Why does the alliance tolerate the presence of the manari draenei?

Dread I have to ask, you seem to not really like the Alliance, why do you play as them?

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Almost every single piece of transmog in the entirety of this god forsaken game, including some of the first heritage armors, were designed on human models to look best on human models.

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What would make the mog you are using bad on any skeleton that does not cut out the feet?


Considering how much SL flipped almost all lore on its head, I dont think thats fair.
The writers of Lothraxion had absolutely no idea what others would do with him.

But were talking about a character we will probably never see again in the story so will never know anyway.


it looks best on humies.
forsaken have really terrible shoulder issues, and have ever since… tbc? i think?
the pauldrons float sixteen feet off of shoulders.

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What’s wrong with Orcs and Blood elves? You even have Earthen now, whose model is just basically smaller Human.

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With blood elves, there’s a lot of ear clipping with shoulder armor and of course helms. Because female blood elves are so petite, some textures get weirdly distorted too.

I only have orc girls, and haven’t noticed many issues though.

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I see, I guess I just never noticed because I always hide my shoulders. My problem with the human models is the arms…just looks so goofy to have the forearm as wide as the bicep. They look like Renaissance paintings.


There are some pretty near human skeletons on the Hordeside, Blood Elves, and Nightborne come to mind. as well as Forsaken, if you can get past their posture issues. My Forsaken mage which is my first Horde 80 has a pretty good Elvira look.


Right, blood elves, void elves, dracthyr and orcs standing upright look vastly better.

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Aye, female orc and female dreanei have some of the best skeletons in the game for transmogs. Everything just fits right.

Nothing for other classes.
I’m a WC3 purist when it comes to DK.
Fallen paladins only.


Eyebrows can’t be turned off, look incredibly stupid popping out of helmets.

I have a nightborne (non DK) and I would never cover his face. I picked the sickly one, it looks awesome.

I’m maining forsaken (if you count that I quit, but I mained forsaken all of TWW) and almost all non cloth forsaken mog is trash. Utter garbage. The shoulder nerf makes them look like spit.

Unless you’re a chick. Forsaken women can mog well.

Everyone likes to complain about Man’ari players.
You are in an expansion solely dedicated to fighting against the void, why would you not accept the help of the people who have been literally fighting a war of genocide in order to starve and defeat the void?

The order of decimation was proven futile with Azeroths victory.
Let the hellbleaters at least continue to fight against the Void if you’re not going to kill them.

I don’t think anyone in here has complained about the players at all.


nah i was just wondering to myself about it as i sit here gearing up my demon paladin alt lol

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Look up the faith breakers.
They actually exist within the legion as the sort of anti paladin.


I do not like those players who play a man’ari draino because a draino should be blue!! Also they steal my dps and that is why it is actuaslly so low.

Stupid red drainos.


Man’ari just need a rebranding campaign. Just call them Christmas flavored Draenei.


Excuse you draino is a slur, they prefer being called bleatas or bleaters if you get to know them.
Man’ari are hellbleaters.


And when we are discussing red drainos, it is a very appropriate slur!!

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