Why does the alliance tolerate the presence of the manari draenei?

Because Valen probably asked them to.

Alignment is an outdated D&D/Hasbro mechanic,that Pathfinder just jettisoned, not a Warcraft thing.


Pathfinder uses a alignment system, as do other games like SWTOR. Its however more then just a mechanic, character alignments help the reader understand them like classes (tho D&D classes seem much more versatile then WoW). D&D still uses this in later editions and it helps with RP.

Despite if you do away with these concepts the audience will still make them for characters in media. Good storied characters are not morally grey or black and white, they are contrasting shades.

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Your a Earthen. Not a Draenei or Eredar.

maybe duskwood skeletons in the graveyard regret their actions too
time to rejoin the alliance methinks

Pathfinder remastered did away with alignment as part of emphasizing their separtion from Hasbro’s OGL. It’s been replaced with an edicts and anathema system which only hits certain classes.

And they generally don’t fit neatly into any of those nine boxes. I’ve seen good arguments for Batman being good, evil, lawful, AND chaotic.


See, I really like the idea of this. That the Horde and the Alliance have bylaws in their national conglomerates for immediate acceptance.

For the Horde, you just have to explain why your people are being bullied. But for the Alliance, you just have to say you are sorry.

And this is why the Alliance doesn’t acknowledge that the Horde has twice attacked them with little provocation, because if they did, the Horde would just absorb them into the Horde.

And it is why the Horde never formally apologizes for attacking the Alliance, because if so much as a single hive-mind peon walks up to an Alliance soldier and says “me sorry for Horde”, suddenly orcs and trolls and forsaken are given free reign to hang out in Stormwind and dance on their mailboxes.


I did not know this. Even if they don’t have a mechanic, I would assume they still have other standard ways of things talking about alignment.

I’m confused what this means.

As for the batman thing, personally, I think chaotic and lawful are WAY too restrictive and alignments should focus on good and evil.

It’s important to note i’m not talking about some kind of game mechanic, I’m talking about a writing tool for story.

They just simply junked them for the most part, along with drow. Instead things like societies and gods have behaviors they promote and those they condemm.

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I see, well regardless you can still asign good and evil to those behaviors.

Not one thing you mentioned is even a quarter evil as the manari.

They have killed or enslaved every planet they’ve ever encountered but azeroth. and soul enslaved or soul eaten children. There is little in Warcraft that is anywhere near as evil as manari.

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As a group yes, as individuals, that’s a case by case basis. The same reason we didn’t hold every single German culpable for the acts of the Post-Weimar Germany. The fact that you can make them means that Valen considered you a case for redemption and sold the Alliance on it

If you can make it, it’s canon. Blizzard however won’t always tell you why it’s canon.


Turalyon accepts Velen’s wisdom and he personally knows a former Demon now a general within the Army of the Light. Have you forgotten Lothraxion? The Draenei forgiving the Man’ari and them finding the Light and being REDEEMED. That’s Turalyon’s ideology. He truly believes in this and so do many of the leaders within the Alliance.



Shadowlands lore makes Lothraxion the most suspicious and untrustworthy Dreadlord to date

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Alliance stan so hard up for the alliance that he tries to remind you of the biggest evil dreadlord in a decade.


Yes, but does Turalyon agree? We know it as players who ventured the Shadowlands. Does he? Even if he did, would he give the benefit of the doubt to the Man’ari redeemed? I would say so. If for no other reason is because he trusts Velen’s judgment.


They could cleave a little closer to that idea by doing a WoW version of Operation: Paperclip and have the Man’ari take a look at that big freaking demon sword stuck in the planet. Could be an interesting take but so far from the Draenei heritage questline their whole 10K years of demon magic sort of just boils down to a handful of abilities that every level 10 human that’s been a warlock since breakfast might know and some (warranted) emotional baggage.

Agreed. This guy is supposedly on our side but never once gave us a heads up on what Dreadlords actually were? Definitely suspicious.


To me it was the entire perspective awakening that to us, a dreadlord accepting the Light is a cosmic miracle, and to the Nathrezim… It was just another Tuesday in the covert ops department.

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The line is pretty thin. At what point does one BECOME a demon, exactly? We know mortals can be transformed into demons, after all.

Regardless, the Orcs worked FOR the Legion (unwittingly, but still).

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