Why would you want the good-looking sets to be on a limited-time event at the same time people are trying to finish up their Shadowlands content? Shouldn’t good-looking sets be something people can actually get?
We need more simple sets. Not everything needs to be covered in RGB.
I get your argument but you just sort of played yourself. If it was time-limited that would really warrant being good looking cause of fomo.
FOMO for cool things creates hype. FOMO of something lame… meh. Considering the collection aspect is the main gameplay of prepatch, that’s a big bummer imo.
this… completely… also i think Blizzard has an aversion to making sets of any kind that are just … simply … black in color
(kills my warlock vibe i tell ya)
Yeah, if a FOMO prepatch transmog is what people believe should draw others to a new expansion, then…
Unobtainable stuff that 60-80% of people end up getting might as well not even be removed.
Ahhhh…the issues with speculation. It often disappoints in the end. My thoughts and prayers are with as you navigate through this difficult period.
Quest gear is not supposed to look good, never did, never will.
As for the pre patch gears (there has been alot of green gear lately) I guess someone on the dev team favorite color is green.
That’s fine. I believe the original sets we were shown are better and more unique, like prepatch used to be and I believe should be.
I don’t want “fine” for a prepatch. The entirr point of prepatch is awesome build up and exciting things to do and get.
What do you not like about it.
It’s ugly, bland, boring, bad coloration and the same exact set we get from questing.
Edit: My bad, I see the part about the pre-patch event on PTR now. I get it!
The plate set actually looks good
Seriously. This is supposed to be the event that gets us jazzed up for the expansion. Let’s look at what is part of the event.
New Class, but only matters if you want to play that new class.
New Talent Trees, but what are you doing with those new talent trees?
A new dungeon. Okay sure, but how many times do you really want to run the same 5-man dungeon for the next 5 weeks?
And then finally the big juicy bit, the outdoor invasions coupled with the currency farm for the new mogs and toy. Except… the mogs look like so why would you possibly want to farm these? Especially when you can just farm heroics for comparable gear or M0s for superior gear? The rate of acquisition isn’t even that fast from what I’ve seen on the PTR so it isn’t like this is an advantage to farm. You’re better off farming Shadowlands content for higher ilvl gear and also working towards Shadowlands mogs which look much better than this stuff, which you’ll get pretty similar recolors of playing through the mandatory MSQ anyways.
The big hype for this whole event was those yummy Green Dragonflight mogs to go with your pre-purchased Green Dragonflight mount. Only… we don’t get these awesome mogs anymore. The only reason I can possibly imagine for nerfing these mogs was that Blizzard thought if you could get these green dragonflight mogs during pre-patch, people would be less inclined to farm the Blue Dragonflight Variant from the level 70 version of this events in DF. Which is like… maybe? But if you collect mogs you might have wanted both the Blue and Green variant anyways. I know I will probably want to farm the Blue level 70 version of the Dragonflight mogs in DF since they’re not time-gated when I’m not doing M+, but I would have liked the Green version as well.
The cloth quest armor sets are ugly af lol. They’re including a shirt/pants option, but they still made the pants, boots, and gloves look as undetailed and generic as possible. Looks like they’re also cutting corners as usual by creating gear that looks like it’s pasted onto your character’s body vs. having actual depth and texture. Like, that cloth belt is just sad.
I am pretty pissed that the ilevel is so low.
My only gripe with them is that they look WAY too Human focused. But… Robeless cloth! Not bad!
I actually like the plate set because it’s the old knight armor look.