We didn’t ask for any of these things. Z Trolls were reskins, Mag’Har were reused assets, Nightborne came into the game with the LEAST amount of customization options in game, and looked horrible. Vulpera players are CONSTANTLY made fun of. Highmount Tauren are literally Tauren with a different antler option.
What about Void Elves? What about all the Night Elf options? What about the Alliance getting yet another zone specifically made for them? How about those Garrisons? How about the last 3 expansions being a love letter to the Alliance? How about every Horde leader that has been killed off?
Have you ever played Horde? Do you actually know anything about the history of Blizzard’s relationship with the Horde and the Alliance? You clearly don’t.
You’re an Alliance player and you’re trying to pretend that you play Horde so that you can complain about things that aren’t realistic or true.
In Legion, things were relatively fine. Even if it was two Alliance factions that introduce Horde players to the story, and a third Alliance faction that helps the Horde solve the story. So, it was kinda Alliance heavy in theme.
BfA, was literally a playground for the Alliance. Our cities became your raids and dungeons, much like SoO, down to faction leaders being killed. In BfA the Alliance were given their own Gnome themed island, while the Horde were… once again, just asked to play along. On top of that, no Alliance leaders killed, while we ended up losing at least 3. In BfA Alliance zones have more detail, they’re prettier and more care was put into making them. Horde zones are empty, with less care put into them, less doodads, less interactivity.
SL, was Blizzard writers and devs trying successfully to vicariously use the Alliance to attack the Horde, in response to the election cycle. The Horde were an obvious strawman revenge target. Representation side, obviously the focus was the Night Elves, and the Forsaken, and the Devs did their best to make the Forsaken look like morally bankrupt, terrible people, the players included, as we were forced in game to do things which would be viewed as atrocious and against the moral grain of the Horde, but needed to happen, because once again the Devs and writers were living vicariously through the Alliance, and if we weren’t doing terrible things, what could they have a victory over?
DF is probably more balanced, and the devs have fixed some of their mistakes, and some they still need to fix. But, Night Elves are getting a new home and a Night Elf themed island, so, unfortunately, once again, points go to the tree people and the Alliance.
We can also make points about how our former faction leader, Thrall, has been turned into a supporting character, and his personality radically shifted to fit the needs of a story about the Alliance, where once again… the Horde are just expected to tag along… but, we need more details and this is based off of one cinematic. But, given Blizzard’s history, I think we might know where this is going.
“We didn’t ask for Zandalari Trolls” – what a lie. I read these old forums in the past, when I was a teenager. The Mag’har Orcs were extremely highly requested, especially during WoD. And on top of that, the Orgrimmar Orcs also got finally their “back surgery” you also forgot to mention. The Nightborne were also very contested. And yes, while the options were back then bad, everyone wanted to have them, especially because both faction helped them. Same goes for the HMT.
What about Void Elves? They were an idea from a female developer, who wanted to give the Alliance something differently. Did it work out? No, of course not. The Alliance is the main faction of the whole storyline. If you haven’t realized this yet after playing for so long, then perhaps you should pay attention to the cosmic threats, which are always linked to them. Why? Because why should they linked to the Horde to begin with? How many Horde-characters are rooted in the original storyline? But I do agree that they could have done it better, especially with the Horde-leaders - but then again, you’re asking too much from these writers. And yes, the Garrisons were definitely better on the Alliance-side.
Given how my brothers and I had to chuckle about this comment in our whatsapp group, you clearly try to pull the rug here but have not the actual strength to it.
Yes. And do you know why this is? Because the main story is Alliance-focused. From the very first game on. You really need pay attention to the finer details here.
If you played both sides, which you clearly have not, the irony, you knew that Rastakhan sealed his own fate after being asked to stand down.
Rastakhan refused the Alliance’s offer of surrender and declared that the Zandalari would endure long after the Alliance had crumbled to dust.
And secondly, the problem with the city invades happens on both sides. Or do we forget that Nathanos and his crew could simply go in, rescue someone and move out of Stormwind, like it was nothing?
This is incorrect. Absolutely incorrect. What you want to say is that you enjoyed the Alliance-stories more in BfA.
SL, was Blizzard writers and devs trying successfully to vicariously use the Alliance to attack the Horde, in response to the election cycle. The Horde were an obvious strawman revenge target. Representation side, obviously the focus was the Night Elves, and the Forsaken, and the Devs did their best to make the Forsaken look like morally bankrupt, terrible people, the players included, as we were forced in game to do things which would be viewed as atrocious and against the moral grain of the Horde, but needed to happen, because once again the Devs and writers were living vicariously through the Alliance, and if we weren’t doing terrible things, what could they have a victory over?
First of all, the story revolves around the wiping out of the Night Elves, which was a storyline included by a man and his Cosby-suite meme, who sexually harassed other woman and as soon as he realized that he will get axed in the near future from the developer team, started to bring in a storyline which certainly ruined both sides. Do we forget the “not my Horde”-screams at BlizzCon?
Secondly, the Forsaken were always “morally ambiguous” with what they do. One of the early quests revolves also about the human seedling storyline? Or do we have forgotten this, “Forsaken-player”?
You have come upon a horrific scene. Someone or something has buried all of the humans up to their necks in a manner consistent with planting. The ghouls, which are seemingly tending the fields of human seedlings, periodically jump to the nearest human and devour its head!
You can end this right here and now. Take this shovel and “save” the humans.
Do the right thing.
The massive outcry and backlash clearly showed that it was a mistake to do a WW2-scenario with almost wiping out a complete player race. As far as I understand it, the majority of Night Elves lived in the tree, so it was certainly a very impactful scene. On top of that, it made no sense to have a war after Legion, which was also a grave mistake.
This happened because his writer and voice actor had enough of WoW for a while. He did take the feedback about Green Jesus to heart and reduced his role greatly. That’s also why his another character, Varian, was killed off in Legion. And he was also overworked and later on involved in a motorbike accident.
Why did Chris Metzen quit?
I wanted to relax. I just wanted to not carry all the weight," Metzen mentioned, a creative who contributed to Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, and Overwatch. "[The failure of Titan] made me feel schizophrenic. I began to have panic attacks all the time, and my anxiety didn’t stop.
You did not help your cause here with your biased posting. Perhaps you should use the next boost for your very first Alliance-character, hm?
I am pretty baffeld that they announced earthen aswell TBH, like they show off brand new nerbuian humanoids…and…the new race is…dwarfs, again.
Like dude come on, how hard can these devs keep dropping the ball like this, specially after how poorly recieved drakythr were.
Like no one has ever asked for earthen to be playable, infact there is a entire massive thread here on the forums about wanting the Darkfallen, they could of added that or literally anything else more interesting the dwarfs…for the third time now.
That’s interesting. I kind of felt like the writers were trying to strike up a balance given that Forsaken took Gilneas, Southshore and Horde took Silverwind Refuge (since like, Cata) - and they’ve been encroaching on Arathi, Darkshore, and parts of Stone Talon Mountains for years. We did get to raid more cities though, you’re right about that. Slyvanas just blew Teldrassil to dust. Also, Theramore got nuked. Maybe ya’ll just need to stop dropping bombs on us, so we stop raiding your cities?
Teldrassil - That one I do blame on the writers and devs for being lazy. The invasion points in Arathi and Darkshore could have been raids rather than /afk out for 10 minutes until group is ready for boss fight.
I can’t agree or disagree to this, I get on my horde character about once a year just to see the expansion quests from the other side. That probably made me more removed from the political overtones you saw happening, in real time as they were happening. However I’m always also wary on whether we wander into confirmation bias territory. You get a trigger word like inclusivity or agenda and then EVERYTHING becomes sucked into those black holes - because the words are primed and our pattern seeking brains are looking for proof. Like, I wouldn’t be surprised that these new antlers that everyone’s having a fuss over, don’t get thrown into the OMG furries are gross inclusivity pot, and brew up another stew of we hate vulpera for some off the wall reason.
You’re generous saying the Alliance got Mechagon. Not wrong, but generous. We’d probably auction it to the Goblins if the prices were right.
Thrall. The problems with his story and personality shifting has been long standing. Soooo long standing. Like Genn, he’s this pseudo king/chief role that has all the foundations and then they just derp off into the weeds with them. Thrall moreso than Genn, but they have some serious parts and then get tossed in the trash bin. Lastly, you did lose 3 leaders, yes. We lost Varian, and it seemed like for awhile we were going to lose Tyrande to the Night Warrior power tearing her apart, they hinted in Shadowlands that Khadgar almost -wanted- to stay in that realm. But all of that turned out to be nothing burgers.
Anyways. Thanks for explaining that all to me. I’d not realized it seemed so pro Alliance, particularly in BFA, where we were killing human houses of nobles on our side. While they weren’t part of the Alliance, they were definitely making Kul Tirans and humans look mighty apt to shifty morals there too. But fantastical fights based on nobility and power struggles in a kingdom are pretty generic all around.
They’re a pretty bland choice imo. Once they put armor on you’ll never tell them apart from a regular dwarf.
(Also why are their beards/hair not stone??)
Overall I think the whole allied race idea has been a majority failure. Most of the races are barely played with only a select few (void elves and Vulpera) achieving any sort of popularity.
And really, Void Elf popularity is only because there’s no other option. If Blizz made another elf and called it “High Elf” Void elves would cease to exist the next day.
Same, but they races they are adding are always relevant to the story.
If we ever go back to Draenor for whatever reason, or alternatively, if we find an inhabited Ogre island on Azeroth, it’s fair game at that point.
Lol and rumor has it, they’ll actually be getting those High Elves, assuming in Warcraft Midnight we’re going back to Quel’thelas. Chris Metzen himself said “restoring the shattered elven tribes”, which mostly means Helves I think.
Void Elves might actually take a significant blow in popularity if that happens.
Earthen does feel rather odd, if it makes sense to the theme and story of the expansion I suppose, but it also feels like Blizz forced themselves to include them too?
Nah, they’ve way too much stock in Ironforge, and Moira, and her son, etc.
Dark Irons being a part of the Alliance has been a thing ever since Moira has been preggers with Thaurissan’s son, since Vanilla. There were Dark Irons that didn’t follow Ragnaros, and wanted out, like the neutral groups.
The seeds have been sown already, and the Dwarven tribes, all 3 of 'em, used to be allies way back in the day. They fought over Ironforge and the Bronzebeards won, kicking the other two tribes out to forge their own lands.
So, we’re just going back to what already was.
If Dark Irons ended up on Horde, it would’ve been really awkward for Moira, as a Bronzebeard Alliance Dwarf, herself.
At least a Dark Iron is still a Dwarf at the end of the day.
I honestly think Earthen on the Horde is kind of a bad idea.
But I also think elves on both sides was bad, too.
Further watering-down of the faction identities already.
I thought Blizzard was done with neutral races, they said they regretted it with Pandaren, because you can’t tell a satisfying racial story if they exist on both sides.
But then Evokers came out, and next is Earthen, so I guess not.