Yeah but in fairness you have to be on for like 10 hours to use them all. Or more. Like I was doing nothing but forums all day today and just now ran out. I think that is why you guys think I’m a troll… I’m just here all day and don’t currently play. 8.3 Offers nothing for me, so I only subbed for a month to get some social in… Covid had me getting the blues needed some communication. Subs about to run out in a few days though, so you guys will be rid of me soon for a bit atleast.
I’m kinda fortunate that as a GS frost mage, there really is only one setup for pretty much everything. At least I think so. I can’t imagine changing any of the talents for much. I might be doing slightly better with Ice Floes but I gave up trying to use that ability effectively so I just stick with Shimmer, which does okay.
Yep that’s fair. I wasn’t sure as I could use both of the stats, and it was just tough to find a good answer. That changed though when I just decided to go full ham on everything mastery. xD
I’m embarassed to say that numerous people have tried to help me with raidbots in the past, and I feel like I figure it out at the time, but when it’s time to go back and sim another piece of gear, I’m just kinda lost again. Right now I’m just stacking mastery and hoping for the best.
I’ll take a look and give it a try. I try not to bug people unless absolutely necessary.
Are logs on target dummies considered legitimate sources of info to give to folks for comments/critique on my rotation?
I was crocheting most of the day. My hands are cramping like crazy though so now I have to take a break. Stupid blanket… I should have just bought one but nooo I wanted a hobby.
Honestly, I was regretting this thread a bit for awhile until I seen people started helping you out. I’m glad the community pulled together to help someone in one of my threads. It makes me very happy that I made it. I just want to thank everyone that is helping Shardling out. You guys are all awesome and supportive.
I think the only “exclusive” thing that chaps my hide is the mog limits. Someone once cried on the forums that seeing a paladin in a dress during pvp would really confuse them and hinder the outcome. Mate, did you not play pre-bc?? Paladins were always in dresses for spirit and healing! It’s really not that difficult to see “Oh blue name, that’s a mage.” We don’t pay attention to mogs much in PvP, we watch abilities and kill the healers.
Wait, what are we talking about? Oh right. Give Worgen tails!
Human nature is to want to be better than your peers. That’s why true Communism is presented as an impossible to achieve Utopia: Human desire would prevent everyone putting aside their personal goals for the betterment of everybody.
Like someone said above though it’s not the real top people who do this it’s the wannabes. The ones better than average but not in the same league as the real elite (elite not elitist. Two different words) are the ones that want to constantly prove how superior and better they are than everybody else.
The irony is how they try to defend it by decrying the people against them as entitled and spoiled. Basically saying “know your place peasant” and thinking that playing a game well makes them superior as a person.
Personally I’m against the idea everything needs to have a super hard mode. It doesn’t. But again human nature to better yourself and use that to try and lord it over your peers by thinking it makes you special
best stuff should come from the hardest content
and that’s it
they made some modes piss easy for inclusivity, and if you want better stuff than what they give you have to improve at the game
I must not be a human then.
Maybe I actually am a cat… hm.
Your more human than human, man more human than human.
Blood Elf DH, Cat, close enough right?
Is that… are you quoting White Zombie at me?
Two things (and I’m saying all of this in a friendly way, which you’ll just have to take my word for, I guess, since we’re online and you can’t hear my tone):
1.) It’s NEVER worked that way. From the very beginning, in closed servers, people had reputations for being good or bad. People could tell by looking at your gear whether you were enough for whatever content it was. In leveling dungeons…it was equal opportunity for the most part, and it still is.
But beyond that, there has ALWAYS been gatekeeping in group content. There has always been a bar that was set for entering raid groups, hitting endgame dungeons, or joining a premade BG group. Always.
2.) The harder content has gotten harder. That’s the reason the gatekeeping has gotten more sophisticated. The hardest content in Vanilla was the current tier raid, and NOBODY got into a raid group – guild or otherwise – without the requisite amount of resist gear and gear level. That was the only content that required gear, and so it might have felt like there was less gatekeeping.
As content got more sophisticated and harder to actually clear (remember heroic dungeons in WotLK? They were HARD at first), players had to get more serious about who to bring if they wanted to succeed at the content. We no longer have closed servers, and the people we play with don’t recognize your guild tag or your name. They can’t tell by looking at your item level if you’ve cleared the kind of content they’re trying to clear. Both of those things are meaningless as far as “is this guy gonna help us clear the content, or is he going to prevent us from clearing the content?”
So we look at what you have actually done.
Sure, some people are jerks about it. That’s why I don’t pug, and it’s why I have spent a lot of time curating relationships with my guild mates. We play together to avoid this shenaniganry.
But the gatekeeping has always been there, and it only feels like more today because we have more content that is sophisticated enough to require it.
-shakes the eight ball-
All signs, point to yes.
Generally they’re a lot easier to read in Raid environments, since people can give you advice on whether you’re moving inefficiently to deal with certain mechanics and whatnot.
The fight doesn’t overly matter so long as it’s not a super gimmicky fight, but just make sure you’re picking logs of fights that you feel are representative of where you’re struggling. There’s no point picking a log where you either got the ubernuts and had half a dozen VoP procs in your opener, or one where you died within the first 10 seconds of the boss fight, since neither of those represent your skill.
In Nya, the best fights to log on for help would be Ra-den, Xanesh (if you’re not in the soccer team) and Shad’har.
Difficulty isn’t super important, LFR will do if you wanted to get it done before Raid.
I knew I liked you for a good reason.
Give it a few moments, it’s probably just gas.
I did have a spinach omelette for breakfast, if it is gas y’all better run for the hills.
Why is it wrong for players to want to play with equally gear and skilled players? Why is it expected that someone who works hard should be forced to play with someone who doesn’t care how much damage they do?
After the hard effort I put in why does this the guy next to me just get this for free? Whats the point of putting in all this effort?
Believe it or not man, but people like to work for something. They want to be around others that want to push themselves as well. That is a reason some people play this game and the reason why MMOs are so popular, people like to push themselves and alongside others with the same mindset.
Be inclusive if you want to. Dont force people to.
Save me.
I ask since I can’t really recall many issues I’m having with Ny’alotha fights at the time. I’m mainly a single-target caster but generally know what’s coming and when. My biggest issues in Ny’alotha for the most part are during Wrathion (never really sure where I should be directing stuff when all the shards come out) and Maut (I can’t glacial spike, my 50% of all DPS spell, during the skin phase, it’s a guaranteed one-shot suicide lmao).
Since a lot of the time I am standing still and single-targeting things I figured a dummy log would probably be 95% realistic for most of my Ny’alotha experience. I mostly just wanted to know if presenting that would get me laughed at in polite circles or something.