: don’t try. Make them bigger, fatter, and uglier than the makes. Stop making the female counterparts just a “what if a hot lady cosplayed as X?”-scenarios.