Why does pre-patch gear look so bad?

Ok, just stop saying completely wrong stuff though. You do you and enjoy whatever mog you want.

I was only guessing at first and plus I only skimmed through the collection tab. So yeah I didn’t know.

Dragonflight has some amazing sets, I think the ones you linked look good.

And clearly you aren’t overly concerned with how your character looks.

He’s wearing his mage tower set. Seems to care a bit to me.

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Why does pre-pach gear look so bad?

Probably because it doesn’t and you are over reacting. There are hundreds of hideous sets in wow right now, good sets are actually a very rare exception. These sets are actually quite cool for niche transmogers. They are very basic, realistic and focused on their armor types. Except the cloth one, it is really insidious.

Plate looks nice the rest yeah nah

I’m aware and arguably it’s worse than the sets linked, he’s also got a tabard that clashes and a poor choice of weapon.

There’s no accounting for taste I suppose.

WoW forums: FOMO is killing the game!!!
Also WoW forums: Give us better looking FOMO gear!!!

In all case, those two sets (whit those exact colors) are still awarded in the open world in DF, one from dungeons drops and expeditions, the other from rare mobs and harder expeditions. They would not be affected by FOMO. In this case, it’s only a mater of having a cool or a weak reward for the Pre-patch event. For once, even after the pre-patch or even the expansion, you will be able to get those rewards.

You people support exclusivities for the longest time not until now you same people now have issues with it. Just wow.

I never thought about that. Maybe because you learned it as an ensemble? /shrug

I’m sorry
you’re going to have to rephrase this.

Okay. Your type of people always moan and whine about exclusive staying and when they (blizzard) removed them y’all do the exact same whine and moan when they do go away. It’s like your type of people can’t seem to stay on the same page because to me personally you people can’t seem to stand your ground on something.

I hope they make the matching cloaks available at some point, though. I hate it when they don’t implement the full sets into the game, like where’s the Antorus Rogue boots for instance? Why were the LFR and Mythic recolors of the boots never implemented?

They didn’t even put the missing Antorus raid gear appearances on the Legion Timewalking vendor. They’re just forever unimplemented, and probably completely forgotten by the devs.

None of those sets are actually that bad. But if you don’t like them, you’re free to mog them back to T20 or whatever, so no big deal.

Y’all will literally complain about anything lol.

This made me giggle pretty hard. :joy:

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I’m not going to be lectured about taste by a Vulpera, lol.

Pretty sure the art team has not working on Warcraft since legion.

No armor set in bfa or shadowlands has been even remotely good

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I seem to remember something from nelf archaeology called Azshara’s Dressing Gown, and apparently her fashion taste was iffy even thousands of years ago.