Why Dragon Riding has made me feel less motivated to play WoW

I really like it too, better than the old way of flying even though I miss my druid’s flight form.

I didn’t think I would because wings tend to flap but these dragons don’t really have that frenetic flapping which messes with my sight so it’s all good.

Some people have a fear of commitment.

Well, the thing is, I don’t like it. So Ion saying ‘everyone’, he should have said, 'everyone except for X" (X being me). And possibly that person over there, or those few at such-and-such. He was using an inclusive term as a generalisation. Whether he does it or someone here does, it remains inaccurate.

And the idea that dragonriding would appear in the future of the game is fine - as long as its a choice and not the only form of flying available. Because it would mean I’d finally arrived at that proverbial camel-back-breaking straw. I would unsub because an important part of the game would be an ongoing difficulty for me, considering my age and my physical limitations.


Like I think most people would, I’d use Dragon Riding for long-distance flying and normal flying to get around cities, quest areas and basically anywhere you have to stop frequently.

On the plus side, I find that throwing sky pieces into chicken soup gives it a breezy taste.


You can’t think of anything else Blizzard may have done during S/L that would make people want to leave? Nothing at a national news level? Nothing that showed the endemic issues with tech companies? No? Nothing huh? Must be nice.

The stuff some people choose to care about is so interesting.

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Holy crap, the amount of things kids find to cry about is insane.

Quite frankly I’d give up all my fast dragon flying to be able to use my normal flying mounts and go slow…and also use my druids in Flight form…I truly hate Dragon flying cause there is no real way to explore like I use too by flying past mountain areas slowly to check out different spot for rare finds and what not…

As I said I’d give up the fast dragon flying for rest of DF expansion if I could use my normal flying mounts and druid flight form.


I have mine set to the dance floor/ hoard level of the Roasted Ram. Never see anyone in there.

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Flying mounts were said to be coming to Dragonflight, but it’s like any other expansion we have to wait some time before they do Pathfinder or whatever their plan is. So eventually you’ll have the afk flight again, which I’m sure is a big positive to those who want normal flight.

Personally im in the other camp on this. Dragon riding has made me even more engaged with the game. I didn’t like normal flying as it felt boring, but with dragon riding I’m dipping and diving, rolling and whatever. It makes movement a ton of fun imo. I get it’s not for everyone, and I agree that standard flying should be an option (especially since normal flying mounts are dropping and for those who are unable to use dragon riding due to special circumstances) but I also think it should be here to stay. I’d hate to see an amazing system like dragon riding be replaced with the original flying again.

As for the variance. In all fairness to dragon riding it just came out, so ya you might have 100+ flight mounts, but I’m sure that took time to get from content that spans years. With it being so new I’m confident it’ll expand and add more customization as we move forward. Even with 10.1 we are getting another dragon and more customization.

All that said though, everyone likes what they like and I’d love to see blizzard implement both systems going forward even if I’d only use dragon riding myself.

If someone joined the game with DF, they could conceivably have more non-dragonriding flying mounts than they have dragonriding mounts just from doing DF content.

I’ve got five of the non-dragonriding flying mounts - a bird, a slyvern, and three bugs - and I know of at least two other mounts that I don’t have yet, and that doesn’t even count store mounts.

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No need to be rude.

When your primary new “feature” is released, you design your game to maximize it’s usage so you can show massive numbers in your next marketing meeting.

“According to metrics we’ve gathered, Dragonriding is a resounding success. Everyone is using them!”

It’s called controlling the Narrative

In my opinion the number of people who were enjoying the game but left over employment and political issues is minimal, compared with those who were upset about gameplay that wasn’t “fun” (a complaint we heard constantly, with constant rebuttals that “yes you are having fun” and “you’re supposed to make your own fun in a game you paid for and pay monthly for”). Yes, people who were on the fence might have left over the employment issues. People who are having fun can put up with a lot as long as they are being entertained.

All indication is that only minor employment changes have happened. They got off with a slap on the wrist, and they have already announced that they intend to treat CS and QA employees badly. So why are YOU still here?


They are going to, they confirmed earlier that regular flying will return, and they also recently confirmed that dragonriding will be continuing after Dragonflight, interview confirmation in my post awhile back (https://youtu.be/l51K-K_9yZ8?t=97)

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I apologize if I don’t understand your stance here, but if you mean that we are lacking in the amount of options for the drakes, we have to keep in mind that they’re completely customizable and designing that will take time. Not to mention it was an untested system (unless you’ve played GW2 lol) so they probably didn’t want to put too much of their time into that.

However, now that they know it’s a good system and a loved one I definitely think it’s only fair that as players we receive more dragons for the main reason of what OP said. It is annoying seeing all the same dragon flying around and it takes away from character identity if everyone is the same.

I do think that locking standard flying is a bad choice, I get why they’d do it from a design standpoint, but for players who don’t enjoy dragon riding is just bad. So hopefully those who want it will see it come to the isles sooner rather than later.

Major hype! I remember them saying if it was a good system they’d consider it but I’m glad to hear itll be carried forward!

I’m so glad that i don’t care about mounts or anything like that. I don’t care what other people look like or what my mount looks like. I could be flying around on a grey brick forever in game and be fine with it. Running out of vigor is almost impossible once you are fully upgraded and sounds like a skill issue. Dragonriding is amazing at the end of the day and i don’t really care what mount I am on while doing it.

This argument is ridiculous. If you can play your character you can dragonride.

I can’t stand the dragonriding mounts. They are all ugly besides the glad mount and maybe raz one. Everyone is basically on the same 4 mounts and the customization is a failure imo. I don’t get excited at all for those things to drop. They are not even noticeable.

If you want a different color you have a huge grind and that’s just not worth it. You get nothing from m+ for dragonriding either.