Just look at how they’re so allergic to making regular hoods and cloaks. There’s maybe 4 regular hood models across all armor types. Of course none are truly black, and all of them are covered in spikes, chains, murlocs, and other hats.
Yeah. I personally don’t care about the ilvl, but having said that, the fact that the ilvl is pitiful is basically like a nail in the coffin for this content when the mog is so awful. Weak gear + it looks terrible + it is a grind to acquire = what’s the point?
If it were up to me, I’d make this gear substantially cheaper at the 252 variant, then add a new tier of gear that’s like 278 ilvl that uses the mentioned Green Dragonflight tmog and make that more time-consuming to grind out. Let players earn the full 252 gear in a few hours, and then players can degen away for 278.
Like, let’s be honest, no one’s feelings will be hurt if open-world players can earn 278 gear 5 weeks before the new patch. I promise you Ion, as someone who plays M+ I care zero % if Timmy can earn 278 gear from open-world stuff. I really, really do not care at this point.
So the pre-patch event is just the same gear as DF leveling greens? Maybe a different tint?
This is so disappointing.
Basically. The SL prepatch gear was ilevel 100. My open world N’zoth invasion gear was ilevel 87, iirc.
I dunno, looks fine to me.
That is correct. The pre-patch gear is just a different tint of DF leveling greens.
I really like the questing sets. the plate set especially.
The pre-patch set? Oh god no
Legion’s pre-patch used a Black/Green color of the WoD crafted sets which most people will agreee are so very good looking set (so much so, most people are pissed right now you can’t craft them anymore).
That gear looks sick.
Why are we getting scammed with DF pre-patch, and why are people eating this up?
Yeah, idk who keeps greenlighting all this type of gear in favor of something that’d look simplistic in color…
Imagine for instance if we could get those coat models that some npcs and the Kul’tiran heritage set is based on… or actual full hoods
To be fair, Shadowlands also kinda screwed people, they just used a PvP set from BfA S1. While it looks good, most people already had a full mog collected :
But yeah, using leveling gear ? That’s just sad man.
Personally, I feel the effort put into most gear has lacked since the introduction of Transmog.
Well yes, that is the one moderately good looking set. But the rest have been garbage in my experience
All gear is garbage looking since forever now. I do remember some quest gear looking okay in tbc/vanilla only expansions didn’t have this problem bout it. Quest gear dungeon gear preparch gear garbage.It’s just another blizz way to make you either raid currently or after to get any good looking gear.
All gear is garbage looking since forever now.
You’re literally using a Shadowlands mog.
This ain’t quest gear now is it or prepatch imagine making all covenant gear garbage so no one would get anima.
At least its a unique model, sl prepatch was just dread gladiator plate lol
I’m glad it isn’t some FOMO pre-patch reward.
I do wish they were a little more interesting though. At least the plate one looks alright, imo. Very IRL-esque old knight armor.
I do think it is a mistake to hold off on Evokers. It is a 1 month pre-patch. That isn’t a lot of time. Especially if you only log in a couple of times per week.
If by unique model you mean it is a model that everyone will have after playing through the mandatory/forced MSQ in a recolor that isn’t even particularly memorable, sure.
I mean it’s a new model i don’t have in my collection that i can make new mogs with using the new pieces
Sl prepatch was even more disappointing because i already had the gear in my collection from pvp