Why does the alliance tolerate the presence of the manari draenei?

“look dude i know we are literal demons and spent eons going around scouring planets and committing genocide on countless races but i just wanna say im sorry” to which velen just shrugs and goes “ok” and now they are allowed back into the fold. i can’t help but imagine turalyon’s eyes popping out of his head and steam shooting from his ears as he watches them intermingle with the rest of the people in stormwind


Canonically the Man’ari are on Argus helping clean up the Legion remnants there. They aren’t wandering around Stormwind.


many draenei had no choice when Archimonde and Kil’jaeden sold their race to Sargeras, you had two choices: serve or die. Besides, only a small percentage of Man’ari wanted forgiveness, it wasn’t a sudden change of mind the entire race. They risked everythink to meet Velen. besides, we have elves fighting alongside trolls or DKs walking around Stormwind. If we didn’t forgive, half of the races and alliances would make no sense


I mean, it worked for the Orcs.


I assume Turaylon would be informed with his draenei. :8ball::robot:

They don’t.

The draenei heritage quest makes it abundantly clear that the Penintents (that’s the group name for the apologetic man’ari) are staying on Argus helping the Krokul clean up there. The few that do come to Azeroth are watched at all times by Vindicators.

There aren’t man’ari just walking around Stormwind or Ironforge.


we wasnt demons
manari are literal demons

Because of the power of rule of cool.

Just like the reason they tolerated void elves with literal tentacle hair and voices 24/7 telling them to murder everyone around them and make them into hats.

Or they let in DKs because one guy said it was ok guys, they are cursed walking corpses with a compulsion to cause misery and pain to the living and all, but they are super good guys. Not like those other walking corpses we turned away and shunned a few years prior.


Like Adelaide said, canonically they’re on Argus cleaning house — I’d wager that only a very limited few are actually on Azeroth, perhaps either:

  • Making an amends & serving penance
  • Attempting to right wrongs.
  • Using their vast knowledge on behalf of Velen – Monitoring any renegade demon activity that may emerge with the fall of the Legion and may still yet prove a dire threat to Azeroth …
  • or perhaps by some odd chance they were not given much of a choice in becoming Man’ari and are now reclaiming the life that they were robbed of.
  • As per the above, there could be such with that along with also wanting to repay Velen out of their code of honor and thus be a hero to their people and by extension Azeroth :blush:

Personally, I rather like the the last one — which especially serves as good RP for Man’ari warriors.

:person_shrugging: But either way at the end of the day, the Man’ari amongst the Alliance would be rare — and I’m sure Velen would’ve let the rest of the Alliance know: “Yo, some of these guys are with us now.”

Making one of WoW’s most evil races playable means there are no lines that are too far for recruitment.

We should feel free to recruit San’layn, Fel Orcs, Blood Trolls, K’thir and even the Nathrezim.


Sylvanas made moves to have them join the Horde, but they were ineffective. At least during Alliance questing in BfA.

Each Faction has taken in at least one so far.


With disastrous results. Unless there others like Lothraxxion out there willing to join either side. That would be interesting

“velen said it’s okay”

Jokes aside, playable Man’ari Eredar fall under the same category as Death Knights covered head to toe in saronite armor that’s leaking necrotic energy or warlocks with a floating eredar skull and being followed by a gaggle of demons. i.e. It’s not canon that they’re present in Stormwind.


Because Velen said so.


I wish I could punt this to the top spot or something.

The penitent Man’ari are not attending Anduin’s birthday parties. They’re few in number and clinging onto the thinnest possible thread of trust.


The same question can be asked for:

  • Death Knights
  • Demon Hunters
  • Warlocks
  • Void Elves

And mostly for the Void Elves where they can loose control with their void powers and become “crazy” when Man’ari Eredar don’t.

Velen is alright with this and Turalyon respects Velen so it won’t be problem with this mostly when his wife is a Void Elf and we have Void Elves in Stormwind.

I really hope we could see some Man’ari Eredar in Stormwind one day. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to tell people that Turalyon and Anduin ARE NOT God Emperors of the alliance and the other alliance leaders can allow former members of their own race to rejoin or turn them away as they see fit.


Ok, look. Why are man’ari eredar allowed to walk around Stormwind? The answer is simple, really.

They look freaking cool.

Before he got kidnapped by naga or something, Varian Wrynn made a proclamation; “that which looks cool may join the Alliance”. That’s why the drainos got allowed in, in spite of them looking like demon goat things with tentacle chins. That’s how worgen got allowed in, in spite of terrorizing Duskwood and part of Ashenvale for years. That’s how the Lich King’s former minions, the death knights, got allowed in. Lightforged drainos, elves that play with the void, warlocks, dark iron death metal dwarves who tried to summon Ragnaros in their own basement that one time because they’re that hardcore, and all the rest of the sketchy.

“That which looks cool may join the Alliance.”

Varian wasn’t known for his deep-thinking.


Well us goblins warlocks, yes we are. We openly do it because we don’t care and are just better than everyone else.

But for the rest of the warlocks, barring forsaken, they keep their dark powers hidden. They don’t walk around all decked out like goblins, with my demonic army to protect me and my fel treasures floating beside me and showing off my soul shards.

No, they walk without their demons, the void walker hidden in their shadows, their soul shards in their pockets and their fel treasures in their cloaks.

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The Alliance always used Warlocks (which I always had to headcanon to accept) so the ball was kind of dropped in BfA onwards for allowing any and all means of power for victory.

Alignment boundaries means absolutely nothing to either faction in this game, so any kind of character development or story flavor in that area is off the table.