Why Dragon Riding has made me feel less motivated to play WoW

Though I can’t personally recall an instance of a pro-old flier calling for DR to be removed, I have little doubt that someone did somewhere and I just didn’t see it- that’s simply human nature, the nature of lots of people having different opinions. I personally see it as a gimmick and wouldn’t want it available going forward into future expansions, but I dunno if that technically counts as ‘wanting it removed’ or not. For example the post-WoD expansions did not remove garrisons, they simply lacked them.

Except when the server has a limited amount of people that can be on, and instead of just logging out you are sitting in game to prevent others from playing?

Yes this is unlikely during DF right now, but patch launches, and further expacs it will be, and getting rid of the ability all together makes it that much harder to do.

Paying for access to the game doesn’t mean you get to be a prick and block others because you want to sit there doing nothing but hovering for no actual reason.

Okay so yeah, I’m gonna go make a character on a high pop server just to afk it and keep someone else waiting. Because apparently that’s a thing I can do.

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My main is on Area 52 I should log on and just AFK so some shmuck can’t get in game you elitists are so tiring with your lies.

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most people on these forums are contrarian and hate someone thinking their own way. dragonriding is a means to an end not a fun system

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But you can AFK without hovering and it hasn’t ever been “hard” to do?

I bet most AFKers aren’t hovering. They’re indoors, sitting in front of the local inkeeper, where they hearthed and are now AFKing away. We must do away with inns and hearthstones.

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Paragraphs please.

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What makes you the judge of what people can do with their paid gametime? What if I stepped out of the room to make some dinner or take care of the kid?

What if I am at the AH waiting for prices to drop? What if I am fishing? What if I just want to hop on and talk to guildies? What if I am afk waiting for the raid to fill up? What if I am waiting on an LFR queue? What if I am just crafting thousands of items?

Either way you look at it. It’s a non-issue. There aren’t ANY servers at the moment where people are waiting in queue. When there are servers where people are waiting in queue, it usually lasts for maybe a few seconds. Even after a major expansion launch, the queues usually only last a few days at most - with maybe a 5-10 minute queue (outside of launch day).

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You could take a flight path if you want to go afk while getting from one place to another.

There is also a teleporter system you can use, though it has a 30 min cd.

There is also a weak aura you can get for dragon riding that shows your velocity, if you need help maintaining vigor.

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I couldn’t get into DF until recently when I stopped dragonriding.

Using ground mounts and flight paths, suddenly my appreciation for DF zones started setting in.

True story.


There is a timer for how long someone can be logged in without pressing any keys. That already prevents that and was added early when that was even a need. It hasn’t been for a while now.

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Of course you find it impossible to accept that everyone is not like you, that they didn’t choose to be born perfect like you chose.

The only thing I have had problems with up until now in the game was having to fly at breakneck speed through rings that are out of my range of vision. Guess what! You guys designed that into the game as mandatory in order to prove that there is nobody who has difficulty with that, and if they do, they’re pretending, like all those people with various impairments and difficulties you think are just hiding behind disabilities to annoy you. And surely if you mocked them harder they would have been chosen not to be born that way, again, as you chose to be born “right”.

At the end of the expansion, at which point there will be requirements to unlock that which will prevent anyone who can’t do dragonriding from unlocking it.

Prove me wrong. Link to your source.

Halfway through the last patch should be soon enough to keep those people satisfied?

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I was there, you missed this part, or avoided it cherry picker

“One of the most common requests”

So in other words after you filter out most of the arguing and trolling it came down to…

In an interview with Ion before the expansion released.

They did not make any time commitment beyond “in a later patch”. It’s not currently on the timeline.

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It’s definitely a weird choice for blizzard to make regular mounts mostly unusable, when mount collecting has been the cornerstone of the cash shop and now the trading post, as well as the biggest achievements.

It would be like allowing only minor variations on the same 4 transmog sets, and making it impossible to use any other mog while in the current expansion zones.

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hover is the only thing missing to me, outside of that dragonriding is a blast.
Now, soar for evokers should be a dragonriding mount and druids flightform but thats another topic altogether.

And I mentioned another very common request.

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You are 1 person who can only ride 1 mount at a time. At least flying in this expac is more interesting than the air swimming we did all throughout the rest of the game.

I understand you want your mount to show everyone how far you’ve come and your accomplishments ingame.

For that they do have stuff you can deck your dragons out in. Idk what they are because I don’t care about stuff like that but I’ve seen it in Valdrakken.

This is just one expac, too. If you’re having a hard time playing because you can’t look how you want, then Idk what to say.
That’s pretty much what I got from your post. If you think I misunderstood, please feel free to correct me.

Have a g’day either way.

This is my opinion only but I think the reason for this is because the game engine can’t handle both forms of flying in this expac at the same time so they narrowed it down to just DR’ing and the 4 dragons to begin with.

We’ve had a lot of bugs, glitches, etc… and I wonder about the game’s stability so that’s why I think this.