Guess you weren’t there at Blizzcon after the news broke, with a crowd of very angry Horde players challenging Chris Metzen during a panel discussion about why they did something so monumentally idiotic as to put Garrosh in charge.
Hell no, and Blizzcon is an extremely small minority of the actual players, like less than 1% if I’d guess, back during peak of millions of players.
Only a few thousand there at the Con.
Not a very good litmus test for what the player’s like lol.
People also said Garrosh’s cinematic in SL was the best part of that expansion, lol.
“Garrosh did nothing wrong” isn’t just a meme.
Or actually playing as Horde in Orgrimmar during Cata or MoP.
“Alliance attacking Thrall!”
other players: “Everyone go defend!”
“Alliance attacking Garrosh!”
other players: “Good!”
People who say that should be banned from the forums, but that’s another topic.
(Although most of them are just too STUPID to know what it means or where it comes from.)
Yeesh, it’s a fantasy game lol, not real life.
Are Sylvanas loyalists supposed to be banned too?
For what it’s worth, I loved playing Empire in any Star Wars games. Evil is generally more fun than good.
I loved being a part of the Horde too, until it became ‘too soft’ for me.
Alliance ended up being the more menacing faction over the years, and I hated Vulpera a lot, so I swapped.
That guy who’s obsessed with foxes is reinforcing my decision, lol.
Yeah, I know, racial supremacy and all that. But, it’s a fantasy game.
High Elves, only blue eyes and blond hair, and yet that’s okay? “Pure elves.”
Lol, it’s on both sides. Ban High Elf wannabes too.
Let people do whatever they want, it’s not real life, and it shouldn’t be impacting you that hard. It’s virtual orcs fighting over a world that will never, ever be real.
We commit genocide for fun in WoW, don’t look too hard into it. It’s a game, but some are too stupid to know that.
Baldur’s Gate 3 handles fictional racism really well, and it makes the world feel more ‘real’ and lived-in as a result. Art imitates life, thorns and all.
We five agree upon the simple remark that I should not waste any further time with you, correcting and actually helping you is not beneficial with the behavior of a 12-year old. Die-hard fanboys and tribalism is a poison. You are relieved of your position in having my attention.
Of course they will. It is already happening now with how many play the subrace instead the main race. They were never a requested race to begin with.
We don’t know this yet. It is possible but perhaps they will rename them all for a greater purpose.
There is also a splinter group which is against the Three Hammers, which could serve as a playable Horde-race.
That’s fine, because you’re literally making things up to make a point about something that doesn’t really matter. So, do what ever it is that you like.
Gosh, I just hope that who ever you appoint next, will buy into your garbage better than I did. The world, no… the UNIVERSE… depends on it.
Ogres could have easily been written in, going to a new zone the Horde needed more presence and recruits to establish a foothold, travelling to the Isle of Dorn Thrall asked Rexxar to bring the Stonemaul Clan to assist in their new endeavour…
Bam, they just got written into the story. Playable Ogres for the Horde… Finally.
We’re dealing with Titans and their creations and their machines. This isn’t Horde v Alliance either.
Ogres make zero sense.
I’m not saying horde vs alliance, the horde is really chasing iridikon and Xal’atath, they have no idea what to expect in this new place, you’d think they’d muster up everything possible to go and sort it out no?, these inhabitants literally stopped odyn and his troops so clearly they gonna be quite a force.
It’s the same with alliance, we are literally fighting old gods, titans, cosmic scale destruction and beings but let’s not fully bring everyone and everything we have to a new place which all we know from a lore perspective the big bad guys we chasing are going to be there.
Then there’s no reason to bring in a faction specific AR. Neutral AR because we’re all on the same team with this.
Ogres have nothing to do with the Titans or underground Titan facilities and aren’t even from this planet originally.
This is not the problem. They also pulled Mag’har Orcs from the alternate timeline, while they could easily get another allied race for us.
If they want to, they can simply open any portal without any explanation and why race x suddenly wants to help out.
Literally just explained it above. Yes. It is the problem.
You’re viewing it from a player perspective not lore, in game currently the earthen make zero sense at all, the story lead up as well.
A player perspective as we know the next expansion, but in game none of that is told or shown yet. Your saying it doesn’t make sense yet currently in game earthen doesn’t either.
To be fair Tuskarr make more sense then earthen. Both factions just spent a whole expansion helping them in more ways then ever and it’s going to be “ok good bye”.
It does not matter if it makes sense or not, they can pull everything every given minute. A sudden outcry for help, a race gets attacked and faction 1 or 2 gets involved.
It’s just a ploy for the end result.
Wrong. I’m viewing it from a lore perspective and storyline perspective. No decent writer shoehorns a Horde only race thst has zero to do with Azeroth into an expansion about Titans, their constructs, Azeroth itself and the underground that’s faction neutral.
I can’t even believe you tried to say that.
This is why you aren’t on the writing team, thank God.
Well what lore currently do we have for the Earthen being a future ally? What story line currently in game? Where has anything even mentioned Earthen and they being Allies? Or in need of help?.
Cause clearly if they were set up and lore being there, this discussion of Earthen being announced wouldn’t have happened between us, it would have been obvious.
But the announcement of Earthen literally has shocked everyone cause it wasn’t their.
It does not matter if I’m on the writing team or not - what matters is, that they already have done this before and you’ll have simply to accept it.
Deargodinheaven this has to be a joke, right? You have to be purposely acting obtuse to not comprehend what I said. And you clearly never played through Vanilla either.
Your totally flawed perspective? Nope. It doesn’t. Glad we could agree on that.
No they haven’t.
You’re the one who has to accept they made a lore decision that fits the expansion and not “hur dur just put it in the game!”
There’s nothing I have to accept here. Every AR made sense for its expansion.
You two are just beyond help at this point. Not even entertaining this further.
I asked what’s the set up currently for the Earthen being an allied race? Well? You said and I quote
So what’s the lore and storyline perspective, help me understand why? Clearly I’ve must of missed something, something you picked up on that most of WoW players must of skipped through? What was the lore and storyline?.
It’s just a discussion, you say it’s in lore and story line, I’m asking where? And your reply is clearly you haven’t played vanilla, which I have but where? Where was this 18 year old set up for Earthen?
If you have the facts to prove I’m wrong then I’ll admit I’m wrong.