Why does pre-patch gear look so bad?

Looks like actual armor


I like the low-fantasy, simpler look of the gear. There needs to be more of it in the game. As much as I love the flashy, over-the-top gear we get in raids and PVP I adore more simple looks, as well.

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I wouldn’t say all gear is ugly since tmog is as introduced. Basically everything in blackrock foundry is worth acquiring because it looks great. The same can be said for nighthold. That raid really delivered on the mogs. But then you look at Uldir or Eternal Palace. Ooh my god everything from eternal palace is is ugly. And it makes no sense. We’re talking about queen azshara’s house. She’s evil yes but she’s also as elegant as she is evil. Even though she didn’t get the treatment she deserved she still remains interesting. Yet everything from the raid that features her is either unremarkable or appallingly ugly. Same for covenant renown stuff. Night fae mail is gorgeous. Night fae leather is so plain I don’t even understand. Necrolord mail is ugly as crap. Kyrian mail actually looks really good. Of course everything I’m saying is my opinion but overall it’s become evident that they don’t pay quite as much attention to detail as they used to. But when they try they still do so well. And when they don’t try they make sure you know they didn’t try. It’s that second sentence I don’t understand.

This thread is outdated and didn’t age well the pre patch gear is essentially a recolor of the dragon isle questing gear.

Uh ?

Did you read the thread ?

This thread is on point.

This is exactly what Sentenza said.

I was responding to the original post saying that the green armor wasn’t the pre patch armor set that you’ll be getting.

Also, what is wrong having the leveling gear when it’s back to ordinary fantasy like game of thrones or lord of the rings.

Yeah, it isn’t.

Thus this thread isn’t outdated.

The green recolor of invasion gear looks way cooler.

Well I don’t agree with your view. And I am glad that blizzard is not the one who can see from my point of view.

You said the thread was outdated and didn’t age well, but then proceeded to say the same thing Sentenza did and the situation is just as Sentenza described ?

How is that “a point of view” ? The thread isn’t outdated or did it “not age well” since it’s 100% accurate still.

How was I describing the same as the OP when he said the green armor set looks better than say the fantasy armor sets when it looks better than the green set.

In terms of what I said “from my point of view” is that blizzard thought the same like I did the basic fantasy gear is better looking than that of the green set.

I feel you don’t know what “outdated” and “did not age well” mean.

Say whatever you want but the green armor set he posted and wowhead thought that was the pre patch event armor set when it’s wrong. But most likely he was using it as a comparison but even then he is still wrong to think the green set looks better than the basic fantasy set.

I don’t want the best looking armor right away. Something new is still interesting. And it’s more than we got for SL and Legion. Hell for some reason they even gave the legion pre-patch armor, which was a recolour of some WoD armor, its own place on the armor set list! I never understood that.

I actually think this is some of the best prepatch gear we’ve gotten. I really like it

Yes, that’s what he said. That’s literally what Sentenza said. Thus his info is neither “outdated” nor as it “not aged well”. His info is accurate and up to date.

Even so, his thought process to think his idea is the right one when I oppose and it seem blizzard agrees with my ideals to think the green set is ugly than the basic fantasy set.

His opinion about the gear’s appearance is his own, and Blizzard doesn’t necessarily agree with you or him on appearance. We don’t know Blizzard’s opinion of which gear set looks best.

It’s more probably Blizzard thought the green invasion recolor was actually too good for pre-patch and thus decided to keep it for something else.

I highly doubt it I bet most likely they have scraped the green set and never looked back.

Nah dude, it’s on PTR listed as a World drop :

So it’s def coming in 10.0.

The red version is the crafted gear :

I don’t care if it comes from the world if people like it they can grind for it. But for me I’ll be wearing the quest gear sets.