Why Earthen?

Just curios, has anyone expressed that we want a THIRD race of dwarves to play? They appear to have the same model as the prior two dwarf races. The only thing that may be nice is that they can be Horde.

Id personally rather have Ogres join the horde. Its about time we get them no? We have a whole village of them just chilling in Dustwallow Marsh and we still cant play as them?

I’d rather be a giant meaty Ogre than a third model of Dwarves…


Since the “theme” of the next expansion is confirmed to be an underground one they should’ve just rolled the dice on bi-factional/neutral Sethrakks - that would’ve generated more “hype” from the community since Sethrakks are something actually cool-looking/actually different

A boring re-colored Dwarf? That’s not it mayne…

Sethrakks = known underground/cave-dweller types, it would’ve fit the “theme” of the new expansion better (roughly)


They’re also supposedly taller. Different customizations. Women with beards.

It’s part of the new expansion, it’s part of the storyline. We’ve had one Dwarf AR and two different elf ARs. I don’t see the problem.

They aren’t part of the expansion story.


Hey at least it’s not another elf model. I rather have more dwarves than elves. I am the targeted audience for this race. My three favorite races are pandaren, gnomes, and dwarves. So bring them on!


Yeah I’ll be honest…even with beards I never cared to play dwarf as I find them ugly.

Hot take I know, only thing I liked were their jokes.

Just not a dwarf or elf guy.

But at least it isn’t more elf garbage.


Gotta be some cave trolls under the surface for us alliance players to play as, right?


I agree…at this point the allied races feel too recycled…private servers do better with races than Blizzard. I’ve seen Murloc’s, Naga, Ogres, Furbolg’s, and even Broken…I mean if Blizz can fit Panda’s into the lore they can fit these as well


Never enough dwarves. I hope the Last Titan ends with a world-changing mcguffin that transforms everyone on Azeroth into some manner of dwarf.

I like Earthen, but they would not have been my top choice for an Allied Race.

That said, they seem much more important to TWW’s story than, say, Tuskarrr or Ogres.

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You guys can have the Drogbar from Legion.

I’m hoping that bipedal nerubians will join us in the middle of the expac after we get to know them. I think the announcement would’ve generated way more hype if they added in those nerubians first.

I mean, I have a dwarf paladin I play fairly regularly. I have a DI shaman that I used to get the elite PVP set last season. I even have another DI warrior that I leveled just for the fun of it because the S1 elite warrior set looks good on them. I have some dwarves. I just do not care about rock dwarves. At all.

Also, female dwarves look silly with beards. I do not think it is cool. Don’t care that it was in the early lore because it was in Tolkien’s lore. Don’t care.


Yea I just dont think there is enough different about them aesthetically to make them appeal to me. Aside from being able to be a Horde dwarf. But personally I’d rather have Ogres… They could easily make it tie into the story line.

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I did. I wanted a THIRD, a FOURTH and a FIFTH!

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Literally anything else would have generated more hype. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Blizzcon crowd more silent than when Earthen appeared on the screen.

So underwhelming no one even had the passion to yell what or boo.

Is there some underground yet very vocal movement for horde dwarves? I’ve never met anyone from that movement

It was a strange pick by Blizzard.

I love the Dwarves, so maybe I’ll love these guys too, I’ll have to give them a chance. But I feel like there were other races which were established and viable picks.

I’m also not exactly a fan of the Dwarves working for both factions. I understand this can be substantiated in game, but, does that matter? Should this exist even if Blizzard could establish good reasons for it? I worry that this sort of thing will continue to damage faction identity, or maybe it won’t, who knows at this point.

I agree 100% here.

I think it’d take a lot of work to establish, but in that process the devs would get a fleshed out, realized and compelling story. And, if they’re eventually going into the Void, they’d be a great springboard into future stories and characters.

I would love for Blizz to put out a few polls. One to see if people are excited about the Dwarves and another with various options to see what playable race the community would like next. I’m willing to bet that a lot of people would vote for Earthen, but there’s no way that more people would want to play Earthen than Ogres or San’Layn or Nerubian or Sethrak or some of the other fan favorites.

EDIT: Oh, and to be clear… I want customization options which differentiate them from Horde and Alliance. If they look exactly the same, I think that’s just a waste.

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i have never seen a topic abt more dwarf…anything lol.
i want murlocs or the baby dragon whelps to play as!

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The fourth for the Alliance. Not the third. They have four dwarf-races now. Bronzebeard, Wildhammer (subrace), Dark Iron and Earthen.

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Dwarves are a core fantasy race, so I can see why they’d introduce another variant of them even if I wouldn’t play it myself.


I agree. I seriously hope we aren’t allowed to make them look like your average alliance dwarves. I just want a new race, new animations, new customization, etc. I don’t want this prime example of “you copy my homework but change a few things up”