Why Dragon Riding has made me feel less motivated to play WoW

Tell me you want to afk/ bot without telling me you want to afk/ bot…

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This is another example of the dragon gliding cult I refer to attacking anyone who prefers regular flying when we already know bots figured out dragon gliding.


these kind of posts are not hard to find so i dont get why people are feigning ignorance. ive see calls for both removing dragon flying and reg flying. i dont agree with either i think they both have their palce and right here and right now its dragonflying.

Travel has no reason to be anything other than a mentally tune out activity in games. It doesn’t add anything other than tedium and is used by people to flex how much they love wasting their own time.


your playing wow lets not start throwing rocks in a glass house

People who don’t like dragon riding are bloody insane.

I play wow to relax not to have an in-game minigame akin to the absurdity of having to manually remember to have your heart contract. I have a brain stem that handles that for me already.


once again glass house lol

So you found a post from launch day from a level 10 troll who started waving his raider e-peen around and the thread around the 70-post mark is people arguing about parses and crap, and nobody in the thread seems to have posted in agreement with his original post.

Yeah, you guys are really persecuted victims here. You got what you want AND there’s no large group out to take it away from you.


LMAO Had to go all the way back to November to find a post. I see what you mean, it’s a pandemic of dragonflight removal requests :roll_eyes:


Bro on the ropes swinging at nothing :sob:


lmao so i prove you wrong and you move the goal posts…interesting

When people complained about WoD flying removal, they went on and on about how complaints weren’t about ez mode, they were about adventure, sight seeing, mount collecting, etc.

At least players are being honest now. They want to afk and oqueue complete quests/ rares.

Did you even read the thread you linked?

Where’s the pro-old flying cult in that thread? That was the original point you were trying to make.

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simply typed in a search and it popped up…but interesting how you went from no one is posting to these things and now that your proven wrong your trying to deflect

I micro enough while flying when I choose to. I don’t need the game adding worthless engagement just cause classic andys (people were complaining during wod and then fled to their fun servers) want to ruin retail.

Meanwhile pvpers complaining the most about a dead world are the worst offenders afk queuing doing dalaran rat laps.

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they asked for a post showing someone calling for dragon riding removal i provided it.

Sure, here is one of many easily found with the before said forum search feature

I fully understood your point, and without ‘whining’ as said, or insulting the other as you have done repeatedly to me, pointed out that discussions of removing flight entirely prior to dragonflight, which I agree is stupid, having zero bearing to removing a new feature to replace it with an old one that has repeatedly been asked for, regardless of your insulting me to say otherwise.

So, that’s a “no” then.

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its more liek a not needed. i was asked to provide proof of someone asking for it to be removed and i provided it. thats all. if you want more go look for it its not hard to find.