Why Dragon Riding has made me feel less motivated to play WoW

Because if they are AFKing, especially for a while on busy servers they are taking a slot others who are waiting in que could use. You want to walk away, exit game

Slot? what slot this is open world if reading it right just another excuse from you dragon gliding cultists to put us regular flight players down and this is why we regular fliers have resulted in these attacks because we were ATTACKED FIRST.

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So, the problem is AFKing, in general, not hovering.

Other than on expansion launch days or when the authentication servers crater due to technical issues/DNS attacks, there are no login queues on the servers on which I play.

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Servers have a cap of players that can be logged on at a time, if someone tries to login when it is at that cap they get put in a queue is the slot they are referring to.

That said as Rollo said above, that is an issue with AFKing in general, and not an issue with hovering at all other than it is the ‘safest’ way to afk, but that again is not a reason to argue against old flight being available.

Also as Rollo said I am on Thrall a full server, and besides expansion launch period, auth server issues, or very rarely immediately after a server being down for whatever reason (Tuesday maint) have I had a queue popup.

Ok boomer, chill your self.

I agree with you. I’ve played 17 years and have ALWAYS hated dragon - I know it’s a “me” thing but I can’t stand the noises they make, how they look, and their size. This expansion for me has been a real horror on many levels.

Had the developers not nerfed Shadowlands on top of it all, I would probably keep playing but the changes is SL (on top of everything else) is the last straw for me. They’re obviously catering to some player demographic and excluding all others. So be it - I’m done. It makes me sad because WOW use to be the one game that was inclusive and welcoming - not anymore.

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  • Truth: most people never visit the forums.
  • Also truth: people who are disappointed and do visit forums are likely to leave their complaints there.
  • Also truth: Most players who left the game during Shadowlands, an expansion that was entirely built around a highly experimental covenant system that Blizzard had every reason to believe in advance was going to be problematic, did not come to the forum to complain. They were part of millions of players who quietly quit. And these people did not come back. Sales of dragonflight were down enough that they had to report to investors.

The idea that an experiment that is designed to force a mandatory new system on players they know is going to be very problematic for some long-term subscribers is “dipping their toes”, when this is the ultimate raid logging expansion intended to keep raiders from ever having to dip their toes into anything is just a pathetic excuse.

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Dragon riding is so amazing, I hate going back to normal slowbie riding. But I agree with those who want old riding to be implemented. Good luck on ever getting to a rare though lol

You can still find afk spots. Just land on the side of mountains. Pretend you’re a :fly:

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I am genuinely curious what impairments would prevent one from being able to use dragonriding. Could you elaborate?

Wait until they open the jet streams to the other continents.

Motion sickness is one, a disability that prevents use of both hands or arms is another, motor skills within the brain is another.

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Hand to eye coordination. Vision issues. Motion sickness, which has only been late and partially addressed by developers.


What queue? Where and when are you waiting in queue? There is literally no point in this game (unless the login servers go down or the minute after servers come back up from maintenance) that you are waiting in queue to get on the servers.

Honestly they should put regular flying in so these people can come back and complain “Everything takes so long to get to because I’m not on my dragon. Its not fair I’m quitting!”

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Sounds like your main motivation to play is based on flying mounts? Maybe you are just over the game.

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typical troll reply from someone who doesn’t understand why players want regular flight keep thinking that way but it is wrong when regular flight is enabled no one who is asking for it will be complaining the trolls who stir the pot may be trolling but they are not who really want want regular flight.


I find it difficult to accept that dragonriding is absolutely unusable by some people who are yet able to somehow play the rest of the game without issue. Regardless, normal flying will be implemented at some point for those who simply are unable to master it. I do sympathize with the motion sickness issue as I myself have a disorder that causes vertigo and motion sickness, but am lucky that I am somehow not affected by dragonriding in any way.

I’m not sure why people are still complaining about this when it has already been stated that they will add normal flying at some point. They also said that it’s unlikely dragon riding will be restricted to the dragon isles in the future but they don’t want mount collections to be obsolete, so I am sure we will have some combination of the two forms in future expansions.


Honestly it’s way too soon to ask for regular flying I’d say, we’re not even in our first major content patch. There’s no way they’d want to have regular flying compete with a big feature of the expansion.

Also trolling aside, I’m all for letting people travel however they want. IMO they should add regular flying to the old content as each patch comes out. 10.1 adding it to base Dragon Isles, 10.2 adding it to those caves, etc.

Honestly this guy says it better than any flame I could throw at you because it fits exactly. I literally said you should get what you want, you don’t have to agree with my perspective of the fallout of your own decisions. I wonder how many other self inflicted things you suffer from and blame others for.

During peak hours on max cap servers you do get ques to get in, especially with new expansions. It isn’t just this that causes issues, but preventing it by removing the way to make it easy for them to afk hover would prevent it when patch hits and get more traffic in, and also prevent on future expacs